exercise 516 results

This Is Me

I am a regular career wife and mom who is inspired DAILY by strong men and women committed to a healthy lifestyle and fitness!  I even plan to attend my first Arnold Competition in 2013.  Too psyched!  With that said - here is my starting point I wanted to share with those of you who have not seen nor met me in person. I have 1 dress size to ...

Share Your Workout With Us

Do you have a workout you feel creates results? Are you willing to share it?   Send me an email me at [email protected] with the workout and I will post and share on the Femme Fitale Fit Club blog!

FFF Challenge #9: Perform Push Ups Daily

We are now beginning with challenge #9. We are transitioning into the more physical challenges so buckle your seat belts - this is about to become a bumpy ride.  :-) Drum roll please..............this week's challenge is: Perform Push Ups Daily M-F People tend to mixed emotions about push ups.  Either they love them or they hate them but ...

Femme Fitale on Youtube

I am working to break into the world of youtube so that for future challenges, you will be able to see a person describe the challenges to you vs. simply reading through paragraphs of information.   I know it isn't difficult but I am committed to working towards creating some good videos for you all.  I am very direct so they won't be too fancy ...

Fabulous Fitale Workout

Thursdays are my group workout days with my trainer.  Now there are a couple of things about Thursday workouts. #1 Our workouts start at 5:30 am!  UGH I have to get up earlier. #2 I am usually still sore from my workout on Tuesday! With all of that said - 30 grueling minutes later is normally met with my sweaty face, exhausted pant and ...

Fierce Fitale Workout

After a 3 week break, I took it back to the gym with my trainer Heather.  It was like I hadn't missed a step even though I am a little sore right now.  Try this workout and let me know how you feel afterwards.  Hopefully you feel feminine and FIERCE! Equipment needed: Dumbbells Bench Print Workout Here:   Exercise ...

Rack City – Tyga (clean version)

This beat keeps me amp during cardio routines on the treadmill or stepmill!  That bass is all the way live! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p1jVsrvnIlE

Fireworks Workout

Last year I worked out with my trainer first thing in the morning.  It helped keep me motivated and not feel guilty when I hung out and ate at the cookout before the fireworks!  Keep pushing and don't let up. Equipment Needed: Hand weights Step bench Gliders Print Workout Here:   Exercise Reps Weight 1. Walking lunges 12 25 2. ...

FitFluential Workout

I found this posted on Facebook and it looks pretty intense yet doable!!!!  It's by FitFluential, Inc.  The Femme Fitale Fit Club crew will have a fit day very soon where we work this out I mean it is only 30 minutes so it won't take up that much time. If you try it, leave a comment below and let me know how it goes.

CCF Upper Body Circuit With Plyometric Ab Sculpting

Recently received an email to view this and I am hooked!  I can see myself working this out in the gym!  Let me know if you plan to try this workout.  Go hard or go home!  Let's GO! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mEKNGsQgccM&feature=em-share_video_user  

Vacation Time Workout

This is one of my trainer's all time favorites!  I did this workout some time last year and can still feel the "burn".  Try and let me know how you feel afterwards by leaving a comment below! Equipment Needed: Barbell Step Bench Exercise Reps Weight Walking lunges 12 25 Squats 20 25 Shoulder presses (palms facing each other)...