Let’s have some fun tightening and toning with this Skinny Jeans Fitness Challenge.

What Is This Challenge
This is an overall healthy habits and wellness challenge to help those individuals who have had difficulty fitting their favorite clothes. This challenge focuses on reducing inches from the body vs. reducing pounds because weight loss is not the only indicator of good health.
Are you looking for a fun fitness challenge to help jump start your workout regimen? Join our new Skinny Jeans Fitness Challenge. Pull out a pair of your favorite jeans you can no longer fit and get to work to lose inches in the next 30 days. #skinnyjeanschallenge
Why Do This Skinny Jeans Fitness Challenge
If you have always wanted to get started working out, let alone fit into your favorite pair of jeans then you want to participate in this challenge. We are going to use the next 30 days to focus on incorporating the healthy habits required to help us fit into our favorite pair of skinny jeans as well as get a jump start on the January fitness buffs.
Who Can Participate
If you are breathing, you can participate in this challenge. It is for all fitness levels. As long as you are 18+ years, you can take part.
Where To Participate
The workouts below are provided as an option for you to perform to assist you in staying consistent with this challenge. You can perform these workouts at home, in the gym, outdoors or wherever you feel comfortable with minimal equipment.
How Does It Work
Here’s how it works. On the first day of the challenge you take a picture of your favorite pair of skinny jeans. You can also try them on and take a pic of your starting point. Post a pic on social media of your jeans or you attempting to wear them. Use hashtag #SkinnyJeansChallenge preferably on Instagram, Tik Tok and Facebook. Then begin to follow the recommended healthy habits to start losing inches due to overall body fat reduction.
Benefits Of The Skinny Jeans Fitness Challenge
If you are consistent with this challenge you may experience more energy, sounder sleep, clearer skin and a reduction of inches from your total body including waist, back, hips, legs and arms.
Challenge Rules
- Follow the workout calendar
- Follow the healthy habits
- Join our FREE online fitness accountability group at https://facebook.com/groups/femmefitale
- Use hashtag #SkinnyJeansChallenge when posting your selfies and progress
- Share this post and invite friends to join you on this challenge
- Follow me on TikTok https://TikTok.com/@FemmeFitaleFitClub and Instagram https://Instagram.com/FemmeFitaleFitclub to get exercise demonstrations
- Comment below that you are participating
- Have fun! Life is short so have fun with this challenge

You don’t have to follow this calendar as it is simply a recommendation. If you have a workout program you are already following, by all means continue to follow that.

I am excited about this challenge and I hope you are too so pull out those jeans that may be too tight now, because in 30 days you WILL fit those skinny jeans.
Who is joining the challenge?
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