Featured Fitale – Japan Stevenson


Hello my name is Japan and I would like to share my Fitness Story with you about 3 and a half years ago I was weathering the biggest storm ever I was losing my father from cancer I was losing my husband in a painful divorce, I was losing my home, losing my car and losing my job.

Eventually when I looked in the mirror I realized that I had lost myself I had gained so much stress weight I was 200 pounds mind you that may not be a lot for many people but I was petite my whole life after the storm had ended I decided to get back in shape. I’ve always been small and muscular but wanted to gain weight so by gaining all this weight I decided to shape it so I went from 130 to 200 then from 200 to 160 which was my goal.

japan stevenson

I didn’t want to be small anymore and I definitely didn’t want to be big after I hit my goal so I decides to start shaping and molding my body and motivating and inspiring others and then it just took off.

I’m currently a fitness motivator on social media and coach.   I just enjoy helping people get healthy get fit and look just as good on the inside as well as out.  It starts from within.

My name on all social media is @lets.get.that.work and here are two pictures to show my transformation thank you for your time have a blissful day.


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