Looking to get started with a full-body workout plan but not sure where to begin? Follow this beginner workout routine and you’ll be on your way to getting fit in no time.

It can be tough to commit to a fitness routine or start working out again. After all, who has the time to go to the gym, pay for personal fitness classes, or search for free activities? Luckily, there are many ways to get fit that don’t require special equipment, a personal trainer, or a second job.
Even better? These are also great alternatives to a structured fitness program to help you lose weight and get fit. All you need is a routine and motivation, and you’re good to go!
If you’re planning to start working out again, do it right.
The best way to get started with a full-body workout routine is to find a program that fits your individual needs and goals. We’ve put together this beginner workout plan, which you can follow regardless of your fitness level or experience.
Looking to get started with a full-body workout plan but not sure where to begin? Try this beginner workout routine. #workoutsforwomen #beginnersworkout #workoutroutine #athomeworkouts #fitness #exercise
Level 1
If you’re just getting started with exercise or haven’t been active in a while, this is the level for you. The workouts in level 1 are designed to get you moving and help you build up your endurance and strength. Strength training is essential for everyone, no matter your fitness level.
Level 2
This level is for people who have been working out regularly but are looking for a challenge. The workouts in level 2 are more intense and will help you continue to build your strength and endurance.
Whole-body workouts are the best way to tone all of your muscles and burn calories. And, they don’t require any special equipment or a lot of time.
Level 3
This is the most advanced level and is perfect for people who are already very active and fit. The workouts in level 3 are designed to push your limits and help you take your fitness to the next level.
Remember, it’s essential to warm up before any workout, so be sure to do some light stretching or cardio before getting started.
And if you have any medical conditions or injuries that could be affected by exercise, please consult your doctor before starting this or any other workout program.
Level 1: Beginner’s Workout
- Light cardio
- Walking, jogging, biking, elliptical (5-10 minutes)
- Dynamic stretching
- Leg swings, arm circles, side bends, torso twists (3-5 minutes)
Main Set
- Bodyweight Squats (15 reps)
- Rest for 30 seconds between sets
- Pushups (10 reps)
- Rest for 30 seconds between sets
- Walking Lunges (10 reps per leg)
- Rest for 30 seconds between sets
- Crunches (20 reps)
- Rest for 30 seconds between sets
- Side Plank (30 seconds per side)
- Rest for 30 seconds between sets
- Repeat the main set 2-3 times
- Static stretching
- Legs, hips, back, chest, shoulders (5-10 minutes)
Level 2: Intermediate Workout
- Light cardio
- Walking, jogging, biking, elliptical (5-10 minutes)
- Dynamic stretching
- Leg swings, arm circles, side bends, torso twists (3-5 minutes)
Main Set
- Bodyweight Squats (15 reps)
- Pushups (10 reps)
- Walking Lunges (10 reps per leg)
- Crunches (20 reps)
- Side Plank (30 seconds per side)
- Repeat the main set 2-3 times
- Static stretching
- Legs, hips, back, chest, shoulders (5-10 minutes)
Level 3: Advanced Workout
- Light cardio
- Walking, jogging, biking, elliptical (5-10 minutes)
- Dynamic stretching
- Leg swings, arm circles, side bends, torso twists (3-5 minutes)
Main Set
- Bodyweight Squats (15 reps)
- Pushups (10 reps)
- Walking Lunges (10 reps per leg)
- Crunches (20 reps)
- Side Plank (30 seconds per side)
- Repeat the main set 2-3 times
- Static stretching
- Legs, hips, back, chest, shoulders (5-10 minutes)
Tips For Beginners
Instead of jumping into a traditional gym routine, it’s better to start from the beginning. The idea is to build a fitness program from the ground up rather than trying to change everything at once.
This way, you’ll be able to stick to it and see results faster.
Here are some tips:
Take It Easy At First
You want to start slow and ease into a fitness routine, as with most things. This will reduce the risk of injury and allow you to build up your endurance. You can also take advantage of your time in the gym by focusing on compound movements.
When starting a workout routine, it’s important to focus on the major muscle groups in your body. These areas will give you the most bang for your buck and help you see results faster. The upper body includes the chest, back, shoulders, and arms. The lower body consists of the legs, glutes, and core.
Start With Light Weights
When you begin working out, it’s a great idea to start with light weights. This way, you’ll be able to feel the resistance without straining yourself. You won’t burn out so quickly if you’re only working with a lighter weight. You can also use the same weight for multiple exercises.
Whether you want to lose weight or just get fit, you want to start small. For example, if you’re going to tone your arms, you don’t want to use too heavy of a weight. Instead, pick up a pair of lighter weights and do sets lasting no longer than 30 seconds.
This way, you’ll be able to feel the muscles you’re working on while still having a low risk of overtraining. A weight training program for beginners should always focus on form over weight.
Focus On Compound Movements
Rather than spending hours doing endless cardio routines, it’s much better to focus on compound exercises. This will increase your cardiovascular endurance and help you burn fat faster.
Compound movements involve multiple joints at once, so they’re so effective for building a specific muscle group. For example, rather than spending hours doing endless crunches, pick up a medicine ball and do some overhead throws.
Cardio will benefit your health, but it should be done after your workout. The same goes for resistance training; you don’t want to skip out on compound movements in favor of machines. This will only reduce your results and increase the risk of injury.
Go To The Gym At Least Three Times A Week
When you’re trying to get fit, you want to include a gym visit at least three times a week. This will help you to build muscle while also allowing you to lose fat.
It’s essential to focus on compound movements in the gym and keep a consistent weight training schedule. This will allow for muscle growth while also losing body fat.
Try picking up a HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) routine when it comes to cardio. This can be done at home or the gym, and it’s a great way to burn fat and get fit. A full-body workout plan for beginners should always be done at least three times a week.
Include Cardio Training On Most Days
Cardio is vital for overall health, but it’s also highly effective for getting fit. This is because it allows you to build cardiovascular endurance and helps you to burn fat and build muscle.
There are many different ways to include cardio training in your routine. This can have anything from walking to HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) routines.
It’s important to remember that cardio training should be a larger part of your routine than the only thing you do in the gym.
Make Healthy Food Choices
As with any fitness routine, it’s important to include healthy food choices. This will allow you to get the nutrients you need and increase the likelihood of sticking with a routine.
Before you head to the grocery store, write down a list of what you want to buy. This will help you stay focused and prevent you from wandering around aimlessly.
It’s also a good idea to make healthy food choices at home before heading out. This way, you won’t be tempted to indulge in unhealthy foods. There are a few things to keep in mind in terms of what to eat.
Plenty Of Protein
Protein is the building block of muscles, and it’s essential for building muscle and staying healthy. This is why it’s recommended to include plenty of protein in your diet.
Lots Of Vegetables
Vegetables are essential for a healthy diet, and they also happen to be one of the most nutrient-dense foods.
Healthy Fats
Healthy fats are a nutrient that is often lacking in a diet that is high in protein and vegetables.
Take A Day Off Here And There
Your fitness routine is only as good as the days you don’t put in. This is why it’s important to take a rest day now and then. Otherwise, you’ll never have time to rest and recover, which will only lead to injury and burnout.
This also allows you to freshen up your routine and provide your body with rest. This will help you avoid overtraining and prevent you from burning out.
While it’s important to take a break now and then, you don’t want to skip out on your fitness routine too often. This will only lead to burnout and injury, which will make it much harder to get back into shape.
Stay Motivated
Finally, it’s important to remember that your routine is only as good as the motivation you provide for yourself. This means that it’s important to stay motivated and excited about your fitness plans.
Otherwise, it’s important not to go too hard too fast when starting a new fitness program. This can lead to injuries, burnout, and discouragement. Instead, start slow and gradually increase the intensity of your workouts as you get more comfortable.
Final Thoughts
The most important thing to remember when starting a new fitness routine is to be patient. It takes time to see results, and Rome wasn’t built in a day.
Just because you don’t see results immediately doesn’t mean that you should give up. Remember to enjoy the process and focus on the journey, not the destination. Soon enough, you’ll be on your way to reaching your fitness goals.
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