exercise 516 results

Noon Fitness Flash Challenge – Complete 20 push ups

  Noon Fitness Flash:  Complete 20 push ups   Tips 1.  Back straight 2.  Don't drop your hips 3.  Try and bring your chest 1 inch from the floor Motivating you to Fierce, Fit and Fabulous! Follow us on Instagram @Femmefitalefitclub Have fun with us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/FemmeFitaleFitness

Noon Fitness Flash Challenge – No bread

  Noon Fitness Flash:  Refrain from eating any bread (even whole wheat)     Motivating you to Fierce, Fit and Fabulous! Follow us on Instagram @Femmefitalefitclub Have fun with us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/FemmeFitaleFitness

Noon Fitness Flash Challenge – Get some sleep

  Noon Fitness Flash:  Record television show "Scandal" on the DVR and go to bed to get 7 to 8 hours of sleep   Motivating you to Fierce, Fit and Fabulous! Follow us on Instagram @Femmefitalefitclub Have fun with us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/FemmeFitaleFitness

Big Butts Are Healthy?

Buttocks, butt, hams, booty, derriere, gadunkgadunk, trunk are just a FEW of the names given to the backside.  Many men have their favorite body part which includes a large posterior.  I can dig it - I am one of those women who is blessed with wide hips and a little junk in my trunk.  But after reading the following article HERE I really ...

Noon Fitness Flash Challenge – Stretch

  Noon Fitness Flash:  Stand up and stretch at your desk for 5 minutes     Motivating you to Fierce, Fit and Fabulous! Follow us on Instagram @Femmefitalefitclub Have fun with us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/FemmeFitaleFitness

Noon Fitness Flash Challenge – Do jumping jacks

  Noon Fitness Flash:  Complete 20 jumping jacks before bedtime    Tips: 1.  Keep arms straight at the top 2.  Jump up high off the floor 3.  If you are feeling good complete 100 jumping jacks Motivating you to Fierce, Fit and Fabulous! Follow us on Instagram @Femmefitalefitclub Have fun with us on Facebook at ...

Femme Fitale Fit Club presents Fierce Women Series – Shakirah Hameed

FFFC:  Please introduce yourself to our readers.  SH:  Hello all! My name is Shakirah Hameed, and I’m a runner. I know that must sound like I should be in an anonymous group with some undisclosed addiction, but actually that would be a pretty accurate description. From 9-5, I’m a graphic designer for one of the largest CPG (Consumer ...

Noon Fitness Flash Challenge – Eat your veggies

  Noon Fitness Flash:  Eat at least 3 servings of fresh vegetables     Motivating you to Fierce, Fit and Fabulous! Follow us on Instagram @Femmefitalefitclub Have fun with us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/FemmeFitaleFitness

Noon Fitness Flash Challenge – Drink Water

  Noon Fitness Flash:  Drink at least 1/2 your body weight in ounces of water today before bedtime.  Example:  if you weigh 100 lbs then that is 50 oz.   //SHOP THIS POST// Make sure you have a cute water bottle to drink your water from.  These are infusion water bottles so you can add fruit and herbs to help flavor your ...

Noon Fitness Flash Challenge – November 2

  Noon Fitness Flash:  Eat 3 servings of fresh fruit     Motivating you to Fierce, Fit and Fabulous! Follow us on Instagram @Femmefitalefitclub Have fun with us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/FemmeFitaleFitness

New God Flow and Week In Review – 10/14 – 10/19

My workouts have only included running in the past few weeks since I discontinued going to my personal trainer for a few weeks.  I just could not swing the cost ($80 a week for 2, 30-minute sessions).  I would like to be able to keep that up but honestly - as long as I have been a loyal client, I was not seeing a price break any time soon.  BUT ...

What Are You Training For?

I was out today on a wonderful run with my pavement warrior sister.  I picked her up early (6:30 am) and we were hitting the trails by 7:00 am on the dot.  I run ahead and hit mile marker 4 and on my way back I pass her, show her the 4 sign and stop and wait for her about .75 miles back to mile marker 3.  A woman drives up in a truck, gets ...

Red Brook Health and Wellness Open House

We enjoy promoting local fitness businesses!  I mean - it really gives us wings.  Here is a fitness center who BRINGS IT!  They are so generous and celebrating their 10-year anniversary with FOOD, FUN and FITNESS!  Get yours!  Details below!     Motivating you to Firm, Fit and Fabulous! Follow us on Instagram @Femmefitalefitcl...

LoveHate and Week In Review – 10/7 – 10/12

This is the perfect name for this week in review because I was LAZY and did not workout for the majority of the week.  Yeah not good and I could tell I didn't workout.  You know how?  I was crabby.  Crabby feeling and crabby acting to many others this past week - NOT GOOD.  When I workout (lift and run) I am much happier.  It gives me ...

In The Gym with Nick Schultz of Red Brook Health & Wellness Center

FFFC:  Please introduce yourself to our readers. NS:  My name is Nick Shultz, Executive Director at Red Brook Health & Wellness Center in Owings Mills, Maryland.  I oversee the fitness division for David S. Brown Enterprises and our main facility, Red Brook Health & Wellness Center. FFFC:  How did you get started in fitness ...

In The Wild and Week In Review – 9/30 – 10/6

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FJt7gNi3Nr4 Oh yeah I turned it up this week.  I think I may have done some activity every day this past week.  I worked out with my personal trainer Monday and Wednesday and ran with my Pavement Warriors Tuesday, Thursday and Friday and finally rounded out the weekend with a 5 mile run on Saturday and a 2-mile ...

Feel Good and Week In Review – 9/23 – 9/29

Last week was a doozy full of activity!  I believe I was active every day last week including Saturday and Sunday.  That is a record for me and not necessarily something I want to make a habit.  Between running with my Pavement Warriors, working out with trainer and running races - I burned major calories and got it in on the pavement.  Have ...

Women Who Ride Interview Series

Oh wow do we have something MAJOR in store for everyone this month.  Not only are we going to be starting up "Your New PR" challenge and raffling off some cool SWAG (Road ID, Injinji performance socks, GU Energy and Strava Run/Strava Cycling ...gear) we are also FEATURING 8 of the most amazing and awesome women in our "Women Who Ride" interview ...

Time For Fall and Week In Review – 9/16 – 9/22

Fall is here and it is time to put it in GEAR!!  I did much better this past week than previous weeks with my workouts.  I still did not log as many miles as I would like because I believe I am ready for longer runs but I have excellent company on my runs which makes the shorter runs all worth it.  My running buddies go by many names such as ...

Fitness Entrepreneur Launches Kickstarter Campaign with “Accidental” Product

For fitness enthusiast Michael Volkin, 9/11 was a life changing event.  He joined the Army only a few days after September 11, 2001. Once he graduated basic training, he found himself deployed to Iraq. But Sergeant Volkin had an interesting job.  Among his other duties as a Chemical Operations Sergeant, he was the company fitness trainer. He ...