health 357 results

Top 5 Weight Loss Mistakes To Avoid

I want to share 5 of the most common mistakes to avoid when trying to lose weight.  As a certified personal trainer I get asked all of the time by clients and people I meet how to lose weight. The formula is factual and basic but many seem to hit a pitfall with their own weight loss journey so I want to share some common mistakes my ...

How to Warm Up Before Exercising

  Do you warm up? When it comes to exercising such as weight training, strength training, cardio, calisthenics, cross-training, running, cycling, or any other form of physical activity for that matter, the warm up is, without question, one of the most important things you should do, and for good reason. We all know how beneficial physical ...

10 Critical Things To Know About Exercise

Want to know some critical things you need to know about exercise?  Keep reading. Numerous people begin exercising without performing some important activities first.  They plunge into exercise eagerly, unaware that they may be setting themselves up for injury if they don’t perform these important activities before starting B...

7 Amazing Exercises for a Full Body Workout

Try these 7 amazing total body exercises that won't require any equipment, just body weight. As you can imagine, there are so many exercises and variations, it’s sure to make you dizzy but don’t fret, we have compiled a list of some of the most effective total body exercises. You will find that these exercises have a lot in common such as ...

September #NoFluff Fitness Challenge

  Registration is open so sign up today for the #NoFluff Challenge (SEPTEMBER): [Tweet "Start your #fitnessjourney with our #NoFluff challenge. Register today"] This program is a total body challenge with workouts to focus on 1 body part a day, 6 days a week with 1 day's rest. ...

How To Lose Weight With Technology

Learn how technology can help you lose weight effectively. Disclaimer:  This post contains affiliate links. Before you continue reading join 44,000 other women and get free tips and fitness challenges in my online fitness technology group on Facebook Technology has reached the state of having the power to ...

Cardio Versus Weight Training For Fat Loss

The average gym goer would probably tell themselves "If I want to burn fat, do more cardio" and "If I want to build more muscle, I should lift weights". Well with this article, we prove that weight training tops cardio for fat loss for many reasons. [Tweet "Learn which is better for effective long-term fat loss, weight training or cardio. ...

The Perfect Blend for Optimal Weight Loss

I get asked constantly about how to not only get started with a workout program but also the best way to lose weight.  It’s a simple yet complex answer at the same time.  Many people want me to prescribe a magic pill but sustained weight loss takes more than a simple pill. I’m going to share the perfect blend of what it takes to ...

Fall Back 2 Fit 7-Day Challenge – March 2017

You asked for it and now I'm bringing it to you for 7 whole days. Fall Back 2 Fit 7-Day Challenge If you have fallen off the fitness wagon, or never really got on, are extremely busy, need structured workouts and/or have no idea how to get started along your journey then let me show you with this 7-day jump start fitness program. This ...

Why You Need Probiotics in Your Life

  What are probiotics?  They are live yeast and cultures that are good for your digestive tract.  They are considered helpful or “good” bacteria that help move food through your system. [Tweet "Improve your gut health and immune systemwith @OllyNutrition Quick Melt Probiotic Sticks #ad"] ...

Top 5 TRX Exercises For A Full-Body Workout

TRX workout system is advantageous in that it requires small space and minimal training equipment during any exercise session. No prior training is necessary for anybody who would want to use the system and the other benefit that underlies the use of TRX is that it applies to many physical fitness objectives. Any person right from Olympic-style ...

Top 6 Sure Ways To Tone Your Back For Good

Is annoying bra back fat the bane of your existence?  Then check out these top 6 sure ways to get rid of back fat. Before you keep reading join my FREE online fitness accountability support group on Facebook and enjoy free workouts, fitness challenges and health tips along with 4️⃣4️⃣0️⃣0️⃣...

Slim Down With Killer HIIT Cardio

Here's how you can slim down quickly with HIIT cardio. I get asked all the time by women in our fitness accountability group how to lose the extra weight and extra stomach.  When I ask what they are doing they say they do cardio for hours upon hours a day and still not seeing results. I then have to stop them.  Staying on a comfortable ...

Fall Back 2 Fit 7-Day Challenge

You asked for it and now I'm bringing it to you for 7 whole days. Fall Back 2 Fit 7-Day Challenge If you have fallen off the fitness wagon or never really got on and have no idea how, let me show you with this 7-day challenge. This challenge will not only help you jump start your fitness and weight loss journey I'm going to share informat...

EVENT: Fitness On The Track

We have a fun event planned to celebrate #BackToSchool.  Come on out with your family (children included), neighbors and friends to get some fresh air and to an amazing workout in with your coaches:  Adrienne, La'Tai and me. Diatta Adrienne La'Tai Check out the event details: Cost:  FREE Where:  New Town High School track (behind ...

The Truth About Losing Weight Without Exercise

Get the truth about losing weight without exercise. It is possible and can be done without gimmicks. Just follow these tips. Let's discuss the truth about losing weight without exercise.  A few years back I shared an article about ways to lose weight without exercise. It’s still a very popular topic to this day but I wanted to follow that ...

Sample Weight Loss Workout Program for Beginners

Here's an amazing and low-impact weight loss beginner workout program you can do at home. In the last few days you may have started noticing you are gaining weight and not looking quite like you want or did previously. Don’t waste time feeling disappointed or looking for quick fixes, focus on putting in the work to get in the best shape of ...

Top 5 Fitness Hacks To Keep Your Exercise On Track

We all want to be fit don't we, ladies? Sometimes it doesn’t always work out like we want and we may fall off track.  Those intermittent breaks from the routine could end up with us never going back to it.  To avoid quitting, we all look for some simple tricks and hacks to keep us on track that do not require much effort, but helps us stay in ...

Fitness Myths Busted! Webinar with Dr. Phoenyx Austin

Do you hold true some fitness old wives tales and want to know if they are the truth? Are you confused by all of the mix of fitness information out there? Do you want to know the truth about fitness, nutrition and methods? Then you need want to join Dr. Phoenyx Austin, M.D. and me as we discuss Fitness Myths Busted! There is so much ...

How To Stop Being A Junk Food Junkie Webinar

Do you constantly crave junk food? Are you having a hard time kicking your sugar habit? Then you need to join Adrienne Gordon, Nutrition Specialist and me as we discuss How To Stop Being A Junk Food Junkie. It isn't easy beating the junk food habit.  Even healthy food we thought was healthy for us can be considered junk food.  Don't ...