yoga 35 results

The Ultimate Women’s Morning Fitness Routine for Energy and Strength

Learn a morning fitness routine that will help you have more energy and gain strength. Getting the morning off to a great start is key for anyone. But for women, syncing our bodies to a morning routine that energizes and strengthens our bodies is life-changing. It can be difficult and sometimes even overwhelming to figure out what the ...

How to Improve Your Flexibility and Mobility with Stretching

Take your body's mobility and flexibility to the next level by following these stretching tips and techniques. #stretching #flexibility #stretchingforbeginners #mobility

How To Achieve Better Sleep With Plants

Do you have indoor plants? Do you find it hard to fall asleep every night? Are you struggling to get the recommended seven to eight hours of sleep? If you answered yes to either of these questions, consider adding some plants to your bedroom. Certain plants and flowers help people sleep better. How do they do this? For a start, ...

I Am Going For The Whole Experience with Project YOU

I am starting a 4-week Project:  YOU challenge which will give me the whole experience.  The whole experience includes exercising 4 days a week, a day of yoga, balanced meal plan and accountability.  Keep reading to learn more about it and to join me. As you can imagine the past 12 months have been a rollercoaster ride of stress, trials ...

In The Gym With Monica Latasha Graham

Meet Monica Latasha Graham who is a yoga instructor and the founder and creator of the the Yoga HIIT yoga mats.  She shares how she got started practicing yoga and also the benefits. FFFC:  Tell our readers about yourself. My name is Monica Latasha Graham and I am 48 years old. I have been involved in the fitness industry for over ...

How To Begin Active Mindfulness And Yoga

Learn how to begin active mindfulness and yoga practices in a busy world. We live in a busy world full of distractions -- and it's easy to lose track of yourself. Between work, family responsibilities, and just making it through each day, you might feel too busy to take a moment for mindfulness and feeding your soul. But neglecting yourself ...

5 Tips To Starting A Meditation Practice For Beginners

I remember when I didn’t know what meditation really was. “What am I actually supposed to do?” I wondered, as I sat dutifully in a position that was cutting off circulation to my feet. My research at that time indicated I wasn’t supposed to do anything. Literally. Needless to say, I didn’t get it, and I didn’t do it very well. So I ...

5 Reasons Women Should Build Muscle

Here are 5 reasons why women should build lean muscle.  Women in the gym tend to steer clear of anything that involves lifting weights. If you've ever been to one, you've probably noticed that. Maybe you're a woman yourself. When someone suggests that you start lifting, the first thing you think is that you don't want to bulk up and start ...

How To Lose Weight With Technology

Learn how technology can help you lose weight effectively. Disclaimer:  This post contains affiliate links. Before you continue reading join 44,000 other women and get free tips and fitness challenges in my online fitness technology group on Facebook Technology has reached the state of having the power to ...

How Fitness Can Affect Your Wellbeing

Learn how fitness can affect and improve your wellbeing. Positive Effects of Fitness On Your Wellbeing Fitness in this context can be explained to be the ability of the body to remain in good health, to be able to do our day to day activities without undue fatigue and remain physically fit. Common components of fitness and wellbeing ...

How to Workout Effectively From Home

You don't necessarily need a gym membership to workout and we are going to show you how you can workout effectively from home. Disclaimer:  This post contains affiliate links. For many people, training at home is a great way to get in shape without having to go to a gym. However, if you are new to exercise, you might not know where to ...

Pre-Order Our Mini Loop Resistance Bands

I am super excited to introduce the latest product in our lineup.  We are now offering mini loop resistance bands!!!!  What's also great, we are running an early bird special starting today so for $9.99 you can get your set.  Pricing will increase in the next few weeks so pre-order yours today. We started offering premium Infusion Water ...

5 of the Best Yoga Poses for Women

Check out 5 of the best yoga poses for women. One of the safest and gentlest forms of exercise out there is yoga. Before getting into the best yoga poses for women, here are a few things to remember: • Work with a certified yoga instructor to understand proper form • Stop at the first signs of discomfort – no powering through where Yoga ...

Yoga For Weight Loss

If you've tried everything to lose weight, give yoga  try. I truly believe a fitness routine which includes all aspects of physical fitness is essential for total body health. At one point it’s likely that we’ve all fallen into the trap of being an enthusiastic cardio queen or finding ourselves addicted to our gym’s weight machines. Wh...

An Introduction To Essential Oils

Take Essential Oils 101 and learn how they can be incorporated into your self care, wellness, moods, fitness and fitness journey. Aromatherapy is the scientific study and art of preventing and treating infections with essences extracted from various plants. This type of therapy is also known as a holistic approach because it does not target the ...

Yuni Beauty Yoga Care Package I am so excited.  I am a new ambassador for Yuni Beauty which is a new company who makes beauty products for hair, body, scent and face with the modern-day yogi in mind.  They sent me a care package of their latest and greatest ingredients and I want to share what I received with you.  Here are the products ...

Sober October + Yoga Challenge

Hola Femme Fitales!  Today we are embarking on a major challenge for many of us - Sober October and Yoga Pose challenge!  Before candy day hits let's ease up on the alcohol and get more flexible with our yoga practice. Who's seriously in? [Tweet "Join our #SoberOctober and #yoga challenge. Let's DO IT! #OctoberYogaSpice"] For added ...

Five Yoga Positions for Perfect Posture

Improve your posture with yoga positions. One of the best ways of improving your posture is through Yoga. Some basic Yoga poses and workouts can really help to keep you in shape and align your spine properly, which is vital to maintain or retrain good posture. There are many Yoga positions that can help in this regards, so here are five Yoga ...

In The Gym with Maxine of the BuddhiBox

FFFC:  Please introduce yourself to our readers. MC:  Sure, I attended Santa Clara University for undergrad and shortly after that started working in the Bay Area. I actually started as a marketing manager for a manufacturing company then did a brief stint in advertising. A year into working full time, I decided I need to get away and ...

What I Thought About Barre

While out on break for Christmas I thought it would be good to change up my workout routine and do something a little different than what I normally do so I tried barre. I typically either run outdoors with my running boo's or am in boot camp OR working out with my personal trainer Heather.  This time around I wanted to switch it up and ...