Fine China Workout


I felt good today.  I came entered the gym with energy, had about 24 oz of water to drink before we started and felt “strong”.  Granted I just drove 8 hours from South Carolina the day before on an EMPTY STOMACH but still had a chance to take a nap, wake up in my own time and move at my own pace.  There is something to be said for getting a full night’s rest.  The world is brighter, the birds chirp louder and the air is crispier.  For real y’all!

I also have a new little motivational workout song added to my list called Fine China by Chris Brown.  Check it out at the top of this post – I can see myself running with this banging in my ears – oh yeah!!!  I hummed it all day.

Enough of that – on to the workout, this is what I did and what you would have to do in order to get stronger each and every day.  I will admit, while doing this workout I was gazing at myself in the mirror and oh yeah – I am seeing a change!  Hallelujah!!!!!!!!  You go get yours and post whether you try this workout by leaving a comment below.  Who is ready for the Dominican Republic in another week?  ME, that’s who!  Yeah I said it!!!!



Decline bench





Box jumps – step down 20 NA
Alternating back lunges off box 20 NA
Box jump and down, jump out – push up 20 NA
Box push up 20 NA
Plank hold 10 seconds NA
Decline ab bench crunches 20 NA
Decline ab bench Russian twists 20 NA
Decline ab bench crunch – raise up 20 NA
Decline ab bench – hip raise up hold 10 NA
Box jumps – step down 20 NA
Alternating back lunges off box 20 NA
Box jump and down, jump out – push up 20 NA
Box push up 20 NA
Plank hold 10 seconds NA
Decline ab bench crunches 20 NA
Decline ab bench Russian twists 20 NA
Decline ab bench crunch – raise up 20 NA
Decline ab bench – hip raise up hold 10 NA



I started my watch early today!  Ha!


Day 2 of the FFFC July Challenge was to post a photo of your post-workout meal.  Here was mine!  Protein shake with fresh squeezed orange juice and frozen mixed fruit!  #fffcjuly  You know you want some!


Disclaimer: This workout was created by a certified trainer based on my current fitness level. Please adjust weight or motion based upon your fitness level. Always consult a physician before starting any new training program

Femme Fitale Fit Club

Motivating you to Firm, Fit and Fabulous!

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