#ActiveNationDay is Coming To Your Town
Lorna Jane is doing it again. Two years in a row she has started a movement to encourage all of us to get ACTIVE! This year is no different. On Sunday, September 28, 2014 we are going to get our active groove on and shake up this globe.
What is #ActiveNationDay you ask? I'm glad you did ask. #ActiveNationDay is a movement created ...
Healthy Fats and My 3 Favorite Options
Guest post by Anna Lavonne Richardson
From a young age we are taught to avoid the “f” word, FATS. Fats have a reputation for being the cause of obesity or weight gain, but what if I told you there are healthy fats you should be eating?! Yes, you should be eating fats. I know this is completely opposite of what we learn growing up or what we ...
Workout Wednesday Link Up – Taco Salad
For this week's Workout Wednesday Link Up I decided to share a delicious taco salad my running buddy told me about. It's quick, inexpensive and EASY!!! We went running on the NCR Trail a few weeks ago and on our way home stopped by Wegmans to pick up a few ingredients to make this salad POP! Did I also say it was very FILLING? ...
Featured Fitale Jenica
FFFC: Please introduce yourself to our readers (i.e. your name, occupation, hobbies, etc.).
J: I’m Jenica, wife and stay at home Mom of 2 (ages 4 and 2.5).
FFFC: What sparked your weight-loss transformation journey?
J: I was playing around with my daughter (then almost 2 yrs) while my newborn son took a nap. I decided to pretend ...
Do You Know What You Are Drinking
I remember watching Oprah and she having a segment on her show with Dr. Oz about inspecting our poop. I also remember reading articles in Essence and Ebony about human excrement and how to read your waste. I read this infographic and thought it would be great to share with you all so you can know how to read and listen to your body and most ...
How To Read Your Waste
I remember watching Oprah and she having a segment on her show with Dr. Oz about inspecting our poop. I also remember reading articles in Essence and Ebony about human excrement and how to read your waste. I read this infographic and thought it would be great to share with you all so you can know how to read and listen to your body and most ...
Featured Fitale Kimberly Shorter
FFFC: Please introduce yourself to our readers (i.e. your name, occupation, hobbies, etc.).
KS: Hello! My name is Kimberly Shorter. I am a program analyst for the federal government, and a freelance writer. In my spare time I enjoy cooking, baking and traveling.
FFFC: What sparked your weight-loss transformation journey?
KS: I have ...
Featured Fitale Nancy McCaulay
FFFC: Please introduce yourself to our readers (i.e. your name, occupation, hobbies, etc.).
NM: Hello my name is Nancy McCaulay I work for a Consulting Firm in Northern Virginia. My hobbies are Graphic Design, swimming, running, etc.
FFFC: What sparked your weight-loss transformation journey?
NM: Taking a long hard look in the ...
Featured Fitale Tabatha
FFFC: Please introduce yourself to our readers (i.e. your name, occupation, hobbies, etc.).
T: My name is Tabatha and I am a 27 year old wife and mother of 2. I am a Spanish Teacher. My hobbies include working out, spending time with my family, and hosting extra curricular activities for my students.
FFFC: What sparked your ...
Get ULTRA RIPPED with the MAN OF STEEL Workout
I was fortunate enough to be invited to the movie premier of Man of Steel before the rest of the world. I was shocked to see how ripped Henry Cavill (Superman) got. After some research I discovered his secret for packing on massive muscle in such a short time. Let me share with you my findings.
First, let me state that Henry Cavill worked with ...
Featured Fitale Georgina Graham
FFFC: Please introduce yourself to our readers (i.e. your name, occupation, hobbies, etc.).
GG: Good Day! My name is Georgina Graham. By day I am an aviation expert, acting as an advocate and promoting excellence in safety, security and environmental issues in Civil Aviation. By night,I am a shoe-loving, time-travelling scribbler ...
Featured Fitale Vee Bleu
FFFC: Please introduce yourself to our readers (i.e. your name, occupation, hobbies, etc.).
VB: Veronica Adegoriolu aka Vee Bleu. Currently I work for a telecommunication company. My hobbies, as of late have been working out and trying to inspire and motivate others to share in a heathy lifestyle as well.
FFFC: What sparked your ...
Featured Fitale Marquita Taylor
I have always been bigger than my peers. In middle school I was the first girl to have to wear a bra and I failed gym class in high-school because of my disinterest in physical activity outside of the sport of competitive swimming. The need to be well changed my life. So many times African-American women attribute our “assets” to genetics ...
I am just posting this quickly to say how much I LOVE eating kale! I love it in my smoothies, sautéed, in chips or salad! There are so many benefits kale provides let me count the ways.
If you are digging kale too let me know by posting a comment and tell me your favorite way of eating it.
Femme Fitale Fit Club
Motivating you to Firm, Fit ...
Ninja Blender Product Review
Product: Ninja NJ600 Pro Blender
Price Point: $70 - $100
Purchase Outlets: Amazon.com, Target, and Walmart
I'm visiting with my mother and she recently purchased a Ninja blender from Belks here in South Carolina. This is her way of stepping up her blender game in order to blend more fruits and vegetables for smoothies and ...
Featured Fitale Cherie Steffen
FFFC: Please introduce yourself to our readers (i.e. your name, occupation, hobbies, etc.).
CS: Cherie Steffen, NASM-CPT. I’m a Leasing Consultant by day but my passion and what I would love to make my full time job would be fitness/motivational coaching & personal training. I am already certified personal trainer and working ...
Featured Fitale Jennie G
FFFC: Please introduce yourself to our readers (i.e. your name, occupation, hobbies, etc.).
JG: My name is Jen, I am in the Royal Air Force and love anything fitness related, I have recently had a little girl who is now 1.
FFFC: What sparked your weight-loss transformation journey?
JG: After I had my daughter I weighed over 196lbs and ...
Featured Fitale Tameika Gentles
FFFC: Please introduce yourself to our readers (i.e. your name, occupation, hobbies, etc.).
TG: Tameika Gentles, I work in HR for a well-known Canadian Brand. Hobbies include hanging out with my husband, friends and family. Also love to cook and live a healthy active lifestyle.
FFFC: What sparked your weight-loss transformation ...
Featured Fitale Kim Croslin
Kinda like the song says, "I found love in a hopeless place!" When I joined Fit Like Me Divas (FLMD) on January 17, 2012, I was in a hopeless place. Exhausted by the demands of being a stay-at-home Mom for nearly 9 years to two lively, comical, energetic, beautiful boys, still reeling in grief from the sudden 2008 death of my Mom's beloved ...
Featured Fitale Shaylen Harris
FFFC: Please introduce yourself to our readers (i.e. your name, occupation, hobbies, etc.).
SH: Hello, my name is Shaylen Harris I’m 28 years old. I’m married and we have a 19 months old son. My hobbies obviously included working out but I also love to cook I would love to go to culinary arts school one day.
FFFC: What sparked ...