My Day At The Spa

Every once in a while we need to take time out for ourselves and get pampered.  All of the activities and stress of the days and weeks really wear on you and having someone else pay special attention to you is a much needed treat every now and again.  I mean we are FEMME Fitale after all and one special way we like to relax is to live lavish if only for 1 hour or so.

I recently returned from the Atlantis in Nassau, Bahamas and while there decided to take my vacation to the next level and splurge on a spa treatment.  I obviously came at the right time because you could get up to $200 worth of services for $99!  They are running a special from now until October.  I was feeling really lucky since most of the services range between $150 and $300 bucks.

My husband decided to join me and pick out a service for himself since he likes special treatment as well.  I go in to the front double doors and was greeted by very helpful and gracious staff behind a counter.  They handed me a catalog and made it very easy for me to select a service.  I chose the Mandara Balinese Body Polish with Massage for 50 minutes.  Twenty five of those minutes would be the back massage.

I arrived the next day for my10 amappointment and was greeted by cheerful staff who whisked me away to the women’s locker/waiting room and provided a brief tour of the digs.  They fitted me for slippers, showed me to my locker, pointed out the aroma room where one would go, sit and wait and took us towards the “Taking of the waters” which is a big inside pool with a tempid water section and a heated outer water section that is heated up to 100 degrees!  OUCH!  One could partake in taking of the waters at their own convenience for the entire day if they like.   My big question was – “Do you go in naked or what?”  I later found out – you do go in bare butt naked.

I was then shown my locker and changed out of my vacation clothes and slipped into the nice fluffy robe they provided.  I then found a lounge chair in the aroma room and drank some of that cool and refreshing cucumber water.  Then an attendant gathered me and one other guest and whisked me upstairs to another seated waiting area.  I saw my hubby so we chatted until his masseuse came to collect him and mine me.

My masseuse’s name was Salima and she was very nice.  She showed me to my room where there was mood lighting, light spa music and the mixed gentle aroma of ginger, jasmine and citrus.  Already made me want to fall asleep.  She stepped out while I removed my robe and laid on the table under the towel.

She then returned (perfect timing) and began my massage by pouring oil on my back and limbs and then taking the lime/ginger scrub and working it into my back, arms, buttocks, neck, legs and feet.  It was HEAVEN!  I have no idea how much time passed because I started to fall asleep.  She then gently asked me to turn over, she laid the towel back across me and began doing the same thing to the front of my limbs.  She asked me to scrub my stomach myself.  While I was doing this she turned on the shower in the room (who knew there was a shower in there?), had me test the water and left the room while I showered off the scrub and oil.  My skin felt like SILK!!!!!!

Salima returned to the room, as I laid on the table under warm blankets and she began to massage my back.  Her first response was “Wow you are tight”.  I already knew that due to the stressful job I have and all of the other over-commitments in my life causing me to be a little stressful.  She noodled some knots which were a little uncomfortable at the time but very much needed as my back felt much better afterwards.  My 50 minutes were up too soon and it was time to open my eyes and return back to my locker to get dressed and leave the facilities to carry on with my vacation.

I highly recommend the Mandara Spa to anyone staying at Atlantis.  The staff is friendly, the services are excellent and the pricing wasn’t too bad.  Life is short and each day races by from this meeting to that event to another appointment.  Remember to take time to refresh and rejuvenate.  Splurge a little on some pampering.  I guarantee, like your workouts, you will NOT regret it.

Leave me a comment and share your favorite spa.

All photos located at the Mandara Spa website:

1 Reply to "My Day At The Spa"

  • Friday Five: Five Places I'd Like to Workout May 23, 2014 (12:01 am)

    […] a few years ago I did workout in the gym that was connected to the spa.  Read all about the spa here.  They had basic gym equipment but you got to overlook the ocean and the green grass and trees. […]