fitness 579 results

I’m Too Old For This Workout

This workout had me crawling out of the gym.  I mean...literally on hands and knees crawling past folks coming in the door! Equipment needed:  Hamstring curl machine Stepmill Bosu ball First Set Exercise Reps Weight Hamstring curl 12 60 lbs Hamstring curl - top half 12 60 lbs Hamstring curl - pulses 12 30 lbs Walking ...

Fitness Idol – Jade Teta and Jill Coleman

A few nights ago on Facebook the Metabolic Effect team hosted a 1 hour Q&A session with Jade Teta who is one of the authors of The Metabolic Effect Diet book.  He is a biochemist, holistic physician and personal trainer!  Phew!  The session was wonderful and it looked like he responded to each and every person's questions.  I was impressed ...

Heart Rate Monitor Watch

About 3 weeks ago I posted about losing my beloved Sportline heart rate monitor.  I have no idea how I lost it.   I went running with a friend from college, documented my workout in Runkeeper and then went to the grocery store.  We returned, we made smoothies and then she was on her way.  Well I looked high and low for that puppy and could ...

In The Gym with Jaquelyn Kastelic

I first read about Jaquelyn in a fitness magazine.  It was near the end of last year and there was this article about a petite woman who lifts MASSIVE weights so I read her story.  I was impressed with her ever since.  I have "liked" her page on Facebook, figured out when I will be able to try her Crossfit "box" located in Virginia (haven't ...

HIIT the Hills Routine

Ok I am not going to will be WHIPPED after this one but it will be all worth it!  If anyone is like me (I'm currently working on Operation Bikini Bahamas) then to achieve my current fitness goals will require some heavy-handed workouts!  If you are with me, and have your own personal fitness mission for the summer leave a comment and ...

Get It In Workout

Typically once a week I workout with a trainer and a friend of mine together in a group.  Below is one of the workouts she had for us. Equipment Needed: Water Towel Positive attitude Row machine Cable machine Exercise Reps Weight Cable Machine Squat   position row 12 22.5 lbs Lunge back   row 12 22.5 lbs Standing   chest ...

Are We Done Yet Workout

So today we hit the Smith Machine pretty hard.  I was a bit winded due to the extended weekend of lazying around and hanging out at the amusement park but I got up early and pushed on.  Didn't help that I only got about 5.5 hours of sleep last night.  I know I know I must do better but was watching the movie "Contraband" and just had to see ...

A Quickie

During a holiday weekend like this weekend it can be a challenge making time to work out when spending time with family and friends BUT here is a quickie workout that will at least allow you to achieve some activity for the day even if it doesn't burn all of the extra calories you may be consuming during this fun time! ENJOY and let me know ...

I Was Hating Life Today

Today, the alarm clock did NOT go off but m body clock woke me up instead.  I opened my eyes, stared at the curtained window in the dark while the clock time announced5:05 am...and I was not happy! I was tired still and did not want to leave the warmth and comfort of my cozy bed at such a God-awful time of morning.  So I contemplated rolling ...

No Future in Your Frontin’ Workout

This workout is one of my favs because I enjoy the multi-faceted usage of the cable machine. Equipment needed: Cable machine Balance ball Leg press Dumbbells First Set Exercise Reps Weight Cable machine –   squats, shoulder presses 10 10 Cable machine – squat   position, alternating shoulder presses 20 ...

Push Up Variations

I enjoy watching Peter Carvell, Home Fitness Expert, of 6 Pack Abs.  I've been watching his challenging videos for well over a year and he keeps things interesting.  I bet you noticed I said "watching".  I haven't actually tried a specific routine but have done each and every exercise he has showcased on my own in the gym during a variety of ...

I Feel Good Workout

Today was my workout day with my trainer Heather who is FANTASTIC!  Anyway, felt good today and was ready to get active and challenge myself.  Heather never ceases to disappoint. Unfortunately the gym environment felt a little hot and muggy which always makes me crabby but hey it was 6:00 am in the morning and it takes a while for the A/C to ...

Shake Your Booty

Sarah Dussault, better known as SarahFit is one of Femme Fitale's favorite fitties!!!!  Here is a video of her participating in some hot new fitness trends (Cardio Dance and Crossfit).  I do plan to participate in Crossfit one day!!  It looks so challenging and amazing. Anywho - check her out.

Bust Your Butt Workout

Exercise Weight Reps Walking lunges 40 lbs 12 reps Squats 40 lbs 12 reps Shoulder presses (palms facing each other) 40 lbs 12 reps Alternating bicep curls 15 lbs each 30 reps Kick backs 20 lbs each 15 reps Calf raises 40 lbs 50 reps REPEAT Box jumps NA 15 reps Wall sit NA ...

What I’m Listening To

When I workout I need some heart-pounding, body-rocking, bass-thumping music in my ears.  My propensity for the BASS comes from my years spent at one of the best universities in the country, Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University! Go Rattlers!!! So let's go...this is what I am listening to this week.  I tend to rotate my music about ...

Longevity Workout (FitnessRx Magazine)

Keep it fit by working this full body workout as instructed below.  Nothing ventured, nothing gained...Let's GO!

Femme Fitale Fever Workout

Happy Workout Wednesday!!!! Every Wednesday I will post one of my most favorite workouts designed by my personal trainer.  Please note, before starting any workout program check with your physician.  Also, please adjust the weights to your fitness level.  The weights noted in these workouts were set based on my fitness level at the time the ...

Cardio Routine

Cardio is one of the best ways to improve stamina and endurance.  You have to play and go hard to get the results you desire.  Femme Fitales don't give up and are not afraid of a little hard work and sweat.  Let me know if you complete the following cardio routine and how you feel afterwards by leaving a comment. Nothing ventured, nothing ...