Sanders Optimum Boot Camp (Day 7)

It wasn’t a good day y’all.  I mean the workout was good.  Monte did what he was supposed to do but the morning started off rocky.  For one, I did not get a good night’s sleep after going to bed after 11 pm because someone next to me was sawing logs.  I mean it woke me up in the middle of the night to the point I had to sleep with the pillow over my head.

Next, my stomach was still bothering me from bad food I ate on Friday.  Who knew fish and steamed broccoli could mess you up?  I climbed out of bed with less than 5 hours of sleep, changed, washed my face and brushed my teeth and then it came.  The gag reflex had me earling stomach acid!  My stomach was really in bad shape but I paid for this session and I am getting all 12 of my sessions so off I went.

Drove around the corner at 5:10 am to pick up my neighbor and she immediately noticed I was not my regular cheery self.  We get to the athletic center and start our stretching and don’t you know he wants us to start with 200 jumping jacks!  Can I get through this without earling?  Let’s see.   Fortunately got through that exercise good enough and next came the 1 mile run under 10 minutes.  DRAT….he is not being my friend this morning.  Can’t he see the glazed look in my eyes?  “Oh well – suck it up, you are here and you can’t let the 12-year old beat your mile time so get going”!  That’s what I had to tell myself and I made it through.

Afterwards had to catch my breath!  Then we did some fit tests to see how much progress we made since day 1.  I have to say – for being under the weather I did beat my last time – CHECK!  Then we did some ab exercises and OUTSIDE we go in less than 30 seconds on the field before we start that long sequence around the field of 1 minute walk, 30 seconds job, 20 seconds all out SPRINT!  We did this a series of at least 6 or 7 times – I can’t even remember, it’s all a blur.

But guess what, stomach started feeling better.  The more I pushed, the better I felt.  The fog was lifting and so was the dark haze.  Exercise is good for the body after all!  LOL.  We finished up with some more standing ab exercises, jogs and full-out sprints and it felt good.  When I sprint outside I realize I enjoy the wind blowing in my face and through my hair!  It feels freeing and it is you against yourself.

One of Monte’s favorite lines is “You are competing against yourself”.  Who cares what someone else is doing…..when it comes to getting results that last, you must PUSH yourself out of the comfort zone and also strive to do better than you did last time.  Go all out – leave it all on the floor.  He also tells us to give ourselves 100% because when we leave we will be giving work 100% next.  He is right.  Take care of yourself first and don’t give something to someone you do not give to yourself.

Make it happen and thanks fo reading!  I you are completing a boot camp share your experience below!

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  • Boot Camp Saturday « Femme Fitale Fit Club Blog September 23, 2012 (8:04 am)

    […] Sanders Optimum Boot Camp (Day 7) ( Share this:TwitterFacebookPinterestTumblrLike this:LikeBe the first to like this. This entry was posted on Sunday, September 23rd, 2012 at 8:04 am and tagged with fitness, Fitness boot camp, Garrison Forest School, health, Jumping Jack, Ladder, Mile run, Sanders Optimum Fitness, wellness, workout and posted in Journaling my journey. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. « FFFC #Challenge #18: No Junk Food […]