exercise 509 results

How To Jump Rope For Weight Loss

Learn the different techniques you can use to jump rope and lose weight. Jumping rope is one of the best yet underrated forms of cardio around.  World-class athletes do it from boxers, football players, crossfitters and MMA fighters.  The reason being is because it blasts fat while helping to improve endurance, coordination and agilit...

New Mom 5-Day Workout Plan

If you aren't able to sign up for mommy and me fitness classes then this new mom at-home 5-day exercise plan is just what you need. Congratulations for becoming a new mom whether this is the first child or the third, whether you gave birth 3 months ago or 3 years ago.  You should be applauded.  I also understand, since I’m a mom of 2 that it ...

3 Science-Backed Tips to Get the Most Out of Your Next Workout

If you want to keep your gym time to a minimum, yet become leaner and stronger, you need to know how to make your workouts more effective with these tips. Whether you’re at the beginning of your fitness journey or are a seasoned pro, these 3 science-backed tips will help you to get the most out of your next workout. [Tweet "Check out ...

How To Lose Belly Fat Quickly

It seems that everyone is trying to shed some belly fat, and there are countless schemes, diets, and tricks that claim to help with dropping the weight. Yet, if they really worked, then wouldn’t everyone be doing them? Sometimes, the best thing you can do to lose belly fat is to stick to the simplicity of a healthy diet and exercise routine...

Why You Can’t Lose Weight And How To Fix It

Better understand why you can't lose weight and strategies to help fix it. Do you know that feeling of utter despair that overwhelms you when you stand on your scales and see that the digits are the same they were last week? Or, heaven forbid, even bigger? My thoughts when that happened devolved into the self-depreciating spiral of ‘What is ...

6 Fantastic Benefits Of Jogging For The Mind

The next time you don't feel like lacing up for a nice indoor or outdoor jog consider these 6 fantastic benefits of jogging for the mind. Aside from the obvious physical benefits of jogging, or any other physical exercise, there are several brain-related reasons why you should consider taking up jogging as soon as tomorrow. Some think of ...

8 Actionable Ways To Lose Weight

If you have been struggling to lose weight then follow these 8 actionable ways you can do so effectively. Weight loss is a relatively straightforward process. But that doesn’t make it easy. Add to the fact that there is so much contradicting information out there and you’ve got yourself the perfect recipe for confusion and frustration. The ...

At-Home And Gym Workouts For Women

I get asked daily from the women in my free fitness accountability group about workouts they can conveniently do at home. Then there are others who have gym membership and want something they can perform with gym weights and machines. I know for myself, I have my own home gym filled with just about every piece of equipment one can think ...

6 Ways to Balance Work 👷‍♀️, Social Life 🍷, and Fitness 🏋️‍♀️

In this modern century when we are overwhelmed with hi-tech gadgets in our work, it is difficult to balance work, private life, and fitness. The main focus, however, should be on your family and trying to be with your loved ones after work as much as possible. But that doesn't mean that you have to neglect your health and social life. ...

5 Ways to Burn Calories Outside the Gym

Learn the 5 ways to burn calories outside the gym with these tips and tricks. Spending time in the gym to get healthy and to lose weight is extremely effective, that’s an undeniable fact. Provided you are using the right program and the right exercises, you should be able to utilize working out in the gym to keep your weight under ...

4 Ways To Succeed At Fat Loss

It's a new year so keep reading to learn how you can realize successful fat loss results in the next twelve months and beyond. In college I wore a size zero in bottoms and an XS in tops. I had the body of Kate Moss, rail thin with long limbs except I was no model. I was an Asian nerd who ate a lot of rice and did a lot of cardio. All of that ...

How To Create Your Own Home Gym

Building out your own home gym is an excellent option especially if you don’t have the funds or time to deal with annual gym contracts, other gym goers or no available gym equipment.  Here’s how to create your own gym space at home. Regular box gyms tend to be too overcrowded (especially during certain times of the year), noisy, and filled ...

Losing Weight – How To Get Started

I get constant questions about how to get started losing weight so I put together some practical tips to help you get going and to be successful with it. Reminder - this is strictly an example of what you can do to start your weight-loss journey. Of course always check with your physician before starting any exercise or nutrition program....

5 Most Popular Fitness Posts in 2018

2018 was a very good year for this fitness blog. After getting my personal training certification in 2016 it provided me the background to create more informative and science-based posts to benefit women who have health and fitness questions.

How To Stoke Your Metabolism for Effective Weight Loss

When your metabolism is functioning as it should, your body is efficiently burning calories to help you maintain your activities of daily living.  If you want to lose weight then you will want to be burning calories at a slight deficit meaning your body is burning more calories from activity than what you’re consuming. However, with time and ...

4 Simple Steps to Building Beginner Workout Programs

Here are 4 simple steps to assist anyone build an effective beginner workout program to help them achieve their fitness and health goals. These 4 simple steps to building beginner workout programs aren't the same old same old.  The best workout routines aren’t shaped out of a cookie-cutter ready to put into service by every single one of ...

Kettlebell Workouts for Weight Loss

If you’ve been looking for kettlebell workouts for weight loss you’ve come to the right place.  Weight loss is most affected by a change in diet, but that doesn’t mean that your exercise regimen should take a back seat. In fact, you can use kettlebells to burn fat and increase weight loss at the same time that you build lean muscle ...

6 Reasons You Aren’t Losing Weight

Losing weight can be tough.  And if you don't see the scale move, there could be valid reasons for that.  Keep reading to find out what they are. You have been at the top of your weight training and healthy eating plan for the past month, so you expect to see results.  But what if you step on the scale and realize that you ...

5 Reasons Women Should Build Muscle

Here are 5 reasons why women should build lean muscle.  Women in the gym tend to steer clear of anything that involves lifting weights. If you've ever been to one, you've probably noticed that. Maybe you're a woman yourself. When someone suggests that you start lifting, the first thing you think is that you don't want to bulk up and start ...

Tips for Squeezing in a Workout for Busy Women

We women stay busy with family, career, volunteer work, church, etc. but here is how to squeeze in a workout even with all of that going on. Let's talk about fitting in workouts being a busy woman.  Being a woman in today's hectic society means having to juggle an incredible number of obligations, from work to children to relationships ...