wellness 70 results

5 Longevity Hacks To Add Years To Your Life

Incorporate these five longevity hacks to extend years to your amazing life. Who doesn't want to live a longer, fuller life? We all strive for those extra years to cherish with our loved ones and make the most out of every precious moment. But what are the secrets to adding more years to our lives? This post will reveal five simple ...

How Eating Protein Can Help You Lose Weight

Learn how consuming protein can help you lose weight as well as improve your metabolism and satiety. #protein #health #metabolism

10 Proven Tips To Make Your Diet Healthier

Want to improve your diet for the better?  Then follow these 10 proven strategies which can improve energy, health status and wellness. #wellness #healthydiet #eatinghealthy

5 Simple Ways For Women To Win At Wellness

Improve your mental wellness and energy levels by applying these 5 wellness tips for women. #wellness #mentalhealth #selfcare

5 Ways to Prioritize Self-Care and Reach Your Goals

Take this 30-Day Movement, Meditation and Meals challenge to reinvigorate, rejuvenate and refresh your mind, body and spirit. #meditation #fitnesschallenge #3mchallenge #movement #healthymeals #goodhealth #detox #fasting #wellness #mentalhealth #selfcare

How To Achieve Better Sleep With Plants

Do you have indoor plants? Do you find it hard to fall asleep every night? Are you struggling to get the recommended seven to eight hours of sleep? If you answered yes to either of these questions, consider adding some plants to your bedroom. Certain plants and flowers help people sleep better. How do they do this? For a start, ...

How To Preserve Your Vision With Exercise

Physical exercises are great for toning down or building muscles. But did you know that they can also positively impact your eyes and vision? There are plenty of exercises for preserving vision. Keep reading to understand the connection between healthy eyes and physical activity! Join our FREE Fitness Accountability Group For Women ...

5 Tips To Help You Live Your Best Life

Follow these 5 tips to help you live your absolute best life. Everyone gets into a rut now and then, whether it is in your physical activity, meal menu, or boredom in your free hours. Maybe it's time to change your career or simply update your style. Regardless of what is holding you back, open yourself to exploring and growing where ...

In The Gym With Lauren McKinney

Meet amazing vegan and plant-based chef Lauren McKinney who shares how she transitioned to veganism and is living her best life. Please introduce yourself to our readers.  My name is Lauren McKinney. I’m a certified plant-based health coach and have been vegan for almost 11 years. I retired from my corporate gig in 2020 to spend ...

5 Flawless Ways to Reduce Anxiety

Anxiety is real and may increase with all of the various stressors in the world. If you start to experience anxiety more times than not, here are 5 flawless ways to reduce it. It's that sudden feeling of restlessness or panic over an impending danger. It's also the increased heart rate, hyperventilation, sweating, trembling, fatigue, and ...

I Am Going For The Whole Experience with Project YOU

I am starting a 4-week Project:  YOU challenge which will give me the whole experience.  The whole experience includes exercising 4 days a week, a day of yoga, balanced meal plan and accountability.  Keep reading to learn more about it and to join me. As you can imagine the past 12 months have been a rollercoaster ride of stress, trials ...

22-Day Healthy Habits Challenge

Take your energy to the next level with this 22-Day Healthy Habits Challenge which will keep you mindful of your health and wellness daily. It’s that time again where I love to release a new challenge to help all of us stay on track and committed to our fitness journeys and goals. This one is a bit different as we won’t be solely ...

No Sugar Challenge – 30 Days

This 30-day No Sugar Challenge focuses on helping you ween off of over consuming added sugar as well as break your sugar addiction to improve overall good health and wellness.  Who's ready? 30-Day No Sugar Challenge Disclaimer:  Participate in this challenge at your own risk.  Before starting any new fitness or nutrition program consult with ...

5 Ways to Maximize Your Workouts

Your time is valuable so whether you’re squeezing in a quick at-home workout or planning a long sweat session at the gym, you should always try to make the most out of your workouts. Often, there are only a few small changes we have to make to our workout plans to make them the most effective they can be. From eating nutritious foods to ...

How To Begin Active Mindfulness And Yoga

Learn how to begin active mindfulness and yoga practices in a busy world. We live in a busy world full of distractions -- and it's easy to lose track of yourself. Between work, family responsibilities, and just making it through each day, you might feel too busy to take a moment for mindfulness and feeding your soul. But neglecting yourself ...

5 Tips To Starting A Meditation Practice For Beginners

I remember when I didn’t know what meditation really was. “What am I actually supposed to do?” I wondered, as I sat dutifully in a position that was cutting off circulation to my feet. My research at that time indicated I wasn’t supposed to do anything. Literally. Needless to say, I didn’t get it, and I didn’t do it very well. So I ...

5 Ways to Burn Calories Outside the Gym

Learn the 5 ways to burn calories outside the gym with these tips and tricks. Spending time in the gym to get healthy and to lose weight is extremely effective, that’s an undeniable fact. Provided you are using the right program and the right exercises, you should be able to utilize working out in the gym to keep your weight under ...

Losing Weight – How To Get Started

I get constant questions about how to get started losing weight so I put together some practical tips to help you get going and to be successful with it. Reminder - this is strictly an example of what you can do to start your weight-loss journey. Of course always check with your physician before starting any exercise or nutrition program....

Top Health Benefits of Collagen Protein

In recent years, collagen supplements have been consumed more.  Learn and begin to understand how collagen protein behaves inside the body. Our bodies use protein like amino acids to build muscle, bone, cartilage, skin, hair and connective tissue.  Collagen protein is comprised of amino acids and without it or when it's production ...

How to Warm Up Before Exercising

  Do you warm up? When it comes to exercising such as weight training, strength training, cardio, calisthenics, cross-training, running, cycling, or any other form of physical activity for that matter, the warm up is, without question, one of the most important things you should do, and for good reason. We all know how beneficial physical ...