Disclaimer: I received complimentary Vega Sport Energy Bars in order to conduct a product review. All opinions and statements are my own. As many of you know from reading this blog, I participate in intense workouts every week at the Sanders Optimum Fitness boot camp and I leave there hungry and ready to devour 10 eggs in a single setting. I have been looking for a quality product that could fuel my intense workouts but not contain a bunch of crappy fillers. Trust me – I read the labels on some of these “healthy” products and many are full of sugar and fillers to stretch it or enhance the flavor. Since I’m no stranger to Vega I figured I would try their Vega Sport Energy Bar to see if it could #fuelyourbetter or rather fuel me better. I like their Vega One Protein Powder in French Vanilla so I figured, what’s there to lose?

Let’s get on to the review. I received 2 boxes of 12 bars each in Chocolate Coconut Almond flavor. These bars are plant-based, gluten-free and non-GMO – YIPPEE!!! I had an exercise shoot for a local news channel Fox45 Live to celebrate National Physical Fitness and Sports Month as well as a promotion for my coach’s online boot camp so I decided to eat them.
When I ate them:
I brought 2 in my gym bag and pulled out one as I was leaving the Gold’s Gym studio. I also ate one right before my 5:30 am boot camp workouts throughout the week to see how it would fuel my sprints.
My review:
My first impression – DELICIOUS. Tastes like a moist brownie with nuts. The chocolate taste wasn’t overpowering and there was a nice crunch with the almonds. I barely tasted the coconut but that’s ok. I came home, got the kids ready for school, dropped them off and showed up at my office. I know you probably want to know if it delivered the fuel and energy and the answer is a resounding YES!!!! Remember, I ate a Vega Sport Energy Bar before my boot camp workouts and thank goodness I did because all week we had 1-hour workouts with sprints, jogs, push ups, agility and suicide drills. I was out of breath due to intensity but I was NOT hungry and had the energy to keep up with everyone in class. Actually, I downplay it – during several of our sprint drills I was running past a few of my solid boot camp sisters! They are fast but the days I ate my energy bar – I was a wee bit faster. It also helped with endurance – meaning I could do more sprints, more often and still perform. YEAH BABY!!!!
What I liked:
I like they are plant-based, gluten-free and non-GMO. They taste “clean” and I like that – clean fuel. After I ate them I had a burst of energy. Considering the first ingredient on the list of this Vega Sport Energy Bar is dates, those dates were kicking in and I had energy for days. The other great thing about this bar is that it held me for a few hours. I did eat egg omelettes all week when I arrived at work for more protein but the energy lasted for a few hours which felt good.
What I didn’t like:
Nothing, I really liked the bar. For those of you who don’t care for chocolate, coconut or almond – you may not like this bar.
Overall impression:
For those of us who enjoy those flavors, especially blended together, you will be delighted with this energy bar. Again, think moist brownie. Overall I really enjoyed the taste, size and texture of this sport bar and am ecstatic I have another box remaining to help take my workouts to the next level. Out of 10 stars I give this product a solid 10.
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