fitness 578 results

5 Reasons Women Should Build Muscle

Here are 5 reasons why women should build lean muscle.  Women in the gym tend to steer clear of anything that involves lifting weights. If you've ever been to one, you've probably noticed that. Maybe you're a woman yourself. When someone suggests that you start lifting, the first thing you think is that you don't want to bulk up and start ...

5 Top Tips to Reduce Cellulite Naturally

I have been getting a lot of questions about how to reduce and/or get rid of the look of cellulite especially on the thighs and buttocks.  First let me say it won't be easy but these 5 top tips will help reduce the look of cellulite and replace it with nice smooth, lump-free skin. What is cellulite? Simply put, cellulite occurs when fat ...

Tips for Squeezing in a Workout for Busy Women

We women stay busy with family, career, volunteer work, church, etc. but here is how to squeeze in a workout even with all of that going on. Let's talk about fitting in workouts being a busy woman.  Being a woman in today's hectic society means having to juggle an incredible number of obligations, from work to children to relationships ...

Top Fat Loss Myths Busted!

  A myth is any widely held belief or idea that a majority of people believe is a fact even though it isn’t.  Myths are either unproven or have proven not to work. If you are planning to shed some pounds, you may be tricked into believing what some ‘self-proclaimed’ health gurus tell you. While you might be tempted to ...

5 Top Tips to Lose Body Fat

If you struggle to lose excess body fat, then check out these 5 top tips that will help you solve that.   Forget about weight loss! It’s a term that’s constantly being thrown around in the media, making it to the top choice for New Year resolutions every year. Instead focus on fat loss. What’s the difference you may ask? Here's ...

Top 5 Weight Loss Mistakes To Avoid

I want to share 5 of the most common mistakes to avoid when trying to lose weight.  As a certified personal trainer I get asked all of the time by clients and people I meet how to lose weight. The formula is factual and basic but many seem to hit a pitfall with their own weight loss journey so I want to share some common mistakes my ...

The Power Of A Fitness Community

We often put a lot of pressure on ourselves to achieve our fitness goals, which should be the case since it is an individual accomplishment. However, it is as important, if not more, to surround yourself with others that want you to reach your fitness goals as much as you do. The slightest support or motivation from others can make the ...

How to Warm Up Before Exercising

  Do you warm up? When it comes to exercising such as weight training, strength training, cardio, calisthenics, cross-training, running, cycling, or any other form of physical activity for that matter, the warm up is, without question, one of the most important things you should do, and for good reason. We all know how beneficial physical ...

10 Critical Things To Know About Exercise

Want to know some critical things you need to know about exercise?  Keep reading. Numerous people begin exercising without performing some important activities first.  They plunge into exercise eagerly, unaware that they may be setting themselves up for injury if they don’t perform these important activities before starting B...

7 Amazing Exercises for a Full Body Workout

Try these 7 amazing total body exercises that won't require any equipment, just body weight. As you can imagine, there are so many exercises and variations, it’s sure to make you dizzy but don’t fret, we have compiled a list of some of the most effective total body exercises. You will find that these exercises have a lot in common such as ...

September #NoFluff Fitness Challenge

  Registration is open so sign up today for the #NoFluff Challenge (SEPTEMBER): [Tweet "Start your #fitnessjourney with our #NoFluff challenge. Register today"] This program is a total body challenge with workouts to focus on 1 body part a day, 6 days a week with 1 day's rest. ...

How To Lose Weight With Technology

Learn how technology can help you lose weight effectively. Disclaimer:  This post contains affiliate links. Before you continue reading join 44,000 other women and get free tips and fitness challenges in my online fitness technology group on Facebook Technology has reached the state of having the power to ...

How Fitness Can Affect Your Wellbeing

Learn how fitness can affect and improve your wellbeing. Positive Effects of Fitness On Your Wellbeing Fitness in this context can be explained to be the ability of the body to remain in good health, to be able to do our day to day activities without undue fatigue and remain physically fit. Common components of fitness and wellbeing ...

Cardio Versus Weight Training For Fat Loss

The average gym goer would probably tell themselves "If I want to burn fat, do more cardio" and "If I want to build more muscle, I should lift weights". Well with this article, we prove that weight training tops cardio for fat loss for many reasons. [Tweet "Learn which is better for effective long-term fat loss, weight training or cardio. ...

Carb Cycling Plan – The Ultimate Lean Gains Solution

Learn how carb cycling can help take your fitness and weight loss to the next level. Let's discuss carb cycling in this post.  When it comes to not only burning fat, but actually gaining lean muscle mass in the process, a lot of people tend to find themselves avoiding all fats like the plague, including healthy fats such as polyunsaturated ...

How to Workout Effectively From Home

You don't necessarily need a gym membership to workout and we are going to show you how you can workout effectively from home. Disclaimer:  This post contains affiliate links. For many people, training at home is a great way to get in shape without having to go to a gym. However, if you are new to exercise, you might not know where to ...

8 Simple Ways to Motivate Yourself to Work Out

For a lot of us, finding the motivation to work out can be difficult sometimes.  After all, it's much, much easier to stay in bed for a half hour more than to get out of bed and get your butt to the gym. Admit it, how familiar is this scenario? You plan your workout schedule for the next four weeks and get super pumped about it. One week ...

Resistance Band Quick Mini Loop Workout

I am so excited to share my latest mini loop resistance band workout with you.   For as long as I can remember I have primarily exercised with dumbbells.  But using a resistance band to workout is a great alternative to using free weights or even machines. I enjoy using them when I'm travelling, don't have a lot of space or can't get to the ...

How To Build A Better Booty Without Squats or Equipment

I’ve shared with you how to build a better butt while losing weight but for some of you, you want to focus strictly on building a better booty.  I realize some of you do not have gym memberships or a lot of exercise equipment, so this workout routine is for YOU! There is a false notion that the only way to exercise and get in shape is in a ...

Lose Weight With Pull And Push Exercises

Learn how push and pull moves can help you lose weight. Losing weight can be one of the most frustrating things a person can do: sometimes, no matter how hard you try, you just can’t lose that extra weight you want or need to. There can be several reasons for this, but there’s also a good chance you aren’t doing the proper exercises to ...