#FitTube Tag Episode 1: Getting to know you

FitTube Tag is a new series started by some of us fitness bloggers.  It is totally open and if you have a fitness, healthy living, or running blog as well as a YouTube channel and would like to join us – please do.  This week’s theme was “Getting To Know You”.  

Since many of us have been linking up blog posts from our weekly Workout Wednesday link up party series we thought we would take it 1 step farther and create videos as well.

I will admit – I was a bit nervous because A.  I don’t like how I look on screen, B.  It sounds like another thing to do and I already have limited time, and C.  How do I edit the thing?  With the encouragement of some experienced bloggers, I was able to put those “fears” aside and just do it.

Watching their videos has inspired me to create more.  Check us out and ENJOY!


Diatta | Femme Fitale Fit Club

Markita Staples | Sweshfit


Tiki Byrd | Healthy Living Tiki


Natalie Wester | Mean, Green, Clean Eating Teen


Pamela Bruesehoff | Gym Free Fitness


Sheila | The Frugal Exerciser

 And please welcome our drop-in Veronica Spriggs | Me Only Better Fitness


Folks have been asking how frequently we plan to do these videos.  Some say weekly and others say monthly.  For starters we are planning to do these monthly until we get our feet up under us and then we will do these more frequently.  I hope that doesn’t disappoint but honestly – I had so much fun doing this we may be doing this more frequently very soon (not that it’s all about me) LOL.  

I hope you all enjoyed getting to know us a little better which was our first theme.  Each episode will have a different theme and different set of questions.  Stay tuned.

2 Replies to "#FitTube Tag Episode 1: Getting to know you"

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    Debra April 19, 2014 (11:05 am)

    Great video! You should definitely do more. The questions were good. You looked like you had fun doing the video and that’s how is should be. Have a great weekend.

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      DSTPRL April 19, 2014 (11:17 am)

      Thanks Debra. It was a lot of fun.