Meal Monday: Thai Red Curry Vegetables Recipe

Try this easy-to-make Thai red curry stir fry recipe.  It’s quick, healthy and a meal the entire family will love.

Thai Red Curry Vegetables Recipe

I originally saw this Thai Red Curry Vegetables recipe on EarthCandy’s youtube channel run by my friend Jamila Crawford.  We went to high school together and who knew so many moons later she would blow up like being a celebrity chef and all?  When I saw this recipe I just had to try it and it didn’t disappoint.

I did tweak it a little to my taste and I encourage you to do the same.  Enjoy the video and please leave a comment if you attempt this recipe and let me know what you think.


1.  Thai Kitchen Red Curry Sauce

2.  1 TB Thai Kitchen Red Curry Paste

3.  2 packets Truvia

4.  2 TB Soy Sauce

5.  Sprinkle of crushed red pepper to taste

6.  1 TB sesame oil (you can use regular oil but it won’t taste the same)

7.  Package of stir fry vegetables (variety of veggies including mushrooms, snow peas, broccoli, onion, carrots, bell pepper, etc.)

8.  1 lb of protein of your choice (i.e. chicken, shrimp, etc.)

Thai Red Curry Vegetables recipe

Special note:  My 10-year old daughter helped me film this and I think she did a pretty good job.

1 Reply to "Meal Monday: Thai Red Curry Vegetables Recipe"

  • comment-avatar
    AsianFood May 30, 2020 (6:03 am)

    Hi Auther!
    Great suggestions!You’re totally right! Thanks for such an amazing post about food.