Recipe 4 results

Meal Mondays: Homemade Granola

I can't emphasize how easy this is!!  Also how delicious.  Once you finish you can sprinkle it on yogurt, put it in smoothies or eat it plain by itself.  I like to eat mine as cereal.  PACKED with chocolately goodness!!! [Tweet "Follow this homemade #granola #recipe and save money and eat healthy. #fitfood #eatclean #recipes"] ENJO...

Chef Ahki’s Mayan Pizza (My Attempt)

I follow Chef Ahki and her blog as she always puts out very informative information around nutrition, her detox tonic and wellness in general.  She recently posted her Mayan Pizza recipe and I just had to try it as it looked like a delicious alternative to the dairy and wheat version (my son is allergic to both).  Since he is such a picky ...

Meal Monday: Thai Red Curry Vegetables Recipe

Try this easy-to-make Thai red curry stir fry recipe.  It's quick, healthy and a meal the entire family will love. I originally saw this Thai Red Curry Vegetables recipe on EarthCandy's youtube channel run by my friend Jamila Crawford.  We went to high school together and who knew so many moons later she would blow up like being a celebrity ...

Prepare for Success

This is a challenge for me but for those of you needing to manage your diet, preparation is what is required for success!  I love following this channel on because they  have nice wonderful healthy recipes and the food is DELICIOUS!!!! Check them out! Let me know if you  try some of ...