FFFC Yoga Series – Meet Kem


FFFC:  Please introduce yourself to our readers (i.e. your name, occupation, hobbies, etc.).

KS:  My name is Kem Smith and I love fitness. I never knew until recently that I could “do” fitness for a living until recently when I opened at fitness studio and quit my job therefore requiring me to figure out how to make money “doing” fitness.

FFFC:  How did you get started doing yoga?

KS:  After giving birth to my oldest daughter I became a workout video junkie. I bought and tried every workout I could. One day at Target I found this Rodney Yee yoga kit with a VCR, a strap, and a yoga block. The class was amazing. I bought extra blocks and tried to share with friends who thought I was nuts. So, I kept my yoga love to myself. I was the only black girl in class at Bally’s but I never let that stop me.

FFFC:   What inspired you to become a yoga instructor?

KS:  I became a yoga instructor because I realized that every physical workout has to have a mental component to it and I wanted my Zumba students to have yoga to rely on for stability, balance, and control.

FFFC:   Who is best fit for yoga?

KS:  In the words of Yogafit Director, Beth Shaw, Yoga is for every body and everybody.

FFFC:  What changed about you once you started yoga?

KS:  I knew instantly that my classes would be different. I wanted to teach gospel yoga and focus more on purpose and fulfilling destiny than stretching to chimes and bells. So, when I began to teach gospel yoga I learned how to connect with the spirits of wonderful mentors in my life who prayed blessings over me that I am to this day in awe of God’s response.

FFFC:  What is your favorite yoga pose?

KS:  Warrior 3 is my favorite yoga pose because it gives me a chance to feel stable in a shaky world.

FFFC:  How many times a week do you do yoga?

KS:  Only one.

FFFC:  What has been the greatest benefit you have realized once you started doing yoga?

KS:  The greatest benefit has been learning how to breath and how the breath helps to calm the body.

FFFC: Which type of yoga do you do?

KS:  I do Hatha yoga.

FFFC:  Do you have any advice for anyone who is interested in yoga?

KS:  Yes, my advice would be to take all your problems to the mat and leave them there. Find your serenity in the practice. Worry less about how “boring” it is and more about becoming authentic and real with your body and spirit.

FFFC:  Where is the most interesting place you have done yoga?

KS:  At school in my classroom when I was a teacher I held classes before the start of the day. There was never more than 2 teachers though.

FFFC:  Are there any yogis you admire?

KS:  Yes. The Yoga Diva who runs Spiritual Essence Yoga, Dana Smith. She was the first person who I found who used the kind of music I like. She makes yoga practical and achievable.

FFFC:  Is there a special place you would like to do yoga?

KS:  I would like to “do” yoga abroad. I have never been outside of the United States and I long to travel.

FFFC:   How can readers learn more about you and yoga? (i.e. Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter, your website)?

KS:  My website is kissfitnessstudio.com. My personal email is [email protected]. You can find us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/KISSFitnessStudio

A lot of who I am and what this sexy sistas movement is all about can be found in the book I authored called Sexy By the Weekend: 7 Keys to Living a Practical and Extraordinary Life.

The book is available in print and as an e-book.


Are you a yoga enthusiast and would like to be featured on the Femme Fitale Fit Club blog?  Contact Diatta at [email protected] to send in your request.

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