FFF Challenge #7: Eat 2 Fresh Green Salads a Day

We are now beginning with challenge #7.  This week's challenge should be amenable given the summer holiday. Drum roll please..............this week's challenge is:  Eat two fresh green salads a day M-F Green salads are crispy, fresh and cool and with the warm weather - extremely refreshing.  Remember, the darker the greens, the better for ...

Almond Coconut Milk Blend – Blue Diamond

While at the grocery store today with all intentions to purchase some more unsweetened almond milk - I ran across this by Blue Diamond.   It only has 60 cals per serving and only 6 grams of SUGAR!  I had to try that as a base for my smoothies this week which will focus on the color GREEN! Has anyone ever tried it?   If so what do you ...

My Bahamas Body

And this is what I looked like coming out of the water in the Bahamas.  I can stand to lose some more fat so the definition can show through. Hey - at least I am honest.  Plan to participate in an ab challenge this month with Strong Like Susan.  Stay tuned as I post my progress and gulp~measurements! [slideshow]

Calling all guest bloggers

Do you have a weight loss journey story you would like to share with others? Do you enjoy a certain physical fitness activity or class you want to spread the word about? Do you like to prepare delicious and healthy meals or have a special healthy recipe (with pictures) to showcase? Are you interested in contributing to the Femme Fitale Fit ...

FitFluential Workout

I found this posted on Facebook and it looks pretty intense yet doable!!!!  It's by FitFluential, Inc.  The Femme Fitale Fit Club crew will have a fit day very soon where we work this out I mean it is only 30 minutes so it won't take up that much time. If you try it, leave a comment below and let me know how it goes.

In The Gym with Dr. Lanette Leadbetter

I met this outstanding lady about one year ago as we have a mutual friend and sorority sister who was experiencing some pretty significant milestones in her life such as marriage and having a baby.  We came together frequently last year to celebrate her event showers.  Through this time I had an opportunity to have conversations with her often ...

Vegetable Garden Update

I posted an article back on May 22, 2012 after I planted some basic vegetables in pots on my back deck.  I planted plum tomatoes, zucchini, cucumbers, red bell pepper and habañero pepper.  I got rid of last year's rosemary and cut back the oregano and mint.  What do you think of my little babies?  They are growing up so fast and I can't wait ...

Sugar Sugar Everywhere

  When someone talks to me about how they have modified their diet, increased their exercise and still can't lose weight my mind starts to thinking.  If they are putting in the hard work in diet and exercise why aren't they seeing results.  Now, when it comes to women there are many reasons that can account for the needle staying steady ...

CCF Upper Body Circuit With Plyometric Ab Sculpting

Recently received an email to view this and I am hooked!  I can see myself working this out in the gym!  Let me know if you plan to try this workout.  Go hard or go home!  Let's GO! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mEKNGsQgccM&feature=em-share_video_user  

My Day At The Spa

Every once in a while we need to take time out for ourselves and get pampered.  All of the activities and stress of the days and weeks really wear on you and having someone else pay special attention to you is a much needed treat every now and again.  I mean we are FEMME Fitale after all and one special way we like to relax is to live lavish if ...

Rootbalance Negative Ion Bracelet

I bought this bracelet to help with stress and to give me more energy during my hectic day.  I wore it for about 1 month and got a pretty color to boot.  Has anyone else tried this bracelet and if so - did you see any results?  Please post a comment below on your feedback and tell me what you thought of it so we can compare results.  ...

FFF Challenge #6: No Soft Drinks of Any Kind

We are now beginning with challenge #6.  Yeah.....these are going to start to become more challenging! Drum roll please..............this week's challenge is: Drink no soft drinks of any kind One of the best ways to lose weight is to curb extra and empty calories!  Well soft drinks are nothing but sugar overload along with empty calories. ...

Friday Motivation!

  Source:  Leahremilletblog.com

Eating Healthy

I'm about to go on my mini world tour and eating healthy is always a challenge for me when I am off of my routine.  Here is a very good video by one of Femme Fitale's fitness idol who explains a very good way to trump that challenge and still have a good time while on vacation! I hope you enjoy! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r9NX3OZsAQM  

Vacation Time Workout

This is one of my trainer's all time favorites!  I did this workout some time last year and can still feel the "burn".  Try and let me know how you feel afterwards by leaving a comment below! Equipment Needed: Barbell Step Bench Exercise Reps Weight Walking lunges 12 25 Squats 20 25 Shoulder presses (palms facing each other)...