Learn major reasons and benefits to start drinking more water now.
We’ve all heard it before that we should drink fluids to help our body function properly but amazingly many adult Americans still do not drink enough throughout the day. Let me stop here and say real quick – I am not a physician or nutritionist.
I am sharing my experience and what I have read on the Internet. Please do your own research.
With that said, let me continue.
Benefits of drinking more
It may need to be reiterated some of the awesome benefits of drinking this clear liquid goodness such as:
- Helps to maintain balance of bodily fluids
- Helps control appetite
- Energizes the muscles
- Helps clear brain fog
- Wards off dehydration
- Promotes skin glowing and supple
- Helps the kidneys eliminate waste
- Regulates body temperature
Ill-effects of dehydration
If those aren’t reason enough to drink more how about I share the ill-effects of dehydration, which is the absence of hydration in your body which is typically made up of 60% to 70% water:
- Can cause confusion
- Increases heart rate and blood pressure
- Can cause a feeling of weakness
- Nausea and vomiting
- Heart palpitations
- Lightheadedness
So why wouldn’t you drink more? I know I know…it doesn’t taste like anything or it’s bland. That still isn’t a good reason not to drink it especially knowing your body literally is made up of primarily water.
How much to drink daily?
Women should drink about 2 liters or 74 ounces of daily and men should drink about 3 liters daily. I know it sounds like a lot but your body will thank you for it.
Remember the benefits. 🙂
30-Day Water Tracker
You have your facts about water and dehydration PLUS delicious recipes to try to spruce up the flavor of plain water so there are no more excuses – DRINK MORE WATER.
How many ounces or cups do you drink a day?
There’s no better way to flavor up your water than with this gorgeous Infusion Water Bottles with Drink Tracker. This way you can track how much you drink, when to drink and read the inspiring words to keep you drinking your water.

46 Replies to "Water - Major Reasons To Drink More"
Wendy April 28, 2015 (6:56 am)
I drink a lot of water…I don’t do infused water. But a lot of the girls at work have those special bottles for infused water. It looks pretty, and makes me want to try it!
Twitter: deborahbrooks14
April 28, 2015 (7:23 am)
I got really into infused waters last year and also make my own seltzer everyday. Nice post!
Twitter: Dancing 2 Running
April 28, 2015 (9:07 am)
The benefits of drinking water are countless. When plain water gets boring, its so important to find a natural way to flavor it that will still have you interested in drinking plenty of it.
Anonymous April 28, 2015 (10:01 am)
These all look and sound so delicious. I think I need to try the Lemon Berry and Pineapple Coconut! #BLMGirl
Twitter: curlsandmo
April 28, 2015 (10:02 am)
These all look and sound so delicious. I think I need to try the Lemon Berry and Pineapple Coconut! #BLMGirl
Twitter: DSTPRL
April 28, 2015 (12:02 pm)
That one sounds really refreshing.
Twitter: organicallymo
April 28, 2015 (10:22 am)
I love water. It’s practically all I drink. I love infusing it with strawberries and mint!
Twitter: DSTPRL
April 28, 2015 (12:02 pm)
Oh that sounds really good!!!
Stephanie (
Twitter: FitMomTraining
April 28, 2015 (10:43 am)
I love water, plain and infused. Other than coffee/tea, it’s really the only thing I drink. I like to infuse it with lemon slices and frozen raspberries. It’s a good combination to have hot or cold.
Twitter: fitfulfocus
April 28, 2015 (10:55 am)
I actually love plain old water, and I totally feel the effects when I don’t drink enough!
Twitter: DSTPRL
April 28, 2015 (12:02 pm)
Me too Nicole.
K. Elizabeth (YUMMommy)
Twitter: yummommies
April 28, 2015 (11:26 am)
I’ve definitely upped my water intake. I love adding mixed berries to mine, but I hear lemon water is amazing and even better for your body and skin.
Twitter: DSTPRL
April 28, 2015 (12:01 pm)
Lemon water does a body good.
Antionette Blake
Twitter: Ambde
April 28, 2015 (11:42 am)
I definitely need to drink more water and less wine. I have an infusible water bottle that I need to bring out for the spring. Thanks for keeping up motivated!
Twitter: PancakeWarrior_
April 28, 2015 (12:17 pm)
Yes, hydration is key! I’m learning that if I actually drink enough water though the day, I’m less hungry all day! I’ll take that anyday!! Also I’m feeling stronger in my workouts – all a win in my book!
Twitter: LarissaDaltonS
April 28, 2015 (12:21 pm)
I don’t usually drink infused water, though I love it. I like cold water all day long. I usually get 8-10 glasses/bottles of water a day with a goal to get at least 100 ounces. I feel SO much better now that my water intake is regular.
Twitter: DSTPRL
April 28, 2015 (3:37 pm)
Water makes you feel great!
Erica G
Twitter: RunningMom6
April 28, 2015 (12:40 pm)
You just motivated me to put my straw in place and take a big gulp of water. I fear I may be constantly slightly dehydrated even though I do sip water all day long but I feel my sips are quite where I need them to be.
Twitter: DSTPRL
April 28, 2015 (3:37 pm)
Erica I will soon have a solution for that!
Rachel April 28, 2015 (3:59 pm)
Yes. Yes. Yes!! Such a great post reminding me (everyone) on why we should drink more water! 🙂
Twitter: DSTPRL
April 28, 2015 (4:16 pm)
And try those recipes – they are really good!
Twitter: nutrifitmama
April 28, 2015 (7:29 pm)
These are some great water infusion recipes! I will try them out, I’m always looking for new ways to drink my water 🙂
Twitter: suzy399
April 28, 2015 (8:55 pm)
I’ve never done infused water before, but I’ve been intrigued. I’m a plain water kind of girl except for my lemon water first thing in the morning!
Twitter: DSTPRL
April 28, 2015 (9:28 pm)
Add some mint and strawberries and it helps take it up a notch.
Twitter: kasiperkinsdc
April 29, 2015 (2:58 am)
You’re right, drinking water is so important, and one of the easiest ways to stay healthy. I generally drink plain water, but the recipes you included all sound delicious!
Twitter: Janelle_RWNR
April 29, 2015 (1:13 pm)
Great post! I need to try some infused water. I enjoy water as-is, but why not add some flavor? #wowlinkup
Twitter: cowgirlruns
April 29, 2015 (2:01 pm)
I love adding the juice of a meyer lemon into still or sparkling water. It makes me feel so fancy, and is so easy to do!
Twitter: ayannalistenbee
April 29, 2015 (2:11 pm)
Hi Diatta, I know I don’t drink enough water and this post came at just the right time! Thank you for sharing the effects of not drinking enough water as well as great recipes to remedy that!! I pinned each one! . . . now I just have to actually make a batch! Lol! #BLM
Twitter: DSTPRL
April 29, 2015 (3:43 pm)
Ayanna – I am glad this article helped you. It is something so simple yet very beneficial.
Twitter: Fit_mamameeks
April 29, 2015 (11:16 pm)
Pineapple Infused Coconut Water
Strawberry Lime Cucumber Mint
Now I will for sure drink more water!!!!
Currently working on drinking 2.5 gallons a week…..work in progress!
Twitter: DSTPRL
April 30, 2015 (4:31 am)
That’s a very good goal!
GiGi Eats
Twitter: dubagee
April 30, 2015 (12:28 am)
I really wish I liked water more – however I do LOVE SPARKLING water! A LOT 🙂 And sometimes it hurts my stomach and sometimes it doesn’t ha ha. So it’s a crap-shoot!
Jamaica King
Twitter: itsrarax3
April 30, 2015 (1:27 am)
Meh. I’m always struggling to drink more water. 🙁 Something I need to work on. #wowlinkup
jill conyers
Twitter: jillconyers
April 30, 2015 (5:23 am)
I can do the workouts. I can do awesome nutrition. I take rest days. That brings me to hydration. If I”m going to fall short with healthy living it’s hydration. It’s so simple and yet I can’t seem to be consistent. Can you tell this is on my mind a lot lately 🙂
Great info Diatta!
Twitter: lawrtw
April 30, 2015 (1:31 pm)
comments work here…
Twitter: DSTPRL
April 30, 2015 (1:53 pm)
Twitter: DSTPRL
April 30, 2015 (1:54 pm)
Hmmm I was messing with settings but I’ll check them again when I get home.
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Creative Ways To Drink More Water - Fitness Fashionista May 22, 2015 (7:01 am)
[…] about water consumption and the importance of drinking water. She wrote a post recently about the Major Reasons to Drink Water and it really hit home especially the fact that it helps to control […]
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Femme Fitale Fit Club ® BlogThis Summer Get Core Organic In Your Life - Femme Fitale Fit Club ® Blog June 11, 2016 (12:00 am)
[…] dehydration which is why it is so important to keep your body hydrated. I talked before about the benefits of drinking water because bottom line it does a body good. This Summer I plan to get some Core Organic in my life […]
Femme Fitale Fit Club ® BlogWater Warrior Bottle with Drink Tracker Giveaway - Femme Fitale Fit Club ® Blog November 9, 2016 (4:54 am)
[…] know what dehydration can do to you read this article all about it. Also check out some delicious infusion recipes you can make to spruce up the flavor of your water in either the smaller 26 oz bottles or our new […]
CompressionCarl April 14, 2017 (11:46 am)
I never tried infused water before. The detox water looks tempting, I wanted to go on a purging diet, it could add some flavour to it without many calories. I usually just drink mineral water, I keep a few bottles at hand at home and in the office. This way I have a steady water supply, and I can drink at least three liters a day. I find that is when I function at my best.
Lorraine June 26, 2017 (8:52 am)
I love water. I love infused water. I`m in love with water. haha
Lorraine June 26, 2017 (10:42 am)
Wow! I couldn`t agree more that water is very important. Thank you for this. These are very helpful reminders.
Sunshine Coast hot and cold water dispenser March 13, 2021 (10:53 am)
Water dispensers provide a healthy alternative to tap water, and hot and cold options give you temperature control at your fingertips. No matter how you choose to use it, these four surprising benefits will make your water dispenser one of your favorite features in your home or office.