health 357 results

4 Big Reasons Why You Need a Fitness Tracker In Your Life

Aerial yoga, fitness video games, and lemon and cayenne pepper cleanses—all fitness trends that suddenly took the world by storm and then lost popularity as quickly as they skyrocketed into the spotlight. Fitness trends come and go, and some are effective, but most produce more hype than they do results. One of the newest trends in ...

Back To Basics: Key Steps To Basic Nutrition Webinar

Are you desperately trying to lose weight but don't know what to eat? Are you not sure if you are eating the best way to support your fitness goals? Are you confused by what to eat and what not to eat? Are you confused by portion control? Then you need to join Adrienne Gordon, Nutrition Specialist and me as we discuss Back To Basics:  Key ...

5 Tips to Ensure Good Health

Follow these tips to ensure your good health this year. It’s never too late to make a New Year’s resolution, or simply to strive to live just that much healthier for the rest of the year. Whether you are looking at the holidays in the rear view mirror or you see that they are fast approaching again, making just a few changes to your ...

5 Ways People Sabotage Their Own Weight Loss

Here are five ways people sabotage their own weight loss and how to avoid doing it.  You would not believe how well-intentioned people actually sabotage their weight loss. You would also not believe the things people do just to lose weight. Some would even go as far as starve themselves to death! But do you know what’s even more surpri...

5 Running Myths Debunked Once And For All

If you are starting a running program, let's debunk some common myths so you can be successful. Learning how to run can be overwhelming.  And for every positive article about the benefits of running, you can find another article officially declaring how it is “bad for you” in one way or another.   But are they right? Over the ...

Parting Is Such Sweet Sorrow

Hi everyone!  It might look a little different around here.  Well after much deliberation Sheila of The Frugal Exerciser and I have decided to discontinue our weekly Workout Wednesday Link Ups.  It's been a lot of fun and we have met a TON of amazing people so parting is such sweet sorrow.  BUT due to some other commitments that have taken ...

How To Juice in 5 Easy Steps

If you are interested in juicing here is how to juice in five easy steps. If you have been reading this blog for a while then you know I am a serious JUICER!  I even wrote a blog post on how to shop and find the right juicer for you.   [Tweet "Learn how to juice in 5 easy steps. #juicing #howtojuice"] Assuming you have found the very best ...

How To Workout By Your Body Type

By understanding your body type, you can customize a workout program to be more effective than an “out of the box” workout program. Customizing a workout program based on your body type is surprisingly easy. Before you start developing a workout program you have to identify your body type (also called somatotype). There are three basics ...

In The Gym with Jasmine Cabrera

FFFC:  Please introduce yourself to our readers. Hey there!  My name is Jasmine Cabrera and I’m a NASM certified personal trainer, entrepreneur, and trying to be budding nutrition writer (if I could ever sit still long enough to actually finish something).  I hail from good ol’ Virginia, but currently am residing in St.Kitts in the ...

Say HELLO to Health

Disclaimer:  This post contains affiliate links. Just call me the SMOOTHIE QUEEN because you all know I love my smoothies.  Well lately I have been trying out the Aloha superfood powder brand to UP the nutritional content of my smoothies and is really good.  NO KIDDING!  You know I will tell y'all if I don't like ...

30 Days To a Better You | Day 2

So, how did you do with the first day? Share what you did over at the challenge group page on Facebook.   Your Daily Mind Challenge Mind Coach Krista Nelson    Take a Few Minutes to Meditate  It’s easier than you think. “Meditation is the art of seeing into the nature of one’s being, it points the way from ...

Weird Workout Hacks that Actually Work

It’s not hard to find hundreds of search results for workout tips when searching the internet. That’s why I was on a mission to find quick and easy workout tips that actually work, proven by scientific studies.  Below are my findings: Talk to Yourself- While most people get bothered, and slightly scared, by others who talk to themselves ...

Fit & fun for summer

Marfa asymmetrical lomo sustainable skateboard mumblecore. Readymade vegan literally retro messenger bag. Pickled readymade Schlitz art party, leggings retro authentic Brooklyn chambray hoodie letterpress. DIY Intelligentsia farm-to-table, four loko pug asymmetrical mlkshk cray letterpress. Messenger bag gluten-free lo-fi irony kogi tattooed ...

Back Exercises You Can Do at Home

Get your back toned and tight at home with these effective back exercises. Come on, you know where the back machines are in your gym right? Well if you don’t, it’s the group of machines that rarely have anyone on them. That’s because people like to work muscle groups that get attention, like biceps and abs. However, those with strong ...

In the Gym with HangTight with MarC

FFFC:  Please introduce yourself to our readers. HTWM: I’m a Personal Trainer and Health Coach to persons nationwide providing free multimedia-based HangTight with MarC weekly workouts for total body transformation catered to all fitness levels. I specialize in various metabolic training workouts including-HIIT, the most popular, EMOM, ...

In The Gym with Kayla Itsines

Meet Kayla Itsines who is a co-founder of the SWEAT app and author of the groundbreaking eBook Bikini Body Guide.  Learn how she got started helping millions worldwide. [Tweet "Read all about worldwide personal trainer sensation Kayla Itsines in our interview. @kayla_itsines #fitfam"] FFFC:  Please introduce yourself to our readers. K:  Hi, ...

S is for Snacks

// The letter "S" is for snacks.  If any of you are like me, working out multiple times a week constantly leaves me hungry throughout the day. On one hand that is a good thing, gives me an inclination my metabolism is burning but on the other hand - it gets difficult to make the right choice if I do not plan properly. Check out my quick ...

Q is for Quiet Time

There's something to be said for those individuals who have quiet time in the morning to meditate and spend time with themselves and God during the quiet hours of the morning.  They tend to be less stressed and happier people.  I know people personally who meditate and are better for it.  They are the see the cup half full vs. half empty ...

P is for Push Ups

Any and everyone who knows me knows I enjoy doing push ups.  I know that sounds strange but I do.  You know why?  Due to another "P" word, powerful.  It makes me feel powerful. I do them in boot camp and with my personal trainer.  I do them on my own and while working out with my girls.  It is my go-to exercise. I started doing ...

J is for Jump Rope

Easily one of my favorite forms of cardio, I think many of us forget how effective jumping rope is.  I decided to buy a jump rope years into my adulthood when I watched Zuzana of Zuzka Light and formerly of the BodyRock TV days jumping rope and working up a sweat.  Another fitness guru who got me motivated to jump rope was Jennifer Nicole ...