5 Morning Routines to Boost Energy

If you feel sluggish in the morning try these 5 morning routines that is sure to help you give a burst of lasting energy. "I'm tired." It's a complaint you've heard countless times before from your friends, family, partner, children, and co-workers. You're likely guilty of uttering the expression a time or two, or 100, yourself. Why are ...

30-Day Squat And Skip Fitness Challenge

Join us for this fun 30-day squat and skip challenge that will tone your glutes while giving you a healthier heart.

Featured Fitale – Robin Mills

Read how and why Robin started her weight loss transformation journey and how she stays focused and motivated. #weightloss #weightlossjourney Please introduce yourself to our readers I am Robin Mills, a proud mother of two beautiful children. I am a travel bartender and co-owner of Double Dose (A Mobile Bartending Business) My hobbies ...

Home Exercise Equipment Basics

If you are building out a home gym then here are some home exercise equipment basics everyone should own. Before you keep reading join my FREE online fitness accountability support group on Facebook and enjoy free workouts, fitness challenges and health tips along with 44,000 other motivated and inspiring women. If you have decided ...

No Sugar Challenge – 30 Days

This 30-day No Sugar Challenge focuses on helping you ween off of over consuming added sugar as well as break your sugar addiction to improve overall good health and wellness.  Who's ready? 30-Day No Sugar Challenge Disclaimer:  Participate in this challenge at your own risk.  Before starting any new fitness or nutrition program consult with ...

In The Gym With Monica Latasha Graham

Meet Monica Latasha Graham who is a yoga instructor and the founder and creator of the the Yoga HIIT yoga mats.  She shares how she got started practicing yoga and also the benefits. FFFC:  Tell our readers about yourself. My name is Monica Latasha Graham and I am 48 years old. I have been involved in the fitness industry for over ...

Featured Fitale – Jomira Hollings

Read how and why Jomira started her weight loss transformation journey and how she stays focused and motivated. #weightloss #weightlossjourney Please introduce yourself to our readers Hey, My name is Jomira. I’m a mom & work full time with individuals who have intellectual/developmental disabilities. What sparked your weight-loss transfor...

Featured Fitale – Mesha

Read how and why Mesha started her weight loss transformation journey and how she stays focused and motivated. #weightloss #weightlossjourney   Please introduce yourself to our readers Hi everyone ! My name is Mesha , but you can call me Meesh for short ! I haven't always been the most in shape, but after having my daughter, my weight ...

How to Safely Return to the Gym

If you are ready to get back into the gym during the COVID-19 pandemic after getting fully vaccinated, do so safely with these 5 tips. Staying active is essential for long-term health and fitness. The last thing you want to do, however, is put your health at risk while trying to do something good. Now that many gyms are in the process of ...

Why You Should Start Strength Training in Your 60’s and Beyond

The World Health Organization states that ‘Muscle-strengthening activities should be done involving major muscle groups on 2 or more days a week’. This post will explain the benefits if you to adhere to this recommendation and the steps you can take to start your strength training journey. Why Should You Do Strength Training? A common ...

Featured Fitale – Claudia Rodriguez

Read how and why Claudia started her weight loss journey and how she stays focused and motivated. #weightloss #weightlossjourney

How To Jump Rope For Weight Loss

Learn the different techniques you can use to jump rope and lose weight. Jumping rope is one of the best yet underrated forms of cardio around.  World-class athletes do it from boxers, football players, crossfitters and MMA fighters.  The reason being is because it blasts fat while helping to improve endurance, coordination and agilit...

Featured Fitale – Rashawn Berry

Find out the effective techniques Rashawn used to get started on her fitness journey to obtain her amazing results. . When The Light Bulb Went Off In February 2019, I weighed 225 pounds and I was not pleased with myself.  I was 220 pounds when I delivered my almost 11 pounds baby in 2004 and that was the heaviest I had ever ...

Featured Fitale – Carla Parson

Find out how Carla started her fitness journey to obtain her amazing results. . Please introduce yourself to our readers. My name is Carla Parson, and I'm a Sterile Processing Technician at Beaumont Hospital in Farmington Hills, Michigan. I'm 30 years old, and I've been happily married for 3.5 years. Currently, my hobbies are ...

Flat Tummy App Review: New Year, New Decade, And New You

If you are a woman on the go and don’t have a lot of time but need to make sure you are looking like a snack out here in these streets then check out my Flat Tummy App review. It’s a new year and a new decade and as a personal trainer I work with 100’s of on-the-go women who don’t have a lot of time but want to stay healthy and fit. ...

Featured Fitale – Tina

Find out how Tina started her fitness journey and changed her life for good. “This health journey is a daily, sometimes hourly battle & you have to change your mind set, food intake, circle of people around you & REMEMBER ITS FOR YOUR OWN HEALTH not a number or ‘size’…  It’s hard to believe that I’ve gone from a ...

30 Days Of Intimacy Challenge And Benefits

If you want more intimacy and to spruce up your loving yet mundane and boring love life with your spouse or significant other then this challenge is for you.  Take the 30 Days Of Intimacy Challenge and change your relationship for the better My friend shared with me a 30 Day Sex Challenge she and her husband tried a few years ago.&nb...

5 Ways to Maximize Your Workouts

Your time is valuable so whether you’re squeezing in a quick at-home workout or planning a long sweat session at the gym, you should always try to make the most out of your workouts. Often, there are only a few small changes we have to make to our workout plans to make them the most effective they can be. From eating nutritious foods to ...

Why Runners Should Pay Attention to Body Posture

Listen up all avid runners, read this article to ensure your body posture and alignment are in order while out on your daily runs. Many often enjoy running as it comes with plenty of health benefits. However, if not done correctly, it could lead to serious injuries. Because of this, it’s important to pay close attention to your body posture ...

New Mom 5-Day Workout Plan

If you aren't able to sign up for mommy and me fitness classes then this new mom at-home 5-day exercise plan is just what you need. Congratulations for becoming a new mom whether this is the first child or the third, whether you gave birth 3 months ago or 3 years ago.  You should be applauded.  I also understand, since I’m a mom of 2 that it ...