#ubc 6 results

S is for Snacks

// The letter "S" is for snacks.  If any of you are like me, working out multiple times a week constantly leaves me hungry throughout the day. On one hand that is a good thing, gives me an inclination my metabolism is burning but on the other hand - it gets difficult to make the right choice if I do not plan properly. Check out my quick ...

Q is for Quiet Time

There's something to be said for those individuals who have quiet time in the morning to meditate and spend time with themselves and God during the quiet hours of the morning.  They tend to be less stressed and happier people.  I know people personally who meditate and are better for it.  They are the see the cup half full vs. half empty ...

P is for Push Ups

Any and everyone who knows me knows I enjoy doing push ups.  I know that sounds strange but I do.  You know why?  Due to another "P" word, powerful.  It makes me feel powerful. I do them in boot camp and with my personal trainer.  I do them on my own and while working out with my girls.  It is my go-to exercise. I started doing ...

J is for Jump Rope

Easily one of my favorite forms of cardio, I think many of us forget how effective jumping rope is.  I decided to buy a jump rope years into my adulthood when I watched Zuzana of Zuzka Light and formerly of the BodyRock TV days jumping rope and working up a sweat.  Another fitness guru who got me motivated to jump rope was Jennifer Nicole ...

H is for Health

Health means different things to different people.  For some it is physical endurance.  For others it is beating a debilitating disease.  For others it is improving what they put in their mouth.  Define what health is for you and then do you research to optimize it.  Do you have high blood pressure? Is it hereditary?  What do you need to ...

G is for Goals

I will admit, I am not one to set too many goals when it comes to fitness.  A friend once told me to sign up for a race therefore I would have a goal to strive for to help with my long distance run training.  It didn’t help – signing up for a half marathon did not actually make me train more or harder than I normally would.    Now ...