If you want to become a morning runner check out these strategies to help you do just that.

If you struggle with running or getting up in the morning here’s how to become a morning runner when you’re tired, just beginning, not a morning person or feeling lazy #runchat #runner #runnerscommunity #running #motherrunner #blackgirlsrun #runnersworld #lazyrunner #bgr #runchat
If the snooze button is your favorite thing in the world and your morning routine consists of rolling in the bed for half an hour, there is a good chance that you think that morning runners are completely nuts.
However, jogging that early is actually a great way to start your day! Running first thing in the morning will not only boost your productivity, enhance your mood and help you feel more energized and uplifted for the rest of the day, but will also help you burn more calories.
Did someone say beach body? Even if you are not an early bird these tips will help you become a morning runner and build some amazing healthy habits along the way.
Prepare your gear the night before
Stumbling through the dark half-asleep trying to figure out where your gear is  wastes those precious minutes and gives you just enough time to change your mind and go back to bed.
Don’t allow yourself to make excuses, you can do this!
Prepare everything beforehand and create the environment you need for success. Therefore, lay out your clothes so you can easily grab them and put them on when you wake up.
Keep in mind that as a morning runner you should get a reflective running gear that will allow you to stay seen and visible in the dark, which is extremely important if you are running anywhere near roads.
Make sure you put your phone on the charger so you will have a full battery in the morning, prepare the snacks and your water bottle the night before and download those songs that keep your body moving. If you are not one of those spontaneous people who like to wing it, plan your running routine beforehand.
Get your ZZZs
If you spend the whole night binge-watching your favorite TV show, there is no chance you will wake up at 6.30am ready to get your sweat on. Therefore, make sure you go to bed early and get enough sleep during the nighttime.
This is not only great for your morning routine, but for your overall health as well!
At the beginning going to bed early will be a problem, so create a sleep ritual that helps you unwind. You can meditate, do yoga, drink warm milk, listen to soothing music, read a book or take a bath, whatever helps you relax.
Also, avoid heavy eating in the evening because otherwise your stomach will surely keep you up.
Wake up!
Now, this is the hardest part. Yes, I know, those extra five minutes of sleep after the alarm goes off are the best, but they can easily turn into two hours of sleep. You are your biggest enemy here and you need to find a way to beat your sleepy, morning self.
The first thing you need to do is put the alarm away. If you can easily reach your phone and hit that snooze button, you won’t wake up on time, believe me. Therefore, put your alarm all the way across the room, so you can’t switch it off without getting out of bed. When you are already up you will be less likely to give in to the temptation to hit the snooze button and go back to sleep.
If you have a really hard time waking up in the morning set two alarm clocks or invest in a wake-up lightbox that will brighten your room the moment the alarm goes off.
Drink and eat
After a good night’s sleep, your body will be dehydrated so drink plenty of water and pack your water bottle. A small morning snack will give you energy you need for your morning run so eat something before you head out the door. You need to keep it light so eat a banana (just one!), some dried fruits, an energy bar or a hard-boiled egg.
Keep in mind that getting up in the morning and going for a run will be very hard at the beginning. However, after a few weeks things will begin to change and soon running will become a regular part of your morning routine.
Just give it time and be patient. If you need extra motivation, ask a friend to exercise with you. Hitting that snooze button and skipping the run won’t be your first choice if you know your training buddy is waiting for you to show up.
To wrap things up
When you heed these 3 strategies you will find yourself not only running in the morning more consistently, but you will have the energy for it too.
Are you a morning, afternoon or late evening runner?
2 Replies to "How To Become A Morning Runner"
Femme Fitale Fit Club BlogRunners Ultimate Strength Training Workout - Femme Fitale Fit Club Blog October 9, 2019 (8:07 am)
[…] out this ultimate exercise workout routine for runners to improve strength, endurance, power and reduce the risk of […]
Alberta December 11, 2019 (8:41 pm)
In order to feel the world of morning runners, I have recently practiced this habit. I have been insisting on it for a week. At present, everything feels good. Next, I will share my experience during this time. If you are going to be a morning runner, maybe the following share is useful for you.