day : 25/03/2013 3 results

Where Have You Been All My Life – Polar FT4 Review

If you have been following this blog you know I had an HRM I used that gave me less than stellar results.  You would also know I have been participating in boot camp since like August 2012 and am still in my last session (I plan to take a break for April).  Anywho - based on reading so many other pages and posts, I finally found a heart ...

Featured Fitale Cherie Steffen

FFFC:  Please introduce yourself to our readers (i.e. your name, occupation, hobbies, etc.). CS:  Cherie Steffen, NASM-CPT. I’m a Leasing Consultant by day but my passion and what I would love to make my full time job would be fitness/motivational coaching & personal training. I am already certified personal trainer and working ...

Check My Heart Beat

I am more than excited.  I finally purchased my first Polar HRM to monitor my heart rate while working out.  YIPPEE for me!  This may not seem like such a big deal but it IS because I have had trouble in the past finding a dependable yet simple HRM to use during my workouts.  Quite honestly - the only time I used it was when I was running...