Walking is great exercise and something many of us do on a regular basis. To encourage more consistent walking I’ve created a 30-Day Walk Til You Drop Step Challenge.

Get in 10,000 Steps Daily
Experts say that walking on average 10,000 steps a day will keep your heart healthy and help push oxygenated blood throughout your body. Research has shown the more steps you get in daily is better.
Sitting all day has become the new smoking and can lead to a plethora of heart problems so get moving.
Walking Distance
This challenge will change up the daily walk and steps goal to keep things interesting and less monotonous.
On average a person who takes 2,000 steps has walked approximately a mile. Walk 10,000 steps and one has walked about 5 miles. Not bad!
Benefits Of Walking
I previously mentioned that walking improves heart health but it offers other benefits as well like building healthier bones, improving your mood and healthy weight loss.
Equipment Needed
You will obviously need good walking shoes and a positive attitude but you will need a way to track your steps as trying to keep track of it in your head can be challenging. I own a Garmin VivoSmart 4 fitness tracker which tracks my steps but feel free to use your Fitbit, Apple Watch or a free pedometer on your phone to track.
Accountability Group
Join my FREE fitness accountability group where we motivate and encourage each other to do the very best each and every day.
Join our fun 30-Day Walk Til You Drop Step Challenge and get your steps in! #hearthealth #cardio #walkoffthepounds #walkawaythepounds #stepchallenge
Who Can Participate
All fitness levels are welcome to participate. Know your limits but also challenge yourself to go above and beyond the daily steps target.
Goal of the Challenge
The goals of this challenge is very simple, complete the total number of steps targeted for that day. Want a bonus? Aim to exceed the target. The daily targets are listed on the challenge calendar below.
30-Day Walk Til You Drop Challenge Rules
- Download and post the challenge calendar somewhere visible
- Aim to, at minimum, meet the daily number of steps by 11:59 pm
- Join our free Facebook group for more accountability.
- Post your total number of steps taken in the accountability group
- Follow me on Instagram for demonstrations of each move daily.
- Use the hashtag #WalkTilYouDrop so all challengers can find your selfies on social media
- Leave a comment below if you plan to participate
- Have fun!
Here are some tips to help you get the most out of this challenge
- Invite a friend to join you and share this post with them so they get all the rules
- Get creative with getting in your daily steps
- Park further from the building if safe
- Take the stairs vs. the elevator
- Jump rope – the steps add up with that activity
- Aim to exercise 3 to 4 days a week to collect more steps
- Carry light weights to increase the calorie burn
- Walk with ankle weights to increase the fat burn
- Go for a run, you aren’t limited to only walking
- Post in the accountability group daily so we can congratulate and cheer you on
- Join my Garmin walk challenge in Garmin Connect here which will rank where you are with your cumulative number of steps for the 30 days
Challenge Calendar
Disclaimer: Consult your physician before starting any new workout program or regimen. Know your limitations as Femme Fitale Fit Club is not liable for injury, loss of limb or life. Participate at your own risk.

Grab the 30-day Steps Challenge Tracker Below

Enjoy the challenge and repeat this challenge as many times as you like.
Who plans to join this walk? Leave a comment below.
Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links.
3 Replies to "30-Day Walk Til You Drop Challenge"
Latasha May 21, 2021 (2:29 pm)
I’m so ready for this challenge.
Iyana May 21, 2021 (4:22 pm)
Im in to do this challenge
Latania May 26, 2021 (1:01 am)
I’m in