wellness 70 results

Top 5 TRX Exercises For A Full-Body Workout

TRX workout system is advantageous in that it requires small space and minimal training equipment during any exercise session. No prior training is necessary for anybody who would want to use the system and the other benefit that underlies the use of TRX is that it applies to many physical fitness objectives. Any person right from Olympic-style ...

Top 6 Sure Ways To Tone Your Back For Good

Is annoying bra back fat the bane of your existence?  Then check out these top 6 sure ways to get rid of back fat. Before you keep reading join my FREE online fitness accountability support group on Facebook and enjoy free workouts, fitness challenges and health tips along with 4️⃣4️⃣0️⃣0️⃣...

Slim Down With Killer HIIT Cardio

Here's how you can slim down quickly with HIIT cardio. I get asked all the time by women in our fitness accountability group how to lose the extra weight and extra stomach.  When I ask what they are doing they say they do cardio for hours upon hours a day and still not seeing results. I then have to stop them.  Staying on a comfortable ...

EVENT: Fitness On The Track

We have a fun event planned to celebrate #BackToSchool.  Come on out with your family (children included), neighbors and friends to get some fresh air and to an amazing workout in with your coaches:  Adrienne, La'Tai and me. Diatta Adrienne La'Tai Check out the event details: Cost:  FREE Where:  New Town High School track (behind ...

Sample Weight Loss Workout Program for Beginners

Here's an amazing and low-impact weight loss beginner workout program you can do at home. In the last few days you may have started noticing you are gaining weight and not looking quite like you want or did previously. Don’t waste time feeling disappointed or looking for quick fixes, focus on putting in the work to get in the best shape of ...

5 Ways People Sabotage Their Own Weight Loss

Here are five ways people sabotage their own weight loss and how to avoid doing it.  You would not believe how well-intentioned people actually sabotage their weight loss. You would also not believe the things people do just to lose weight. Some would even go as far as starve themselves to death! But do you know what’s even more surpri...

In the Gym with HangTight with MarC

FFFC:  Please introduce yourself to our readers. HTWM: I’m a Personal Trainer and Health Coach to persons nationwide providing free multimedia-based HangTight with MarC weekly workouts for total body transformation catered to all fitness levels. I specialize in various metabolic training workouts including-HIIT, the most popular, EMOM, ...

S is for Snacks

// The letter "S" is for snacks.  If any of you are like me, working out multiple times a week constantly leaves me hungry throughout the day. On one hand that is a good thing, gives me an inclination my metabolism is burning but on the other hand - it gets difficult to make the right choice if I do not plan properly. Check out my quick ...

Q is for Quiet Time

There's something to be said for those individuals who have quiet time in the morning to meditate and spend time with themselves and God during the quiet hours of the morning.  They tend to be less stressed and happier people.  I know people personally who meditate and are better for it.  They are the see the cup half full vs. half empty ...

P is for Push Ups

Any and everyone who knows me knows I enjoy doing push ups.  I know that sounds strange but I do.  You know why?  Due to another "P" word, powerful.  It makes me feel powerful. I do them in boot camp and with my personal trainer.  I do them on my own and while working out with my girls.  It is my go-to exercise. I started doing ...

J is for Jump Rope

Easily one of my favorite forms of cardio, I think many of us forget how effective jumping rope is.  I decided to buy a jump rope years into my adulthood when I watched Zuzana of Zuzka Light and formerly of the BodyRock TV days jumping rope and working up a sweat.  Another fitness guru who got me motivated to jump rope was Jennifer Nicole ...

H is for Health

Health means different things to different people.  For some it is physical endurance.  For others it is beating a debilitating disease.  For others it is improving what they put in their mouth.  Define what health is for you and then do you research to optimize it.  Do you have high blood pressure? Is it hereditary?  What do you need to ...

G is for Goals

I will admit, I am not one to set too many goals when it comes to fitness.  A friend once told me to sign up for a race therefore I would have a goal to strive for to help with my long distance run training.  It didn’t help – signing up for a half marathon did not actually make me train more or harder than I normally would.    Now ...

In The Gym with Nick Schultz of Red Brook Health & Wellness Center

FFFC:  Please introduce yourself to our readers. NS:  My name is Nick Shultz, Executive Director at Red Brook Health & Wellness Center in Owings Mills, Maryland.  I oversee the fitness division for David S. Brown Enterprises and our main facility, Red Brook Health & Wellness Center. FFFC:  How did you get started in fitness ...

Get ULTRA RIPPED with the MAN OF STEEL Workout

I was fortunate enough to be invited to the movie premier of Man of Steel before the rest of the world. I was shocked to see how ripped Henry Cavill (Superman) got. After some research I discovered his secret for packing on massive muscle in such a short time. Let me share with you my findings. First, let me state that Henry Cavill worked with ...

Welcome to the FFFC Runners’ Series

This month Femme Fitale Fit Club will be offering a new series of weekly interviews. Welcome to our Runners’ Series! We are excited to bring you four interviews this month from runners at all different levels. I recently read about the following benefits of running on www.active.com. Check out these ways that running can make you healthier: ...

In The Gym with Holistic Health Coach Pia Sterling

FFFC:  Please introduce yourself to our readers. PS:  Hello, ladies!  My name is Pia Sterling and I’m a certified holistic health coach who supports busy professionals in living a healthy, sustainable lifestyle.  My role is comparable to a personal trainer or life coach. I provide clients with tools and insights that will result in ...

Back In The Saddle – SOF Boot Camp, Week 3, Day 3

I must be a glutton for punishment.  I am signed BACK up for boot camp and we just completed week 3 of a 4-week 1-hour session.  This week was BRUTAL.  I can't lie.  We did more sprints, mile runs, jumping jacks, 1000 abs, squats, lunges, did I say jumping jacks than any top fit athlete, let alone a regular every day Joan like ME has gotten ...

Honest Opinion

I need everyone's honest opinion...SERIOUSLY!  Which running app for your phone do you absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE?  Oh and WHY do you love it? Please leave your vote and comments below!  Thanks much in advance!   #1:  Runkeeper     #2:  Mapmyrun                 #3:  Nike+

Boot Camp Saturday

  Hi everyone!  Today started off as a wonderful day.  Why you ask?  Because Sanders Optimum Fitness offerred a Saturday 1-hour session for $20 for those of us not enrolled in the September session.  It was great to be able to participate again at a fraction of the cost of an entire session. My sister neighbor picked me up so we could ...