Insane for Insanity

Let me just say I bought Insanity for my husband over 2 years ago.  Yes I made the 4 payments of $29.99 so my fine husband could maintain his physique.  When you turn on the commercial it really gets you pumped!  The testimonials and transformations really pull you in.  I guess their marketing folks are earning their keep because I know so many people who have the Insanity tapes.  The first time I heard about it was at a movie club meeting and the ladies were talking about it.

They explained how it sounded like a good idea at the time and then they purchased it, the DVDs arrived and they turned it on.  They were ready to box it back up because the warm up looked like … well a TOUGH WORKOUT!  I know my hubby likes to GO HARD so I knew it would be perfect for him.  He did it for like 2 weeks but then had to back off of it because of his 40-something knees could not handle the jumping and cardio.

Those DVDs have been sitting down there ever since.  Fast forward 2 years later.  I get a text message from my neighbor and new friend.  We are in between boot camps and have been in search of something to keep us challenged until the next session.  She asks if I would like to come to her house at 5:30 am and do an Insanity workout on Wednesday.  I was delighted because I finally get to try it (not like we do not own the DVDs ourselves) and I get to do it with someone I totally enjoy working out with.

So I hop on over there 5:30 am (because I am a morning person) and go downstairs in her basement and we go RIGHT at it.  She turns that DVD on and turns off the overhead lights and we START our warm up.  After 5 minutes in I am dripping sweat and looking like “can he see me through the television”?  This was definitely feeling like the boot camp and I could not believe it.

We then started on the other exercises…push ups, mountain climbers, cardio circuits…and everything in between.  I could not believe how much of a sweat I was building up.  But you know what?  It felt GOOOOOD!  After 45 minutes were over I bounced upstairs ready to start my day.  Insanity isn’t for everyone but for those with high-stress jobs (like me) who need a way to get it out and who like to sweat….you may want to try it.

I am going back to her house this Wednesday for our 5:30 am session and you can best believe I am ready for Shaun T, Mr. Abs man!  He does shout a lot but I am sort of used to that from being around my house!

Have you tried Insanity lately?  What do you like about it?  What could you do without?  Have you seen results?  Talk to me.  🙂

No Replies to "Insane for Insanity"

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    iameatingright October 15, 2012 (10:38 pm)

    I have Insanity and it is intense but I do love it! My goal is to finish the entire program one day 🙂 Keep it up girl!

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    Tim October 16, 2012 (12:09 am)

    Unfortunately, I bought my copy off ebay a couple years ago. Several of the discs didn’t work but what I was able to do (before returning it) was manageable. Yes, it was hard but there wasn’t a reason why I couldn’t finish a workout. I believe it will get you in shape but it isn’t for everyone. Keep us updated on your progress!