Crunch (exercise) 11 results

FFFC #Challenge #23: Log your meals

Have you ever thought about your nutrition as you begin to pick up your daily fitness activity?  Have you hit a plateau and wonder why you can not seem to break through even though you are going to 80 fitness classes a day and sweating profusely?  Maybe it is time to look at what you are eating.  The fitness gurus state that 80% of your ...

FFFC #Challenge #22: Drink Green

Who has not heard of the benefits of drinking green smoothies?  Well here is our challenge for this week.  Drink a green smoothie every day Monday - Friday of this week and report in on your progress.  This is how this works: Advanced challenge:  Drink 3 green smoothies daily Intermediate challenge:  Drink 2 green smoothies daily Beginner ...

FFFC #Challenge #21: Daily Fit Workout Challenge

I'm following instructions and reblogging this for all of you to follow!  Do this on a DAILY basis when you are feeling at your physical peak whether that be at 8 am, noon, 3 pm or midnight.  DO YOU to OPTIMIZE you. I believe in YOU.  Let's GO!  Check in below by leaving a comment on your progress!

FFFC #Challenge #20: Wake Up Call Challenge

And here is another daily challenge that can really make you sweat.  Try it you just might like it.  Continue this challenge Monday - Friday (don't cheat).  :-) I believe in YOU.  Let's GO!  Check in below by leaving a comment on your progress!

FFFC #Challenge #19: Challenge Workout

I'm not saying this weekly challenge is a piece of cake but try each round and beat the time every day.  Round 1, do Day 1, etc. and repeat until you get in 5 whole days.  I didn't say it was easy, but change NEVER IS! I believe in YOU.  Let's GO!  Check in below by leaving a comment on your progress!

FFFC #Challenge #18: No Junk Food

This challenge will require WILL POWER vs. the physical ability to lift, jump, squat, roll or press.  The mind is a powerful thing and if not properly prepared, you are defeated before ever beginning this challenge.  Do your body proud and embrace this challenge with ZEST! My only caveat with this challenge is, as long as you are consuming all ...

FFFC #Challenge #17: Planking

For rock hard abs it is important to uncover the fat to reveal those abs.  Once you uncover the fat, this challenge will help ensure, there are strong abs underneath to put on display.  Besides being a showpiece, having a strong core is extremely beneficial. Here are some primary benefits: Provides stability during exercising. Supports ...

FFFC Challenge #16: (REPEAT CHALLENGE 14) 7-8 Hours of Sleep a Night

We are keeping this challenge simple and straightforward.  The plan is to complete a full body circuit 3 times, 3 days this week. Complete Full Circuit Cardio 1 minute high knees 1 minute jumping jacks 1 minute mountain climbers 1 minute jump squats 1 minute split jumps Now, in order for this cardio circuit to be effective you MUST keep it ...

FFFC Challenge #15: (REPEAT CHALLENGE 14) 7-8 Hours of Sleep a Night

This can't be stressed enough, our muscles grow while we sleep.  All of the hard work performed to tear, lift and go heavy really goes to work as our bodies rest and rejuvenate.  That happens when we sleep.  short-changing your necessary hours of quiet rest is doing a disservice to you, your body and frame of mind.  Sleep is not for the ...

FFFC Challenge #14: 7-8 Hours of Sleep a Night

This can't be stressed enough, our muscles grow while we sleep.  All of the hard work performed to tear, lift and go heavy really goes to work as our bodies rest and rejuvenate.  That happens when we sleep.  short-changing your necessary hours of quiet rest is doing a disservice to you, your body and frame of mind.  Sleep is not for the ...

FFFC Challenge #13: Daily Crunches

      Daily Crunches Crunches are one of the most widely known forms of exercise.  When done correctly it strengthens your core, obliques, upper and lower abdominal muscles.  This in turn helps to support your back and any physical daily activity as it all starts with the core. This week’s challenge is not for the faint of heart.  ...