build muscle 49 results

The Benefits of Strength Training for Women Over 40

Discover the benefits of strength training for women over 40—boosting bones, empowering minds, embracing vitality, and much more. #workoutsforwomenover40 #strengthtrainingforwomenover40 #workoutsforwomen #strengthtraining #resistancetraining #workoutsforwomen

How To Build Muscle Fast And Effectively

Tone your muscles faster and more effectively with these strategies. #fitness #fitfam #muscle #tonezone #blackgirlmagic #blackfitness #fitover40

The Best Flat Bench Exercises For Women

Take your fitness to the next level with a frequently overlooked piece of equipment, the flat bench. One often missed but popular exercise piece of equipment is the flat bench.  There are so many exercises one can perform with it, it’s a shame it doesn’t get more recognition.  I’m going to share some of my favorite exerci...

How To Stoke Your Metabolism for Effective Weight Loss

When your metabolism is functioning as it should, your body is efficiently burning calories to help you maintain your activities of daily living.  If you want to lose weight then you will want to be burning calories at a slight deficit meaning your body is burning more calories from activity than what you’re consuming. However, with time and ...

5 Reasons Women Should Build Muscle

Here are 5 reasons why women should build lean muscle.  Women in the gym tend to steer clear of anything that involves lifting weights. If you've ever been to one, you've probably noticed that. Maybe you're a woman yourself. When someone suggests that you start lifting, the first thing you think is that you don't want to bulk up and start ...

Top 5 Weight Loss Mistakes To Avoid

I want to share 5 of the most common mistakes to avoid when trying to lose weight.  As a certified personal trainer I get asked all of the time by clients and people I meet how to lose weight. The formula is factual and basic but many seem to hit a pitfall with their own weight loss journey so I want to share some common mistakes my ...

10 Critical Things To Know About Exercise

Want to know some critical things you need to know about exercise?  Keep reading. Numerous people begin exercising without performing some important activities first.  They plunge into exercise eagerly, unaware that they may be setting themselves up for injury if they don’t perform these important activities before starting B...

How To Lose Weight With Technology

Learn how technology can help you lose weight effectively. Disclaimer:  This post contains affiliate links. Before you continue reading join 44,000 other women and get free tips and fitness challenges in my online fitness technology group on Facebook Technology has reached the state of having the power to ...

The Perfect Blend for Optimal Weight Loss

I get asked constantly about how to not only get started with a workout program but also the best way to lose weight.  It’s a simple yet complex answer at the same time.  Many people want me to prescribe a magic pill but sustained weight loss takes more than a simple pill. I’m going to share the perfect blend of what it takes to ...

Top 6 Sure Ways To Tone Your Back For Good

Is annoying bra back fat the bane of your existence?  Then check out these top 6 sure ways to get rid of back fat. Before you keep reading join my FREE online fitness accountability support group on Facebook and enjoy free workouts, fitness challenges and health tips along with 4️⃣4️⃣0️⃣0️⃣...

Slim Down With Killer HIIT Cardio

Here's how you can slim down quickly with HIIT cardio. I get asked all the time by women in our fitness accountability group how to lose the extra weight and extra stomach.  When I ask what they are doing they say they do cardio for hours upon hours a day and still not seeing results. I then have to stop them.  Staying on a comfortable ...

Leave Them in the Dust with these Protein Tips

Keep reading to learn how consuming protein can help you take your fitness to the next level. Women killed it at the Rio Olympics! Katie Ledecky and Simone Biles are just two big names when it comes to the power and prowess of 2016 female Olympians. But, how are they doing it? Hours of training is a big, obvious answer, but it also has to do ...

The Truth About Losing Weight Without Exercise

Get the truth about losing weight without exercise. It is possible and can be done without gimmicks. Just follow these tips. Let's discuss the truth about losing weight without exercise.  A few years back I shared an article about ways to lose weight without exercise. It’s still a very popular topic to this day but I wanted to follow that ...

Sample Weight Loss Workout Program for Beginners

Here's an amazing and low-impact weight loss beginner workout program you can do at home. In the last few days you may have started noticing you are gaining weight and not looking quite like you want or did previously. Don’t waste time feeling disappointed or looking for quick fixes, focus on putting in the work to get in the best shape of ...

Top 5 Fitness Hacks To Keep Your Exercise On Track

We all want to be fit don't we, ladies? Sometimes it doesn’t always work out like we want and we may fall off track.  Those intermittent breaks from the routine could end up with us never going back to it.  To avoid quitting, we all look for some simple tricks and hacks to keep us on track that do not require much effort, but helps us stay in ...

How To Burn More Fat Before, During and After Your Workout

Losing weight is great. Burning fat is even better. The number on the scale gives you a great idea of what is happening in your body, but how do you know whether you have lost more fat than muscle? Everything you do during your workout has some effect on whether you burn fat, muscle, or both. Your ultimate goal is to maximize fat loss, while ...

The Key To Successful, Healthy Weight Loss

If you've been struggling with your weight then keep reading to learn the key to successful healthy weight loss. Health is Wealth! There is nothing that can be achieved in life unless you have a healthy mind and body. Everything in this world is achieved through positive thoughts. A little thought put into leading a healthy life will do no ...

Fitness Pages We Love Part 2

It's that time again.  We follow several fitness and running blogs and Facebook Fan pages.  We wanted to share some of them with you so you can see what all the hype is about.  This time around we are sharing our top 5 popular pages (listed in no particular order). Stop by, check them out and tell us what you think of our selection. 1...

Twelve Days of Fitness – Days 12

  I'm recording Day 12 of the Twelve Days of Fitness challenge by Fit Armadillo.  This challenge encourages fitness bloggers to blog every day for the next 12 days about our workouts. Today is the 12th and final day of 12 Days of Fitness.  Boy has the time flown by.  Today I can describe my workout in a single word – ...

Twelve Days of Fitness – Day 11

  I'm recording Day 11 of the Twelve Days of Fitness challenge by Fit Armadillo.  This challenge encourages fitness bloggers to blog every day for the next 12 days about our workouts. Let's see where do I start?  Today I signed up for an hour of Sanders Optimum Fitness boot camp which I have been doing for well over a year.  ...