My Thursday workout with trainer

I have a wonderful personal trainer.  She works at Brick Bodies which is a local franchise here in Baltimore, MD.  She is inspiring and is a professional ballerina dancer.

I enjoy working out with her and she is very knowledgeable about health and wellness.  I ask her a lot of questions and if she doesn’t know, she will research and follow up with me.  Anywho – we work out together twice a week and it has been that way for the past 12 months.  Her work out sessions are 30 minutes so we keep it moving to get the biggest workout bang for the fitness buck!  I literally end up crawling out of the gym on those really rough days.

I prefer to work out in the early morning because well…I’m a morning person and have the most energy when I first wake up.  So my trainer and I work out together at 6 am on Tuesdays and 5:30 am on Thursdays.  Both days I wake up at 5 am to get myself together to get to the gym.  It takes commitment to get the results right?  I agree.  So I will share some of the workouts we do together.

Now my trainer tends to work me out using supersets which are multiple exercises performed back to back in a circuit without breaks or stopping until you complete the last rep on the last exercise.  Then you get about a 1 minute break and start it all over again completing a circuit of multiple exercises and their corresponding reps back to back and you do not stop until you finish the last rep on the last exercise.  Needless to say this gets my heart rate up and while I complain while doing it – I feel wonderful afterwards and am bouncing with ENERGY!  Enjoy and let me know if you try the below routine.

May   3, 2012 Workout
Reps Weight
1 Seated   row 20 70 lbs
2 Abductors 20 60 lbs
3 Abductors   speed 20 60 lbs
4 Deadman   lift (cable machine) 20 45 lbs
5 Alternating   bicep curls 1 minute 30 lbs
6 Jump   lunges 1 minute
7 Seated   row 20 70 lbs
8 Abductors 20 60 lbs
9 Abductors   speed 20 60 lbs
10 Deadman   lift (cable machine) 20 45 lbs
11 Alternating   bicep curls 1 minute 30 lbs
12 Jump   lunges 1 minute
13 Leg   press 20 90 lbs
14 Leg   press speed 20 90 lbs
15 Decline   crunches 20 NA
16 Decline oblique crunch twists 20 NA
17 Leg   press 20 90 lbs
18 Leg   press speed 20 90 lbs
19 Decline   crunches 20 NA
20 Decline   oblique crunch twists 20 NA

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