I am starting a 4-week Project: YOU challenge which will give me the whole experience. The whole experience includes exercising 4 days a week, a day of yoga, balanced meal plan and accountability. Keep reading to learn more about it and to join me.

As you can imagine the past 12 months have been a rollercoaster ride of stress, trials and anxiety. On top of that, while I work remotely, the volume of back-to-back work meetings has increased greatly.
This has cause increased stress and a lack of taking care of myself to the degree I should so I decided to do something about it. I plan to take a more holistic approach to my health and challenge myself with the Project: You 28-day challenge.
I am starting a 4-week Project: YOU challenge which will give me a holistic experience and you can join me and try it 7 days for free too https://bit.ly/3jSaErf. #yoga #homeworkouts #meditation #mindfulness #goodhealth
Here’s how it works.
For four weeks I will follow the guidance of TameikaG and Whitney who are the coaches of the program. Yes, even coaches and trainers need our own coaches and trainers.
I’m in good hands too. Coach TameikaG lost 90 pounds in 9 months 15 years ago and have used the methods in her program to keep off the pounds and to strengthen her physique. You can read all about her weight-loss journey here.
What I’m excited most about this program is its holistic approach to wellness.
The program comes with a Virtual Studio chock full of videos on yoga, at-home workout, meditations, and workshops. There will also be wellness and mindfulness homework. Nothing too hard or time consuming but all for my own benefit.
The program even includes a private Facebook accountability group to find a partner and to help keep us all on track.
Here’s a quick promo
I signed up for the 7-day free trial and can then decide at the end of the 7 days to continue for $44/month through a subscription service. It’s that easy.
I am most looking forward to not having to build out my own program or plan. Coaches TameikaG and Whitney have it all figured out for me so there is no guess work. I just wake up, click on that particular day’s activities and go to work. How cool is that?
If you would like to follow my journey make sure you are following me on Instagram and Facebook stories @FemmeFitaleFitClub to catch the highlights.
If you are so inclined, I would love for you to also join me on this holistic journey. It’s very easy, simply try before you buy and sign up for the 7-day free trial . Once signed up, check your email to complete your registration and to get started.
It really is that easy and I can’t wait to get started later this week and bring all of you along with me on this journey.
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