Disclosure: This post was sponsored by Target® C9 through their partnership with POPSUGAR Select. While I was compensated to write a post about Target® C9 all opinions are my own.
Guess what everybody? I think Winter is rearing its head early here in Maryland. We went from mild Fall temperatures to hawkish weather what seems to be like overnight. With such a drastic change in the seasons it can make someone want to go hibernate with the bears but not this fitnessista.
I am finding with the turning back of the clock and the early dark days I am becoming more motivated than ever to stay on track and active with my fitness. Perhaps it is because I totally blew it this Summer and Fall with consistency but nonetheless I am feeling very positive about the upcoming months.
If you are reading this and thinking “you are bananas, I don’t want to do much with the colder temperatures and dark days” let me share with you some of my tried and true tips for keeping it moving with the season change.
- Embrace the season. Meaning, accept the dark days and colder temperatures and using them to your advantage. Since it gets dark earlier, head to bed earlier so you can get a full night’s rest and wake up fresh, revived and ready for your fitness activity.
- Bring it in. If you just can’t bear the outdoors and lower temperatures then take your activity inside. There are a plethora of choices from classes at the gym to working out at home in the comfort of your own space. Whip out that challenging DVD and give it all you GOT!
- Do new. Change things up and do something you haven’t done before so you challenge yourself and keep with it until you have conquered it. Always wanted to do rock climbing? There are several places where they have indoor rock-climbing walls for you to try. Used to regular yoga? Perhaps try hot Bikram. The choices are endless – simply work on taking on a new activity and new challenge.
- Get wet. Yeah I said it. Head to the indoor heated pool with your activity. It may seem counterintuitive because who would want to go swimming as the temperature drops but swimming and pool activities are a great way to burn calories with cardio and it is easy on the joints. Sounds like a win-win to me. Oh let me not forget…the pools are heated so I am willing to bet you will almost feel like you are in the comfort of your covers but you are getting active. They are coming out with some pretty cool aqua aerobic and aqua spin classes so give it a try.
- Run Forest Run. Don’t let some dark mornings/evenings stop you from hitting that pavement. Make sure you are geared and lit up with reflective attire and run your little heart out. You will be surprised how quickly you warm up once you start moving. And hey – take the run up a notch, run a little faster and get some personal best times while you are running to heat up and for your health. Target® has some amazing running gear just for the purpose of keeping you warm, dry and comfortable during this season’s running.

Sprints are my favorite way to keep it active when the season and weather changes.
There you have it my tried and true tips and suggestions for staying active with the season change. It may not be easy due to the longer dark days and chilly temps but if you stay focused on your goals the time will pass so quickly a new season change will be upon us to warmer weather.
42 Replies to "5 Tips to Remain Active During Season Change"
Twitter: suzlyfe
December 1, 2014 (7:25 am)
I think you jsut gotta commit to it, and not be scared of it–hello, we exercise during the summer too! And take advantage of the season, like you do the summer. I would love to go skiing again–it has been years!
Twitter: DSTPRL
December 1, 2014 (9:24 am)
I agree with you Susie!!!
Twitter: deborahbrooks14
December 1, 2014 (7:39 am)
Changing things up is always good I also like to plan out my early spring races to stay on track
Twitter: DSTPRL
December 1, 2014 (9:23 am)
Getting that training in for Spring races is perfect to keep you going through season changes.
Amanda - RunToThefinish
Twitter: runtothefinish
December 1, 2014 (10:56 am)
MMM the heated pool, that sounds pretty awesome right now!! Great ideas
Twitter: DSTPRL
December 1, 2014 (11:00 am)
Thanks Amanda – I kmow several folks training who swear by it.
Twitter: runfastermommy
December 1, 2014 (11:22 am)
Do something new, YES! I just posted today about how I’ll be adding snowshoeing to my winter training. Something fun, & something different to keep me motivated!
Kerri Olkjer
Twitter: kerriolkjer
December 1, 2014 (11:25 am)
Great tips! So working on number 3 right now. Boredom is my enemy, lol.
Erica G
Twitter: RunningMom6
December 1, 2014 (12:21 pm)
You made me look twice at the get wet tip but it makes perfect sense for those who have the option. Posts like these are making me count my blessings I live in a tropical climate even though part of me would love to try a snow run!
Twitter: DSTPRL
December 1, 2014 (1:18 pm)
Snow can be your friend of dressed appropriately and performing the right activity conducive to that environment – otherwise get wet and build your swimming capacity. Great way too mix it up.
Twitter: fitaspire
December 1, 2014 (12:52 pm)
Although I do my normal workouts too, I love adding snowboarding to my mix!!
Twitter: IowaHell
December 1, 2014 (12:53 pm)
It is just too cold outside to work out. So, we hit the gym this morning to make up for it!
Twitter: DSTPRL
December 1, 2014 (1:17 pm)
Scott once you start moving you warm right up.
Melodi Steinberg December 1, 2014 (1:08 pm)
great tips! I have always been impressed with runners especially. I have no idea where they find their stamina!
Twitter: eatrunsail
December 1, 2014 (1:20 pm)
I like to remember that it’s not ALL or NOTHING. Doing something is better than nothing at all. I am bad at this and constantly struggle with it. Good tips.
Twitter: fitfoodiemama
December 1, 2014 (1:30 pm)
I have been trying new fitness classes and getting familiar with my treadmill. I am going to invest in a pair of Yak Traks soon so I can run in the snow though! 🙂
Twitter: DSTPRL
December 1, 2014 (2:18 pm)
Oh that sounds interesting Yak Tracks.
Twitter: lilce51286
December 1, 2014 (3:35 pm)
Yes, I agree with staying active during the season changes especially winter time. For myself I can’t stand cold weather so I have to force myself to get moving but I love the heat so I’m outside everyday. Love the post
Twitter: DSTPRL
December 1, 2014 (3:45 pm)
Thanks Cierra.
Twitter: rattlesandheels
December 1, 2014 (3:59 pm)
This really is my biggest issue. I stay in and eat during the winter. I don’t like going out and I gain weight. No. 1 is true, I need to embrace it and switch up my routine.
Saidah Washington
Twitter: apronsstilletos
December 1, 2014 (4:06 pm)
I live two minutes from the gym. That makes it easier when it’s cold. Luckily it doesn’t get that cold in the winter time here.
La. December 1, 2014 (8:04 pm)
Oh dear, I’d much rather workout in the winter than summer! Less sweat! I also love swimming the in the summer, sitting in the sauna and then heading out into the chilly air all clean! Love it!!!
Twitter: momelite
December 1, 2014 (8:26 pm)
This is my first winter that I’m determined to not let myself go. I’m so thankful for my collection of dvds. I just started my first round of TurboFire this morning. I’m already in LOVE with this workout. So much so that I’m signing up to get certified to teach Turbokick in January.
MCM Mama
Twitter: mcmmama
December 1, 2014 (10:46 pm)
I’m the weird one that actually prefers the cold running to hot running. I do most of my heavy training in the winter… (Now if I could just figure out how to get myself to train during the summer…)
Sandra Laflamme
Twitter: organicrunmom
December 1, 2014 (10:49 pm)
Mixing it up is definitely key to staying positive as the seasons change. I love to add in yoga and more swimming as the days get shorter.
Rachel December 1, 2014 (11:08 pm)
To stay active during the season change, I make sure that I have a plan in place to workout and meet friends… or do a specific workout. 🙂
Kungphoo December 2, 2014 (12:23 am)
Me and my friends have recently been wanting to stay fit because of the climate change. I am definitely sharing this with them 🙂 thank you!
Twitter: CrazyAboutDeals
December 2, 2014 (3:02 am)
Great tips! I have been inactive for a while. It is about time I get back to working out. Since I hate the cold I will stick to the gym.
Twitter: Schoolyardstyle
December 2, 2014 (9:29 am)
I love your tips, so inspiring. Each season I swear this body will get in motion and then I have dreaded excuses, its too hot, its too cold etc. Sad to say I have become a poster child for excuses. Thank you for the motivation, the pool does sound like a great way to get in motion.
Stephanie Keeping December 2, 2014 (9:44 am)
These are great tips. I need to be more active.
katrina g December 2, 2014 (10:03 am)
great tips. i can’t work out like i used to do, due to a medical condition but i go to the pool. I love swimming and doing a workout in the water.
Twitter: DSTPRL
December 2, 2014 (10:31 am)
Swimming is excellent exercise.
Dionne Dean
Twitter: iamdionnedean
December 2, 2014 (11:54 am)
You had me until you mentioned getting wet LOL I love the idea of the indoors pool, but not the actual doing of it. One day though…one day… Great post!
sarah sofia knepp
Twitter: sarahsofiapro
December 2, 2014 (12:06 pm)
These are great tips! I pinned this to use as a resource and to inspire me this winter! Thanks for pushing me to do my best in fitness and health!
Twitter: cupcakediaries1
December 2, 2014 (1:49 pm)
This is great! Thanks for all the ideas! I’m going to need all the help I can get this year. haha
Twitter: teamfitmommy
December 2, 2014 (3:08 pm)
It is always a challenge for me to stay as active during the colder seasons. One of the ways I like to keep moving is to play fitness games on my Wii Fit! You would be surprised how many calories you can burn “playing”!
Twitter: DSTPRL
December 2, 2014 (3:37 pm)
I need to pull mine back out I had a ball with that.
GiGi Eats
Twitter: dubagee
December 2, 2014 (5:22 pm)
When all else fails – HIT THE GYM! 😉
Twitter: DSTPRL
December 2, 2014 (5:29 pm)
Janice- The Fitness Cheerleader
Twitter: fitcheerldr
December 3, 2014 (6:43 am)
I don’t really change things up much except I don’t run as long outside on the weekends. I try to keep my runs less than 90 min to avoid frost bite (it gets really cold here in Canada). Great ideas!
Twitter: DSTPRL
December 3, 2014 (8:15 am)
Oh wow Janice – I didnt consider frostbite. Whoa!
Twitter: _thebestyou_
December 6, 2014 (6:17 pm)
I justbknownyou wrote number 5 for me! Lol it’s not the dark so much as the deer I’m afraid of. I’m gonna get back out there this week though 🙂 thanks for the tips! Visiting from #sitsharefest