muscle 45 results

The Surprising Benefits of Creatine for Women in Menopause

Learn the health benefits of creatine on women in menopause. Menopause can bring a host of challenges for women, from muscle loss and cognitive decline to chronic fatigue. But what if there was a surprising solution that could help alleviate these symptoms? Enter creatine supplementation. Join My FREE Online Fitness Accountability ...

How To Effectively Tone Your Body

Learn the best way to tone your body and the length of time it typically takes by reading through this article on the subject. #tonezone #bodytoning #buildmuscle #fitness #getstrong

The Best Flat Bench Exercises For Women

Take your fitness to the next level with a frequently overlooked piece of equipment, the flat bench. One often missed but popular exercise piece of equipment is the flat bench.  There are so many exercises one can perform with it, it’s a shame it doesn’t get more recognition.  I’m going to share some of my favorite exerci...

Early Morning Pre-workout Breakfast Ideas

Embrace eating a healthy breakfast as an early morning pre-workout to fuel your body before you start your workout at home or in the gym. Here are some ideas you should consider for the best early morning pre-workout breakfast. Eating and exercise are inseparable if you want to achieve great results. A good workout routine paired with the ...

7 Amazing Exercises for a Full Body Workout

Try these 7 amazing total body exercises that won't require any equipment, just body weight. As you can imagine, there are so many exercises and variations, it’s sure to make you dizzy but don’t fret, we have compiled a list of some of the most effective total body exercises. You will find that these exercises have a lot in common such as ...

Top 6 Sure Ways To Tone Your Back For Good

Is annoying bra back fat the bane of your existence?  Then check out these top 6 sure ways to get rid of back fat. Before you keep reading join my FREE online fitness accountability support group on Facebook and enjoy free workouts, fitness challenges and health tips along with 4️⃣4️⃣0️⃣0️⃣...

Why Rest Is Important For Effective Weight Loss

Disclaimer:  I was provided a complimentary Queen-size mattress by OSO Sleep for the purposes of this review.  All opinions are my own.   I'm asked constantly by my readers and Femme Fitale Fit Club members how to lose weight.  Many say they know all they need to do is eat right, drink plenty of water and exercise and they do that but ...

The Truth About Losing Weight Without Exercise

Get the truth about losing weight without exercise. It is possible and can be done without gimmicks. Just follow these tips. Let's discuss the truth about losing weight without exercise.  A few years back I shared an article about ways to lose weight without exercise. It’s still a very popular topic to this day but I wanted to follow that ...

Top 5 Fitness Hacks To Keep Your Exercise On Track

We all want to be fit don't we, ladies? Sometimes it doesn’t always work out like we want and we may fall off track.  Those intermittent breaks from the routine could end up with us never going back to it.  To avoid quitting, we all look for some simple tricks and hacks to keep us on track that do not require much effort, but helps us stay in ...

The Easy Way to Build Muscle Fast

Learn the easy way to build muscle fast. If you have ever stepped into a gym, most like you’ve used the old school method of 3 sets with 10 reps to try and build muscle.  Then, 90% of you won’t return after a month because you don’t see any gains. Of course not! How To Increase Muscle Size Think about what you’re doing. In order for a ...

The Top 5 Exercises that Burn the Most Calories

[Tweet "Want to burn calories? Do these top 5 exercises to burn the most #calories. #getfit #fitfam"] So many people would love to lose body fat. Whether the goal is to burn fat to allow muscles to shine through or you are looking to lose pounds, the key to doing so is cardiovascular exercise. Cardio gets your heart rate up and burns ...

3 Fun Workouts You Can Do At Home

Looking for ways to spice up your workout routine? Good, you came to the right place! Too many people approach working out as a chore, but it doesn’t have to be that way. If you turn working out into a fun competition you will be surprised at how intense and fun they can really be. Here are three fun workouts you can do anywhere, even at ...

Hugh Jackman Got Cut for Wolverine! Here’s How He Did It

So you want to know how Hugh Jackman got so ripped for his movie Wolverine? Well, you have two options, you can hire his extremely expensive fitness trainer Mike Ryan or you can build your own workout program based on advice from Mr. Ryan.  If you are interested in the latter, read on. Mr. Ryan really got Hugh cut for this movie. The ...

What pro athletes do in the gym that you probably don’t?

It’s been three months, you’ve been hitting the gym routinely and you can’t see or feel any difference in your physique. So what you do is search the internet for some magical new workout routine that will help break this plateau; some possible workout secret that’s been posted to a blog that has somehow eluded you all these years. Stop ...

Busted! 5 Fitness and Health Tips That May Make You Cry

Myth: The more ab exercises I do, the skinnier my waist will be. BUSTED: Doing stomach exercises can strengthen your abdominal muscles, but it won't burn body fat to give you that 6-pack you’re after.  If you want your ab muscles to show, you need to either be naturally skinny or embrace a diet low in carbohydrates and high in proteins with a ...

My New Normal

I have been working out regularly since 2008.  I started working out regularly again then because I went out with some friends, one of whom I hadn't seen for a year, and she looked FANTASTIC.  Small waist, petite physique ... all that.  I wanted to learn how she got that way.  I found out she had been working with a personal trainer.  I knew ...

#Weightloss Before and Afters Part III

FFFC has some awesome interviews by women who graciously agreed to share their journey with us.  Before and afters are our favorite because it shows what determination and commitment can produce - GREATNESS!!!!!            

In The Gym with Holistic Health Coach Pia Sterling

FFFC:  Please introduce yourself to our readers. PS:  Hello, ladies!  My name is Pia Sterling and I’m a certified holistic health coach who supports busy professionals in living a healthy, sustainable lifestyle.  My role is comparable to a personal trainer or life coach. I provide clients with tools and insights that will result in ...

Bootcamp Season #2 Session 12

Thursday - SUCCESS DAY! Yes folks!  I finally completed the minute drill within the MINUTE LIMIT!!!  What is a minute drill you ask?  It is a sprint drill where you run between 2 baselines 15 times all within a minute.  They tell you, if you haven't hit at least the 7th drill by 30 seconds you are going to struggle to make all 15 within the ...

Bootcamp Season #2 Sessions 8&9

Wednesday What I gained in those 2 days off this week I expended in energy at boot camp on Wednesday and Thursday!  Those two days were no joke.  But I was determined. I went to bed late but was determined to get at least 6 hours of sleep.  Did not happen.   I got up anyway.  My regular partner in crime stayed in bed and skipped this ...