healthy 211 results

How To Walk To Lose Weight Part 2

Learn how to walk to lose weight if you have sensitive joints and bad knees.  In addition, take your fat burning to the next level with this Walk Off The Fat workout.  Be sure to also grab the walking workout in Part 1. I shared a post about an effective way to burn fat and lose weight from walking.  It's an amazing post with some wonderful ...

The Truth About Losing Weight Without Exercise

Get the truth about losing weight without exercise. It is possible and can be done without gimmicks. Just follow these tips. Let's discuss the truth about losing weight without exercise.  A few years back I shared an article about ways to lose weight without exercise. It’s still a very popular topic to this day but I wanted to follow that ...

Vitamin E – Few Facts That You May Like to Know!

Vitamin E has always been associated with beautiful skin and hair. This fat-soluble vitamin is the blend of antioxidants known for keeping you healthy and young. These antioxidants minimize the cell damage by fighting the free radicals to prevent oxidation. Here are some important facts about vitamin E that would help you make the most out ...

Sample Weight Loss Workout Program for Beginners

Here's an amazing and low-impact weight loss beginner workout program you can do at home. In the last few days you may have started noticing you are gaining weight and not looking quite like you want or did previously. Don’t waste time feeling disappointed or looking for quick fixes, focus on putting in the work to get in the best shape of ...

What To Eat For Energy

Modern lifestyles need a lot of energy just to keep up with the daily demands.  In order to have the energy to function optimally throughout the day we need to be well-rested and eat the right foods to help our bodies power up. The biggest energy-sapping culprit that affects many busy people today is fatigue from not getting enough ...

Top 5 Fitness Hacks To Keep Your Exercise On Track

We all want to be fit don't we, ladies? Sometimes it doesn’t always work out like we want and we may fall off track.  Those intermittent breaks from the routine could end up with us never going back to it.  To avoid quitting, we all look for some simple tricks and hacks to keep us on track that do not require much effort, but helps us stay in ...

How To Stop Being A Junk Food Junkie Webinar (video)

Adrienne, Nutrition Specialist of Squirrel Power Nutrition and I were at it again and talked about how to stop being a junk food junkie.  We really shared a lot of information in this approximately 40 minute webinar.  We talked about the addictive effects of sugar and how to combat crazy cravings in order to stay on track with your fitness and ...

7 Tips To Go Organic This Summer

Organic produce and other products are called as such, because they are grown without the use of pesticides, synthetic fertilizers, sewage sludge, genetically modified organisms, or ionizing radiation. Animals that produce meat, poultry, eggs and other dairy products do not consume antibiotics and growth hormones as well. Choosing organic is a ...

4 Big Reasons Why You Need a Fitness Tracker In Your Life

Aerial yoga, fitness video games, and lemon and cayenne pepper cleanses—all fitness trends that suddenly took the world by storm and then lost popularity as quickly as they skyrocketed into the spotlight. Fitness trends come and go, and some are effective, but most produce more hype than they do results. One of the newest trends in ...

5 Tips to Ensure Good Health

Follow these tips to ensure your good health this year. It’s never too late to make a New Year’s resolution, or simply to strive to live just that much healthier for the rest of the year. Whether you are looking at the holidays in the rear view mirror or you see that they are fast approaching again, making just a few changes to your ...

3 Tips To Keep Your Fitness Resolution

If you made a fitness resolution this year, here are 3 tips to help you keep them. Guest post by Patricia of Divas In Transition The New Year is an exciting time. It brings the possibility of starting over, new opportunities, new doors etc.  Each year millions of people make resolutions. Losing weight is the top resolution. As the ...

5 Reasons Why Skinny Is Not All That

Let me start by saying this article is not an indictment on anyone who is naturally inclined to be skinny, slim or thin. I want to speak to the mounds of people who are striving to make their bodies look and do something it naturally can’t or won’t do – be skinny. We see it all around us, signs and messages suggesting that being ...

Plenti Yogurt To Eat

    With my busy schedule it has gotten even harder for me to eat on a regular schedule and stay full for a few hours while I go about my day.  I realized that since I am constantly on the go, I needed healthy transportable food that can go with me.  I recently found out about Plenti Greek Yogurt and figured it may be ...

5 Non-Physical Benefits of Getting Fit

Getting fit rocks! You may be reading this, sitting in a comfy chair and wondering why you should bother. Maybe your doctor says that you are healthy so why should you get out there and sweat instead of watch television or read a good book? Here are a few reasons why getting fit will energize your life in ways that you may not have thought of ...

Parting Is Such Sweet Sorrow

Hi everyone!  It might look a little different around here.  Well after much deliberation Sheila of The Frugal Exerciser and I have decided to discontinue our weekly Workout Wednesday Link Ups.  It's been a lot of fun and we have met a TON of amazing people so parting is such sweet sorrow.  BUT due to some other commitments that have taken ...

Featured Fitale Karissa

FFFC:  Please introduce yourself to our readers. K:  Hi, I’m Karissa. I’m 30 and was born and raised in San Diego County where I still live. I’ve been married to my high school boyfriend for ten years and we have an 8 year old daughter Isabella. [Tweet "Read about Karissa and her stroke recovery at the age of 25. #healthyliving ...

EWG Food Scores App Scores Big!

I am so excited about this new healthy food app I just learned about on The Chalkboard Blog.  It is called the Eat Well Guide (EWG) Food Scores app.  This is a food shopping app that takes grocery shopping to the next level especially if you are looking to avoid certain chemicals and additives common in our foods today. [Tweet "EWG Food ...

5 Tips for Healthy Meals for a Busy Lifestyle

Who is looking for at least 5 tips for healthy meals for a busy lifestyle?  While life may not get any less busy, you can at least be prepared and make sure you still consume healthy meals. We have all been the victim of being unprepared when it comes to food and hunger.  Among a day of work, running errands, working out, and the numerous ...

Surprise! Unhealthy is Now Healthy

Can you believe what was once unhealthy is now healthy?  Scientific studies are being conducted on thousands of items of food that we consume every day.  Some of these studies show how these once deemed unhealthy foods are not as detrimental to your health as initially thought. Below are just a few examples of what was once considered an ...

The Key To Successful, Healthy Weight Loss

If you've been struggling with your weight then keep reading to learn the key to successful healthy weight loss. Health is Wealth! There is nothing that can be achieved in life unless you have a healthy mind and body. Everything in this world is achieved through positive thoughts. A little thought put into leading a healthy life will do no ...