
Sanders Optimum Boot Camp (Day 11)

I'm sad.  Tomorrow is the last day of this session for boot camp.  Over the past 4 weeks I feel myself getting stronger.  I mean I am stronger and faster.  Who knew what a difference a month could make.  And guess what you guys?  Because of the need to have the energy for the workouts, I stopped drinking glasses of wine during the week.  ...

Avocado Smoothie Recipe

[Tweet "Try this luscious Avocado Smoothie Recipe. It will keep you full and decrease wrinkles. #avocado #smoothierecipe"] To say I do not have a love affair with avocado is an understatement.  I know it has good fats.  I know they are a good source of Vitamin A Vitamin C Vitamin E Potassium Lutein Folate I mean it's power ...

FFFC Challenge #15: (REPEAT CHALLENGE 14) 7-8 Hours of Sleep a Night

This can't be stressed enough, our muscles grow while we sleep.  All of the hard work performed to tear, lift and go heavy really goes to work as our bodies rest and rejuvenate.  That happens when we sleep.  short-changing your necessary hours of quiet rest is doing a disservice to you, your body and frame of mind.  Sleep is not for the ...

Sanders Optimum Boot Camp (Day 9)

It's Thursday morning, dark outside and the summer breeze is going.  I pick up my neighbor and we head on over to the gymnasium.  We get inside, stretch and are blessed with only 5 laps around the gym.  And then IT IS ON!  We start with variations of the ladders which had me struggling on day one.  I was so uncoordinated.  But TODAY? ...

POWer Punch Beet Juice Recipe

The benefits of beets let me count the ways!  The beet root (the bulb) is chock full of vitamin B folate and potassium with a bit of Vitamin C and  iron for flava.  According to several food health sources, it is an excellent source of nitrate which helps with blood flow which translates to improved athletic and physical performance.  Who ...

Sanders Optimum Boot Camp (Day 8)

Alright y'all.  I felt GOOD today.  I mean I felt ON this morning at 5:30 am.  Perhaps it was the 7 hours of sleep.  Maybe it was water I drank beforehand.  Most likely it was the dinner I ate the night before.  Whatever it was I was ready.   Now I am not saying I was pleased with the 1 mile jog warm up under 7.5 minutes!  Or saying I was ...

Chia Pet

Who doesn't remember this commercial? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tzY7qQFij_M The wonderful world of CHIA!  Chia seeds that is.  I tried it for the first time in my green smoothie and can you say "IN LOVE"?  OMG, the flavor and texture really hit the spot in my green smoothie this morning.  I already added almond milk and a splash of OJ ...

Sanders Optimum Boot Camp (Day 7)

It wasn't a good day y'all.  I mean the workout was good.  Monte did what he was supposed to do but the morning started off rocky.  For one, I did not get a good night's sleep after going to bed after 11 pm because someone next to me was sawing logs.  I mean it woke me up in the middle of the night to the point I had to sleep with the pillow ...

Green Thunder Juice Recipe

A friend of mine said she had this at The Grind House in Baltimore, MD and well....ya know I just have to try it for myself.  I renamed it because I changed it up just a tad bit.  Try it and tell me how ya like it.  It is very delish! [Tweet "Try this Green Thunder Juice Recipe and feel the thunder. #juicerecipe #greenjuice"] Ingred...

Mix It Up Workout

I did this workout with my trainer Heather back in September 2011 almost a year ago!  Exercise never goes out of style!  This is still relevant today and I want to share it with you all so you too can experience some of the positive benefit I have from my trainer. Equipment needed: Bench Leg press machine Cable machine Print workout ...

FFFC Challenge #14: 7-8 Hours of Sleep a Night

This can't be stressed enough, our muscles grow while we sleep.  All of the hard work performed to tear, lift and go heavy really goes to work as our bodies rest and rejuvenate.  That happens when we sleep.  short-changing your necessary hours of quiet rest is doing a disservice to you, your body and frame of mind.  Sleep is not for the ...

Process of Elimination

    I'm not going to front - I have never had a known problem with constipation except for the birth of my son 5 years ago.  At that time the hospital had to provide me a stool softener to get things moving and even then it didn't work that well.  I drank Smooth Move Tea and e'erthang still no success.  At my 6 week appointment....