Femme Fitale Fit Club presents Fierce Women Series – Tsitsi Wezhira


FFFC:  Please introduce yourself to our readers.

TW:  My name is Tsitsi Wezhira, I am originally from Africa and currently reside in New York City.

FFFC:  How and why did you get started running?

TW:  Running has been part of my life since I was twenty years old; I have also been active from grade school through high school.

FFFC:  What inspired you to start running?

TW:  Problem started when I came to this country and I would pack on a few pounds during the winter. I would make running my New Years’ resolution until the summer and then the circle begins year after year.  After I had my son, I never could shake off the weight and for the first time I had to take fitness seriously. In 2011 my mother passed away and my weight plummeted to an all-time high of 208lbs on my 5.3 figure. It was very uncomfortable and at that time I made a life time commitment up to date. I got introduced to Black girls run by Misty Long and it has been an amazing journey.

FFFC:  What do you like most about running?

TW:  I love running because, I get a lot of energy and I can keep up with my seven year old son. Funny that I do not run to loose weight any more, I just run. If I want to clean up, I have to go for a run and all of a sudden I have energy to do all the chores. I also run to honor my mother and to encourage my son to live a healthy life style. My son rides his bike when I go to BGR runs.


FFFC:  What do you do to stay in tip top running shape (exercise, nutrition, etc.)?

TW:  Nutrition was a challenge to me until I started triathlon training. I used to hit the wall and did not know what it was until I learned about fueling my body. I continue to be a student on the subject and have been experimenting a lot.

FFFC: What was the biggest challenge when you started running or still is even now?

TW:  My biggest challenge is to keep up with my training schedule and manage life responsibilities. I work fourteen hour days and I am beyond tired after work. What keeps motivated is when I sign up for races, I have to stick to my training schedule or I will suffer. I am afraid of suffering hence I have to keep up with my training.

FFFC:  Who helped you as you developed your running skills?

TW:  I am an avid reader; I remember buying Jeff Galloway’s book about ten years ago. I also read a lot on subject that will come up on BGR sites and Runner’s world. Somehow that has
shaped up my running.

FFFC:  What has been your biggest accomplishment to date?

TW:  My biggest accomplishment has been to stick with it going on two years now. Because of that, I have been able to run several races including Chicago marathon and Philadelphia marathon in a few weeks.

FFFC:  Who are some of your running idols (Male or female we don’t discriminate)?  

TW:  I love my Kenyan brothers and sisters, they are a great inspiration. They keep me invigorated and hungry. I am also inspired by other BGR sisters when I see them
challenge themselves and achieve their goals. I tell myself, I can do that too.   I have been reading more running books and I have made a personal goal to get fitter and faster. I am also on a 1 mile a day running holiday streak during the holidays.

FFFC:  Any advice for someone interested in starting to run?

TW:  As a new runner you have to put in your head that you can do it one step at a time. Think of yourself as going on a long journey. Like any journey you have to plan, study the route, be smart, take your time and you will get to your destination. When you see someone doing something you admire, don’t compare yourself ever, let be a source of inspiration and not competition.


Motivating you to Fierce, Fit and Fabulous!

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