Meet Jasmine (Jazz) Kearse who is a plant-based nutritionist and CEO of Fountain of Life Coaching Services. Read how she lost weight and transformed her body.

Please introduce yourself to our readers (i.e. your name, occupation, hobbies, etc.).
My name is Jasmin Kearse (but everyone calls me Jazz) and I am a Plant Based Nutritionist. I am the CEO & founder of Fountain of Life Coaching Services, LLC. I enjoy working out, doing my hair, and spending time with my family.
Meet Jasmine (Jazz) Kearse who is a plant-based nutritionist and CEO of Fountain of Life Coaching Services. Read how she lost weight and transformed her body. #vegan #plantbased #health #healthyhabits #nutrition #healthfood
What sparked your weight-loss transformation journey?
My weight-loss transformation journey was sparked by my family. I grew up surrounded by most of my family members struggling with health issues and obesity. I vividly remember seeing my dad give himself insulin injections twice daily because of his diabetes. I did not want that to be the life that I had to live so I chose to pursue living a plant-based lifestyle. Once I saw how amazing I felt being plant based I knew I wanted to help others feel the same way.
What was your beginning and current weight or measurements?
My highest weight was 160lbs at 5 feet 3 inches, and I now currently weigh 142lbs.
How long did it take for your weight-loss transformation from beginning to end?
My weight loss transformation took 3 years to achieve mainly because it took time for me to understand my body. I needed to understand what foods worked for me and what exercises best worked for my body.
Which physical activities did you participate in during your journey?
During my transformation journey I ran 2-3 miles 3-4 times a week, did strength training 3 times a week and attended spin class twice a week.

How did your eating habits change?
My eating habits changed drastically. I started incorporating plant-based meals slowly into my diet twice a week and built up to being completely plant based. This process took about 6 months. I eliminated all sugary drinks from my diet, and I started making fresh green juice every day.
What do you typically eat for breakfast, lunch, snacks, and dinner?
I typically have a green juice every morning, followed by oatmeal or a whole grain bagel with vegan cream cheese.
For lunch I will have a salad or leftovers from the previous nights dinner and dinner can range from quinoa bowl (sweet potatoes, quinoa, black beans, spinach) or brown rice, spinach, and black beans. Dinner really is based on what I am feeling for in that moment.
What is your favorite fitness activity?
My favorite physical activity is running and spin class. Running really helps me clear my head and I love the vibe during spin.
What do you do now to maintain your physique?
I maintain my physical physic by working out every week and maintain a proper balance diet.
How did you develop and sustain the willpower to avoid the bad stuff (i.e. junk food, bad drinks, lack of activity, etc.)?
I don’t stress out about eating “bad stuff” because I strongly believe everything is done in moderation. If I feel for vegan snacks or sweets, I will have it, but I also know that when I do choose to indulge, I will go harder in the gym or add a day to my regular workout routine. By doing this I never feel deprived or guilty about what I ate.
What advice do you have for someone looking to get started with their fitness journey but not sure where to begin?
I would suggest that anyone beginning their fitness journey should identify their why. Why do they want to lose weight? Why do they want to make this lifestyle change? Once they find that out, write it down and then start doing the research.
Surround themselves with other likeminded individuals who will hold them accountable, join a gym (yes joining a gym is key in the beginning because the atmosphere will keep them motivated) and start finding a moderate process to eliminate the junk food/drinks from their diet.
For example, one meal no red meat, one day drink only water, no junk food snacking throughout the day, etc.) Don’t be cheap with this. Investing in your health is the best investment you can make.

What do you think is the biggest misconception about this journey?
I think the biggest misconception about this journey is the idea that we must look or be like someone else. This is our own individual journey and we get to create the life we want. It is extremely satisfying and rewarding. Stay in your lane and rock out.
Do you have any fitness inspirations? Who are they?
My fitness inspirations are Mary J. Blige, Angela Bassett, Ayesha Curry and Megan Good. I love the way they show love to themselves. They are humble and are not afraid to share the good and bad moments in their journey. By doing this they make the journey more relatable even though they are celebrities. They are my best friends in my head. Lol
How can readers learn more about your transformation and journey online (i.e. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.)?
Readers can follow my journey on FB, IG and TikToc @juicinwithjazz and they can also learn more about my recipes and read my blogs on my website:
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