Fad Diets: The Pros and Cons Of The Top 5

Learn about the 5 top weight loss fad diets and the pros and cons of each.

 Pros and Cons of 5 Top Weight Loss Fad Diets #atkins #zonediet #nutrisystem #jenniecraig #paleo #vegan #mediterraneandiet

Fad diets have been around for more than 100 years, ever since a woman named Lulu Hunt Peters introduced the idea of counting calories. Since then, thousands of weight loss schemes have come and gone, including one concocted by a tobacco company encouraging women to reach for a cigarette rather than a sweet. Each fad diet has had its disciples who swear by it and critics – who swear at it.

The big question – Do they really help you lose weight?

Pro: Yes. fad diets at Tufts-New England Medical Center compared several fad diets and revealed they can lead to a weight loss between 4.6 to 7.3 pounds within a year.

Con: Not in the long run. Sticking to a fad diet is tough, especially when it comes to eating out. The diets that promise rapid weight loss often have low adherence rates. People “cheat” on them or eventually give them up entirely and the weight returns.

Do fad diets rob you of nutrients you need?

Pro: Companies that sell pre-packaged meals, such as Nutrisystem and Jenny Craig, balance their foods to provide necessary nutrients.

Con: Diets that require you to eliminate or drastically reduce certain categories, such as carbohydrates, meats, fats, etc., are often not balanced and can deprive you of essential nutrients.

So, let’s get down into the “weeds” and look at the pros and cons of the diet fads that are hot right now.

Atkins & Ketogenic

Atkins is the granddaddy of the low-carb diets, and keto is the latest incarnation to get raves. Both call for a reduction of carbohydrates. Ketogenic is the most extreme, encouraging more fat consumption.

Pros: Both are effective in short-term weight loss and seem to aid diabetes management.

Cons: Two recent significant studies show people who reduce carbs don’t live as long as those who don’t.

Paleo Diet

The founder of this diet believes returning to the diets of our Stone Age ancestors will keep us healthy and in shape.

Pros: The diet is high in protein. It calls for eating meat, eggs, nuts, green vegetables, and seeds (such as sunflower). Weight loss occurs because of limited food choices, i.e., no starchy veggies such as potatoes or pasta, and no dairy products. (Paleolithic people didn’t have cows).

Cons: The diet eliminates grains and dairy products, which are good for you. It also has too few carbs for athletes and people engaged in strenuous activities. Our Stone Age forbears only lived to about 35, and their mummies show high rates of hardened arteries.


A vegan diet not only eliminates meat, but all animal products, including eggs, milk, and cheese.

Pros: Effective weight loss through a reduction in calories. Studies show vegans are at lower risk of some diseases than meat-eaters.

Cons: Cutting out all animal products deprives a body of key nutrients that can result in loss of bone and muscle mass.

Zone Diet

This plan calls for a daily intake of 40 percent carbohydrate, 30 percent protein, and 30 percent fat through strictly controlled portions that speed the fat burning process.

Pros: Rapid weight loss while adhering to balanced nutrition.

Cons: The body is deprived of valuable vitamins and minerals, and rapid weight loss may be followed by weight gain.

Mediterranean Diet

This one comes from countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea. It allows you to eat from all food groups in moderation but emphasizes fish while limiting sweets and red meats.

Pros: Dieticians and the medical community favors this as an excellent diet that balances nutrition.

Cons: Designed for healthful eating more than weight loss.

People who struggle with weight tend to want a quick fix, but doctors and nutritionists have preached for years the safe way to shed pounds and keep them off is through a sensible, balanced diet taken in reasonable portions and combined with daily exercise…preferably outdoors.

Try getting out and planting some of the herbs and spices for that diet! This is the “fad” that works.

By: Lynn Walker – Lynn Walker has been writing for radio, tv, and newspapers for more than 50 years, and has expertise in news, health features, humor, and history.


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3 Replies to "Fad Diets: The Pros and Cons Of The Top 5"

  • comment-avatar
    October 28, 2019 (8:54 am)

    It was interesting to hear about the first fad diet. As long as people are looking for an easy way to lose weight I guess fad diets will continue to be popular.

    For most people, a vegan diet isn’t about weight loss. It’s about health and the ethics of eating meat. It is very easy to get enough nutrients without eating animals. On the other hand, those who think that eating salads alone will help them lose weight are very likely to have issues getting proper nutrition.

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    Alfonso Mitchell December 10, 2019 (10:42 pm)

    Fad diets are the “way out” for many people, who want to lose weight quickly, what they do not know is that they are strict regimes, where the intake of calories and carbohydrates is very low, with risk of hypoglycemia (low sugar in blood), dizziness, headache, and even fainting, with exaggerated weight losses in very short periods of time, at the expense of muscle mass and fluid, with the subsequent rebound effect, where the person recovers the lost weight and even much more, in short time. This leads to a vicious circle where you lose weight quickly and recover in the same way, with repeated failed attempts at diets, which eventually cause damage to our body.

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    Boros May 2, 2020 (6:58 am)

    The advantage of swapping fad diets is that you get different kinds of deficiencies, and then you’ll get different kinds of nutrients