You Can Do It Workout

Back to the grind again today.  This morning my trainer really amped it up and kept it mixed up and interesting.  My body is trying to recover.  :-)  Try this workout and let me know how you do. Equipment needed:  Hand weights Cable machine Leg press machine Squat machine Bench Print Workout Here: Exercise Reps Weight Leg ...

Monte Sanders Optimum Total Body Boot Camp

Who has participated in a fitness boot camp?  I have never done it and am quite intrigued by the idea.  As many of you know I work out with a trainer 2 times a week and have been doing so well over 14 months.  Every now and again I feel like I need and/or want an additional challenge.  Not saying my workouts are challenging - but I like to ...

Share Your Workout With Us

Do you have a workout you feel creates results? Are you willing to share it?   Send me an email me at [email protected] with the workout and I will post and share on the Femme Fitale Fit Club blog!

FFF Challenge #9: Perform Push Ups Daily

We are now beginning with challenge #9. We are transitioning into the more physical challenges so buckle your seat belts - this is about to become a bumpy ride.  :-) Drum roll please..............this week's challenge is: Perform Push Ups Daily M-F People tend to mixed emotions about push ups.  Either they love them or they hate them but ...

Femme Fitale on Youtube

I am working to break into the world of youtube so that for future challenges, you will be able to see a person describe the challenges to you vs. simply reading through paragraphs of information.   I know it isn't difficult but I am committed to working towards creating some good videos for you all.  I am very direct so they won't be too fancy ...

Two Can Play This Game

Submitted by: Ramona First week of training is in the books!  I was on vacation in Memphis, Tennessee and it was around 105-110 degrees everyday and in the 90s at night! I had every reason to believe that no running was going down for me...but the first morning I was there I woke up with no alarm clock and had running on my brain! I sat on my ...

Green Vital Juice

[Tweet "Green Vitale Juice is what you want to feed your body. Try it. #greenjuice #vitale #juicerecipe"] I know it's green.  Green turns off some people when it comes to their food but I know when it comes to good health - GO GREEN!  This juice is power packed with the good fresh stuff to start your day and power you up.  If anyone is ...

Fabulous Fitale Workout

Thursdays are my group workout days with my trainer.  Now there are a couple of things about Thursday workouts. #1 Our workouts start at 5:30 am!  UGH I have to get up earlier. #2 I am usually still sore from my workout on Tuesday! With all of that said - 30 grueling minutes later is normally met with my sweaty face, exhausted pant and ...

My Magic Garden Update

Sooooo, you all know I started my garden back in May of this year and planted some pretty neat stuff that I like to eat and buy out of the grocery stores.  Well....sniff sniff - I have experienced some casualties everybody! Casualty #1 2, not 1 but 2 of my red bell peppers coming started growing in and rotted before they even turned RED!  What ...

Smoothie Thursday – Strawberry Dream Smoothie Recipe

[Tweet "If you love strawberries try this Strawberry Dream Smoothie Recipe. #smoothierecipe #smoothies"] I make this smoothie regularly because it is simply DIVINE and delicious and tastes like creamy strawberry ice cream without the fat, HFCS or GUILT!  Try it and leave me a comment below! Servings:  (approximately 2.5) Ingredien...

Anxiety And Myths, What Is Holding You Back?

Submitted by: Tim Joseph The following is what I have learned from years of trying to accomplish my own fitness goals. I know a lot of out of shape people who wish they could get themselves in good shape.  For every person that says "I want to look good in a bathing suit" there are a thousand excuses as to why they cannot get themselves off ...

Red Power Juice Recipe

[Tweet "Feel the power with this Red Power Juice Recipe with beets. #beets #beetjuice #juicerecipe"] Do you wake up needing energy to roll out of bed and get started with your day?  Do you normally drink power drinks full of sugar and what not only to crash later in the day?  Well have I got an energy tonic for you - RED POWER JUICE! ...

In The Gym with Kareen Turner

I am very happy to present to you Kareen Turner.  I put a call out for professionals in health and wellness to share their stories and she stepped right up and delivered.  I am sure you all will get a lot from this interview.  Be sure to visit and follow her blog and Facebook Public Page as she is offering up some interesting stuff. Enjoy!...

Fierce Fitale Workout

After a 3 week break, I took it back to the gym with my trainer Heather.  It was like I hadn't missed a step even though I am a little sore right now.  Try this workout and let me know how you feel afterwards.  Hopefully you feel feminine and FIERCE! Equipment needed: Dumbbells Bench Print Workout Here:   Exercise ...

Smoothie Tuesday – Pineapple Smoothie

I am on a smoothie kick and found this on a blog offshoot from Lululemon. [Tweet "Try this awesome pineapple #smoothie by @Lululemon. #smoothierecipe #pineapples"] Pineapple Smoothie Serving Size: 1 (~150 calories) Ingredients 1/2 cup pineapple, cubed and frozen 8 ounces coconut water 1/2 banana drizzle of good honey (optional) ...