wellness 64 results

Bootcamp Kick Butt!

Today I did it ya'll!  I survived my FIRST day of bootcamp with Monte Sanders.  His program is the Sanders Optimum Fitness bootcamp and it is no joke.  For years I have been hearing about it from my friend but never really paid that much attention to it since I felt my gym membership was enough.  Well I was ready to challenge myself and kick ...

In The Gym with Althea Thompson

I am super excited to share this very first "In The Gym" interview with all of you because it is about a person I find simply AMAZING!  Read on and find out why she is fabulous. FFF: Tell our readers about yourself. Althea: I am a wife, mother of 2, studio owner, Yoga & Pilates instructor, wellness professional, author, on-air ...

New Equipment Madness

Has anyone ventured into their gym lately and seen this thing? One day I did and was like (^@(*&@^#(@!  So brave me (yeah right) decided to jump on.  Umm, the thing does not appear to be turned on (none of the lights are on).  Oh oh I have to start peddling to get the thing to light up so I can set my workout.  After figuring that out, ...