Twelve Days of Fitness – Day 4


It is Day4 of the Twelve Days of Fitness challenge by Fit Armadillo.  This challenge encourage us fitness bloggers to blog every day for the next 12 days about our workouts.  This is definitely a fun challenge for me.

Now on to my workout – Day 28 of the 31 Days To New Year’s Eve Ab/Squat December Challenge.  I know that is a long title but we are putting in some work.   I am putting in 240 squats and 100 Pilates!  OUCH!  Squats are not my best exercise but they are beneficial to the hamstrings, quads and glutes.  The ab exercises help strengthen the core.  I do them with my son who finds me quite amusing.  He likes to show off his ability to do jumping jacks and push ups.  He’s 6 so his push ups need work but I encourage him like any mother would.

So there you have it – my workout for today. Hopefully I will have a workout to post tomorrow on my Nordicktrack treadmill with my new iFit module.  So far I haven’t been able to get that thing to work but I will give it 1 more try.  If it still conks out on me BACK TO THE STORE it goes.

FFFC December ChallengeDay28

If you would like to join this challenge click HERE to register:

Toodles and until tomorrow!

Motivating you to Fierce, Fit and Fabulous!  

You can officially stalk us on

Instagram @Femmefitalefitclub

Twitter @DSTPRL



3 Replies to "Twelve Days of Fitness - Day 4"

  • comment-avatar
    December 28, 2013 (10:00 pm)

    Awesome job on Day 4! How great that your son is joining in-you’re setting a great example 🙂

    • comment-avatar
      DSTPRL December 28, 2013 (11:17 pm)

      He is a character.

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    Nadya December 29, 2013 (2:49 am)

    You are doing such an AWESOME job! I can’t even imagine 240 squats!