Happy Trails Happy prAna

[Tweet "Shop the early Winter Collection by @prAna get 15% off w/ code pspf14fffc. #holidayshopping #sweatpink @fitapproach #prana"] Disclaimer:  I was provided complimentary prAna clothing from their early Winter Collection for the purposes of this post.  All honest opinions and writing are my own. Happy trails, happy prAna, happy ...

#FitnessFriday – Keep Going

Disclaimer:  This post contains affiliate links. [Tweet "In this week’s #FitnessFriday I focus on endurance and not quitting. #energy #fuel #fitfam"] My routine got turned on its head.  I am back in in-person boot camp with Sanders Optimum Fitness and boy what a return it was.  I can say I returned fairly strong but I realize this ...

Battle of the Fitbit

Let's get ready to rumble!! It's time for some action. I am extremely excited to share that I am a participating blogger in a Fitbit competition to see which team, East Coast or West Coast, can log the most steps and distance in four weeks. We haven't had this type of fierce competition since Muhammad Ali vs. Joe Frazier but right here, right ...

Meal Mondays: Southwest Coho Salmon

[Tweet "Try this yummy Southwest Coho #Salmon #recipe and fall in love.  Fish compliments of #sizzlefish. #boneppetit"] If you recall I won some delicious Sizzlefish a few weeks ago and I also won SOME MORE!!!!  Yes!  I am definitely feeling lucky winning all of these giveaways.  I finally got through the majority of the fish in my ...

#FitnessFriday – Energy

Disclaimer:  This post contains affiliate links. [Tweet "In this week’s #FitnessFriday I focus on maintaining my energy levels. #energy #fuel #fitfam"] Last week was a pretty good week for me - I worked out for 6 straight days.  Well this week I had to skip working out Wednesday because I went to an after-work event Tuesday evening ...

Say HELLO to Health

Disclaimer:  This post contains affiliate links. Just call me the SMOOTHIE QUEEN because you all know I love my smoothies.  Well lately I have been trying out the Aloha superfood powder brand to UP the nutritional content of my smoothies and WOW......it is really good.  NO KIDDING!  You know I will tell y'all if I don't like ...

The Easy Way to Build Muscle Fast

Learn the easy way to build muscle fast. If you have ever stepped into a gym, most like you’ve used the old school method of 3 sets with 10 reps to try and build muscle.  Then, 90% of you won’t return after a month because you don’t see any gains. Of course not! How To Increase Muscle Size Think about what you’re doing. In order for a ...

Product Review: Essentia Water

Disclaimer:  I received a complimentary case of Essentia Water but as always, all honest opinions are my very own.  This post contains affiliate links. [Tweet "Read my latest product review about delicious alkaline and pH balanced @EssentiaphWater. #hydrate #Essentia"] One day I was running around in boot camp class wishing I could ...

Poll Fridays: What’s Your Favorite Brand of Blender

Hi Everyone!!  Happy Friday. I am surveying for a new blog post I plan to create on blenders. So tell me, what is your favorite blender hands down and which blender is on your wish list? <a href="http://polldaddy.com/poll/8431789/">What's Your Favorite Brand of Blender?</a>

#FitnessFriday – Turn Up

Disclaimer:  This post contains affiliate links. [Tweet "In this week’s #FitnessFriday I focus on turning up the intensity of my workouts. #turnup #fitfam"] Just when I thought I put it in during my week of workouts, I took it up a notch and actually did not take a single day off and worked out each day this week.  While that is not a ...

The Top 5 Exercises that Burn the Most Calories

[Tweet "Want to burn calories? Do these top 5 exercises to burn the most #calories. #getfit #fitfam"] So many people would love to lose body fat. Whether the goal is to burn fat to allow muscles to shine through or you are looking to lose pounds, the key to doing so is cardiovascular exercise. Cardio gets your heart rate up and burns ...

How To Shop For A Juicer

If you're in the market for a juicer, read this before you run out and purchase one. I love juicing.  I actually started juicing back in 1997 when I talked to a fellow co-worker who had the most beautiful skin around.  She told me she would make and drink fresh juice on a regular basis and that is why her skin was so clear. I was sold and ran ...

In The Gym with Raw Food Chef Nakia of Nakia’s Peace of Life

[Tweet "Read all about Raw Vegan Chef Nakia and how she got started. #rawfood #chef #vegan"] FFFC:  Please introduce yourself to our readers. NP:  I am a high energy super shining light named Nakia. My light is reflected in the love given to me, especially from my husband (Ruben) and daughter (Leana). I have come to realize and truly ...

30 Days To a Better You | Day 2

So, how did you do with the first day? Share what you did over at the challenge group page on Facebook.   Your Daily Mind Challenge Mind Coach Krista Nelson    Take a Few Minutes to Meditate  It’s easier than you think. “Meditation is the art of seeing into the nature of one’s being, it points the way from ...

30 Days to A Better You | Day 1

Good morning and welcome to day #1 of the 30 Days to a Better You Challenge. We recommend you do all of the challenges, but if you feel you have one of these areas down in your life feel free to skip it. Krista Nelson Mind Coach Boo! Scare Away Bad Feelings and Negative Vibes    Halloween daemons and the ghosts of your ...

The Negative Health Effects of Skipping a Single Meal

[Tweet "Learn why skipping meals is actually hurting your weight loss progress. #weightloss #goodhealth"] Learn the negative affects of skipping meals.  Less is more, right? Yes, if you’re talking about miles per hour when you get pulled over for speeding, but not in the realm of eating. Whether you’re a celebrity-diet fan or ...

Featured Fitale Olivia Montes

[Tweet "It's Transformation Tuesday with Olivia Montes.  #weightloss @weightlossten"] FFFC: Please introduce yourself to our readers (i.e. your name, occupation, hobbies, etc.). OM: I’m Olivia, mom to a two year old daughter and an English Bulldog, a Coast Guard wife, and blogger! I blog about motherhood and kids’ activities at ...

Meal Mondays: Confetti Fish

[Tweet "New Confetti Fish recipe #upontheblog. Fish compliments of @Sizzlefish. #bonappetit"] I had an awesome workout week and I also WON a free cooler of Sizzlefish!  Sometimes you just have to enter those Instagram contests and great things just may happen.  I went online and selected from a variety of fish options such as: Omega-3 ...

Women Who Box – Samantha Mellerson

[Tweet "Read what ignited Sam Mellerson's passion for boxing. #womenwhobox #femaleboxers #boxing"] FFFC:  Please introduce yourself to our readers. SM:  I am Samantha Mellerson. I describe myself as a wife, mother, soldier for social justice and boxer. For real, that is what it reads on my twitter profile! FFFC:  How did you get ...

I Won with WIN Sports Detergent

Disclosure:  I received 2 complimentary bottles of WIN Sports Detergent for the purposes of this review.  As always, honest opinions are all my own.  This post contains affiliate links which means if you make a purchase, I receive a small commission from your purchase. [Tweet "I won with WIN Sports Detergent. @windetergent #SweatHardSm...