Take your fitness to the next level with a frequently overlooked piece of equipment, the flat bench.

One often missed but popular exercise piece of equipment is the flat bench. There are so many exercises one can perform with it, it’s a shame it doesn’t get more recognition. I’m going to share some of my favorite exercises in a full workout for women style to help you take advantage of this valuable piece of equipment.
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Check out some of the best exercises women can perform using an often overlooked piece of exercise equipment, the flat bench. #workoutsforwomen #fitover50 #fitover40 #exercise #flatbench #tonezone #buildmuscle #womenshealth
What is a flat bench?
Basically it is a bench that is flat. That means it doesn’t adjust at an angle. The flat bench allows you to stand, sit or lie in many positions to perform exercises. Flat benches are typically 17” to 18” in height so they are low enough to perform exercises such as bench squats, bench sumo squats, and etcetera. Yet they are high enough to perform exercise moves such as step ups and step overs.
Where can I purchase one?
They are typically available at any sporting goods store or even on Amazon. The price range varies but one can typically pick one up for between $50.00 and $200.00 dollars. It just depends.
Which is better flat bench or adjustable bench?
Honestly, they both serve a purpose. Flat benches are well, flat, no creases and are stable. Adjustable benches are good and can adjust to allow one to hit muscles a little differently. For the purposes of ease, this post will stick to discussing the flat version.
The Best Flat Bench Exercises For Women
I know when using a superlative like the word “best” the expectations are high but the following exercises in my professional opinion are simply some of the best for women to perform. They help burn 🔥 calories and fat, get the heart rate going and help develop nicely toned muscles which is very important for women. Here is my list.
- Incline mountain climbers/crossbody mountain climbers
- Incline push ups
- Hop overs
- Bench squats
- Bench sumo squats
- Triceps dips
- Step ups
- Step overs
- Dynamic Step ups
- Chest press
- Chest flyes
- Seated reverse flyes
- Incline plank
- Single leg bench squat
- Knee tucks
- Reverse crunch
- Reverse crunch with hip raise
- Table top crunches
- Step up to reverse lunge
As you can see the list is endless and basically anything you can do on the floor, can be done with a bench to add depth to the movement.
Workouts For Women
I know simply listing a bunch of exercises isn’t enough, you want to know how to put it all together right?I’ve done the work for you. Below are two killer workouts which contain my favorite exercises using a flat bench. I have performed these exercises in some form or fashion in the past.
I think you will really enjoy them. They sound similar but one has a more toning focus and the other integrates cardio in between the strength exercises.
Tag me on Instagram @FemmeFitaleFitClub and let me know what you think of the workouts after trying them.
Disclaimer: While I am a NASM certified personal trainer, Femme Fitale Fit Club is not responsible for harm, injury or loss of life as a result of you performing these workouts. Before starting any new workout program check with your physician. Perform at your own risk. Know your own fitness level and abilities.
Equipment: Flat bench, dumbbells, water, towel

Equipment: Flat bench

Do you own a flat bench?
Are you in the market to purchase one?
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