5 Morning Routine Habits To Support Mental Health 

Practice these 5 morning routines to help support your mental health.

Practice these 5 morning routines to support your mental health. #mentalhealth #wellness #selfcare #morningroutines

Starting your day off the right way can really set the tone, both physically and mentally. And making good mental health habits part of your morning routine can really help you develop a positive mindset. Lower your stress and enjoy a peaceful start to your day by incorporating these five well-being habits. 

Practice these 5 morning routines to support your mental health. #mentalhealth #wellness #selfcare #morningroutines

1. Stretch it out 

If you’re someone who likes to exercise, making it a priority in your morning routine can reap plenty of rewards for your overall health. But you don’t have to head out on a run or engage in a half-hour yoga session to benefit. A simple head-to-toe stretch will not only help get the blood pumping a little, but it also will help ease away any tension and set you up for what’s ahead. It’s all about getting yourself going, and it feels really good too. 


2. Drink some water 

Rehydrating is an important step in your morning mental health routine. As most of us wake up a little dehydrated, taking water onboard fairly soon after waking is a good idea. It can help improve cognitive function and give you an energy boost – just what you need a first thing. Drinking water is also really good for skin, so combining it with cleaning dry skin will help you look and feel fresher in the morning.   


3. Meditate For Your Mental Health

Practicing meditation is a great way to center yourself and start off relaxed, ready for the day ahead. Even if it’s just five to 10 minutes, simply taking the time for some deep breathing and reflection can help put things in order. It’s super relaxing too, and relaxation is one of the really effective ways of reducing stress and anxiety. Try a gratitude meditation and reflect on the good things in life. This can increase happiness and improve well-being – a perfect way to begin your day.  


4. Pamper your skin 

Looking after yourself should also include a little morning pampering, even if it’s a really quick process. Ideally, you’d have time for a luxurious shower, cleanse and moisturize. However, even if you only have a couple of minutes, a simple routine that includes cleaning dry skin and moisturizing will leave you feeling fresher and ready to tackle the day.  


5. Make your bed 

Finally, and it doesn’t really matter at what point you do it, tick one task off your daily to-do list by making your bed. It might seem like a small task, but completing it will give you a sense of achievement, ready to get on with whatever else comes your way.  


Set the tone first thing and you might just find that making your bed becomes a trigger to you feeling more capable and positive about the rest of each day. You’ll also have the bonus of creating a nice calm atmosphere to return to – just what you’ll need in the evening, when you’re ready to turn in and get some well-earned rest. 

Whether you have an hour or 10 minutes in the morning, establishing a consistent mental health routine is a worthwhile habit to get into. Experiment with what works best for you and once you’ve got your routine down you’ll be better equipped to deal with the day ahead. 

Images: pexels.com 

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