6 Ways Exercise Makes Your Brain Better

Who doesn't want to preserve their brain cells?

Sanders Optimum Boot Camp (Day 6)

  I feel good!  Made it through the second of four weeks of this boot camp!  I will admit, I felt much better today than I did yesterday.  Today I arrived and had a chance to stretch before he put us to work.  We warmed up with a mile jog he wanted us to complete UNDER 9 minutes.  Then he had us do 100 jumping jacks. After that warm ...

Sanders Optimum Bootcamp (Day 5)

If you ever wonder what they have us doing in bootcamp?  Well here it is!  Add to this we are up at 5:30 am IN THE MORNING.  The birds aren't even up yet.  It was a great workout and a wonderful way to change the pace!  Try it - you might like it. Workout Awesome effort in our AM CAMP today! We completed 1/2 mile of sprints and cardio, 12 ...

The Tonic

  Dr. Dre brought us The CHRONIC.   Chef Ahki brings you The TONIC.  No adult advisory necessary!   Electrify your body.  

Before and Afters

Who else gets inspired by before and after photos?  I know I do so thought I would share a few I found!  INSPIRING!              

FFFC Challenge #13: Daily Crunches

      Daily Crunches Crunches are one of the most widely known forms of exercise.  When done correctly it strengthens your core, obliques, upper and lower abdominal muscles.  This in turn helps to support your back and any physical daily activity as it all starts with the core. This week’s challenge is not for the faint of heart.  ...

Featured Femme Fitale – Michele Theknottytruth George

Submitted by: Michelle FFFC:  Please introduce yourself. MG:  Hello, I'm Michele ‘TheKnottyTruth" George a mother, sister, friend, scientist, certified personal trainer and natural hair coach, author and at the root of it all a child of God. [Tweet "Check out the latest #interview with Michele George of The Knotty Truth. #kinky ...

Abs and Cardio Workout (30 minutes)

Do you want to change things up?  Do you want to push yourself?  Try this workout posted by Dionne Sinclair Fitness Model and tell me how you do by leaving me a comment! Let's GO!

Garlic Chicken Stir Fry with Quinoa

I was browsing through Trader Joe's today looking for some tricolor quinoa and stumbled across the regular organic kind.  Looked on the back of the box and saw this recipe.  Since my husband's doctor told him to cut back on the rice and starchy foods I have been challenged to find some tasty alternatives. I FOUND IT!  This tastes like HEAVEN! ...

Bootcamp Day 3 – 1st week down!

I actually showed back up on day 3!  Can you believe it?  Day 1 surprised my body.  At least I had a day's rest before going back for Day 2.  The problem is - Day 2 and Day 3 are back to back NO day in between!  I knew I was going to feel it. Got there at before dawn in the morning today and felt aight.  I mean I am getting into this new ...

Pretty In Pink Juice

[Tweet "Get Pretty In Pink with this #juicerecipe. ENJOY! #juicing #howtojuice"] I found the recipe for this keeper in the 101 Juice Fast app.  It is so delectable your body will LOVE it.  Beets are an excellent flusher as well.  Try it and tell me how you like it by leaving a comment below. Ingredients 1 pineapple 1 beet E...

Bootcamp Kick Butt!

Today I did it ya'll!  I survived my FIRST day of bootcamp with Monte Sanders.  His program is the Sanders Optimum Fitness bootcamp and it is no joke.  For years I have been hearing about it from my friend but never really paid that much attention to it since I felt my gym membership was enough.  Well I was ready to challenge myself and kick ...

FFFC Challenge #12: Perform Jumping Jacks Daily

Sets of Jumping Jacks Daily Jumping jacks is one of the tried and true calisthenic exercises that we ALL know how to perform since our gym days in high school.  They are excellent for heart conditioning, shoulders, back, arms, thighs and calves.  Also, they can be done ANYWHERE.   We are going with the basic jumping jack for this challenge but ...