How To Workout Like You Mean Business

How To Workout Like You Mean Business #fitness

Without intensity and overload, no training routine will provide maximum results, no matter how many times you repeat it. If you are serious about showing off a sculpted physique, you need to get out of your comfort zone. Increase the duration and difficulty of your workout routine, and introduce variety. Your muscles need to stay under tension longer, and you have to make it happen. Challenge your body to the limit and beyond.

Get serious

Get serious

The same daily weightlifting routine will keep you in good shape, but it will not yield increased muscle mass. What you need to do is to add more weight, and increase it gradually. This high-intensity training means you have to bring muscle fibers to the point of exhaustion.  Push yourself to their limit, and see how your muscles respond.

Work the muscle from a different angle to get additional fibers into action. Utilize training technique of multi-sets. They come in many variations and include supersets, tri-sets, giant sets, etc. They will improve your blood flow and shorten the time you spend in the gym. Supersets, for example, activate a bigger percentage of the muscle area, which will spur some extra growth.

No rest ’till you drop

Next, increase the repetition tempo for better muscle recruitment. If you experience the muscle failure, use partial repetitions or call your training partner to step in for the assisted repetition. When doing partial reps, it is best to repeat the strongest part of the movement. This is a safe way to increase the intensity of chest pressing and bicep and hamstring curls, but it is not recommended for all exercises.

You might want to drop dead in some moments, but you will need to shorten the rest intervals. This is not only another safe, but also quite effective way to stay in a high gear. Give yourself around 30 seconds for recovery, and get busy again. Keep in mind that the sublime execution of the movements is crucial if you want to avoid injuries.

Additional steps

All the blood and sweat might not be enough if you don’t have a good nutrition- a nice mixture of fats, proteins, carbohydrates. To ensure the top-notch results you might also need to include workout supplements.  Look for some tested ones, specialized in muscle recovery. Programs like these are important for gym overachievers. Your mind may be set on the task, but your muscles have their own capacity, and it is important to pamper them as you are pumping them to reach maximum results.

Last, but not the least, always keep track of your progress. It might be slow at the beginning, but in the long run you will be impressed by the results.

Truth or dare

You want to be more satisfied with the image in the mirror? Well, break a sweat and bump up your intensity. Take it to the next level, but stay focused.  You want the perfect execution, not the injury putting you out of business for some time. Intensity need to be experienced, and spoils come to those who dare. Like a Japanese Maglev train, break your own record, and then break it again. Small changes will make a huge difference over time.


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9 Replies to "How To Workout Like You Mean Business"

  • comment-avatar
    Carla November 9, 2015 (7:09 am)

    For me the most important sick of this whole post was defining what working out like I mean it 🙂 looked like for me!

  • comment-avatar
    Carla November 9, 2015 (7:10 am)

    I’m almost laughing how it all looked normal until I hit submit – – then AutoCorrect leaped in 🙂

    • comment-avatar
      November 9, 2015 (8:32 am)

      I saw that. Lol

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    Renz November 9, 2015 (10:53 am)

    The worse part for me is pushing through past that “no rest till you drop” step.. lol

    • comment-avatar
      November 9, 2015 (12:15 pm)

      It can be uncomfortable but once you do golden.

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    Sarah Grace November 9, 2015 (11:21 am)

    Great tips girl! SO RIGHT about not being able to reach your goals without having the right nutrition too!


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    November 9, 2015 (11:57 am)

    Good points! You mean business girlfriend! Sometimes it’s hard to push myself to that point but always feel so good when I do

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    Mary Long
    November 9, 2015 (2:35 pm)

    I SO needed to read this right now. My issue is starting (again). I have completely fallen off the workout wagon ( minus my daily yoga ). These are really great tips and reminders of goals I set for myself.

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    Kalliopi November 14, 2015 (10:18 pm)

    Great advice!Thank’s for sharing!