exercise 516 results

Leggo #Workout and Week In Review

I'mma be honest - this week was a wee bit slow.  I only worked out 3 days this week!  EEK can't remember the last time I did that but this is NOW the most recent time.  I remember in the beginning of my workout journey I was aiming to work out 5 days a week at least and NOW I can't imagine working out less than 5 days a week.  My how times ...

Featured Fitale Georgina Graham

FFFC:  Please introduce yourself to our readers (i.e. your name, occupation, hobbies, etc.). GG:  Good Day! My name is Georgina Graham.  By day I am an aviation expert, acting as an advocate and promoting excellence in safety, security and environmental issues in Civil Aviation.  By night,I am a shoe-loving, time-travelling scribbler ...

#Countdown….Only 13 Days Left – Did You Vote Yet?

Please help me out and VOTE FOR ME!!  Every time I receive a vote it equals a virtual mile on the treadmill.  Whomever has the most miles at the end of the contest WINS!  I am competitive and really want this. So here is how you can help me.....simply click >>>>>>>>>>>HERE<<<<<<<<<...

30 Minutes of Funk #Workout and Week In Review

This week was a very busy week when it came to my workout.  I travelled back from Virginia late Sunday and ran around very early on Monday so Tuesday we got things back to some sort of working order.  Plus my diet over the weekend was HORRIBLE so I had to get back on the grind to work it out which I did. Monday No fitness activity Tuesday I was ...

Took It To The Pavement

As you may have just read I had a weekend filled with poor eating habits and very little sleep.  A recipe for disaster when it comes to maintaining optimal health.  I took it outside today and hit the pavement with my bestest running buddy and neighbor.  She is always down for an outside run and exploring new and longer routes.  Today we did ...

#Countdown….Only 20 Days Left – Did You Vote Yet?

Please help me out and VOTE FOR ME!!  Every time I receive a vote it equals a virtual mile on the treadmill.  Whomever has the most miles at the end of the contest WINS!  I am competitive and really want this. So here is how you can help me.....simply click >>>>>>>>>>>HERE<<<<<<<<<...

Q.U.E.E.N. #Workout

Today was my second day back with my personal trainer Heather and it felt good.  The gym was a little muggy  and humid but other than that I think I am quickly getting back into the groove of things.  You see last month I traded working out with weights twice a week for boot camp which is  rigorous workout with a bunch of cardio that helps to ...

Welcome Back #Workout

I am sitting out of the Sanders Optimum Fitness Boot Camp today because I have been desiring a little rest and balance in the mornings.  With that said I started going back to my personal trainer at Brick Bodies - Heather and it was like I never left.  We worked it today and she worked ME!  In only 30 minutes I burned close to 200 calories and ...

#Countdown….Only 25 Days Left – Did You Vote Yet?

Please help me out and VOTE FOR ME!!  Every time I receive a vote it equals a virtual mile on the treadmill.  Whomever has the most miles at the end of the contest WINS!  I am competitive and really want this. So here is how you can help me.....simply click >>>>>>>>>>>HERE<<<<<<<<<...

#Countdown….Only 27 Days Left – Did You Vote Yet?

Please help me out and VOTE FOR ME!!  Every time I receive a vote it equals a virtual mile on the treadmill.  Whomever has the most miles at the end of the contest WINS!  I am competitive and really want this. So here is how you can help me.....simply click >>>>>>>>>>>HERE<<<<<<<<<...

#Countdown….Only 28 Days Left – Did You Vote Yet?

Please help me out and VOTE FOR ME!!  Every time I receive a vote it equals a virtual mile on the treadmill.  Whomever has the most miles at the end of the contest WINS!  I am competitive and really want this. So here is how you can help me.....simply click >>>>>>>>>>>HERE<<<<<<<<<...

Have You Been Drinking?

If you get thirsty - your body is already dehydrated.  One of this month's challenges is to consume at least 1/2 your body weight of water in ounces (if you weight 100 lbs drink 50 oz) a DAY!!!  If you are active and sweating then you will need even MORE!!!  There are so many benefits of drinking water regularly it isn't even funny.  It helps ...

#Countdown….Only 29 Days Left – Did You Vote Yet?

  Please help me out and VOTE FOR ME!!  Every time I receive a vote it equals a virtual mile on the treadmill.  Whomever has the most miles at the end of the contest WINS!  I am competitive and really want this. So here is how you can help me.....simply click >>>>>>>>>>>HERE<<<<<<<...

Countdown….Only 30 Days Left – Did You Vote Yet?

This is the final month of a 3-month contest I entered with my local gym Brick Bodies (PHEW).  It's been a long time but several supportive followers, co-workers, family and friends have continued to vote for me daily to help me win this contest which is hosted on Facebook.  It is a Social Treadmill Challenge  and I am really trying to win.  ...

Who Needs Medicine?

I work for a health insurance company and every year we have an opportunity to decrease our annual medical benefit premium by participating in a biometric screening.  They measure our cholesterol, triglycerides, glucose, BMI, and blood pressure.  I signed up last week and silly me forgot I had it this morning.  I drank my green smoothie with ...

Featured Fitale Vee Bleu

  FFFC:  Please introduce yourself to our readers (i.e. your name, occupation, hobbies, etc.). VB:  Veronica Adegoriolu aka Vee Bleu. Currently I work for a telecommunication company. My hobbies, as of late have been working out and trying to inspire and motivate others to share in a heathy lifestyle as well. FFFC:  What sparked your ...

Phine Body vs. Booty Boot Camp

I must admit I watch The Real Housewives of Atlanta faithfully since well...since it started.  This season there are two characters who both came out with workout DVDs.  On the show one of the characters had plans to make a video about "donkey booties".  Her term for plump, fat buttocks which is a trait often associated with women of African ...

My New Normal

I have been working out regularly since 2008.  I started working out regularly again then because I went out with some friends, one of whom I hadn't seen for a year, and she looked FANTASTIC.  Small waist, petite physique ... all that.  I wanted to learn how she got that way.  I found out she had been working with a personal trainer.  I knew ...

If You Didn’t Come To Party

Then you should go home.  That is how it is in boot camp.  If you didn't come to work hard - why come out at 5:30 am at all?  We don't come out there to sit on the wall or the bleachers.  We come out there to WORK!  Today was no different.  Thursdays are normally toning day and that means we focus on hand weights and upper and lower body ...

Can You Hang?

If you are actively participating in or lurking on the FFFC private or public Facebook pages you know over the next few weeks we have scheduled 5:45 am 3-mile runs.  I am excited about this because I am ready to take it back outside.  The air is fresh and it invigorates me.  I also like the camaraderie as I tend to run with my neighbor.  I ...